Best Mic skills

John Cena and Randy Orton.
Cena is so Soo SOOO funny what he says about Lita "Ho comes the money" That is classic Lmaoooo...
And Randy... He is just awesome in every way, I say he is one of the best in WWE!
Cena tries to imitate The Rock & Jericho too much sometimes in my opinion. the whole thing with Lita reminds me of Jericho ragging on Stephanie back in the day.
Right Now..
Booker T

Of All Time
HHH as a heel...
He is always on point...I remember everybody hated him a couple years ago complaining that he was on tv too much...was keeping other wrestlers down,etc. He was in his heel prime then...feuding with Steiner, Goldberg,etc. Then Evolution began. He was so thorough on the mic that you believed every word he said.
Gotta be Orton! Booker T is just hilarious so is Armando Elejandro Estrada and My all time Favorite
Mrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Kennedy....(wait)...(wait)...Kennedy
right now probly edge it made me laugh when he slapped john cena's dad
right now- Armando Elejandro Estrada, MR Kennedy, vince and shane, DX(always pluggin WWE merchandise there own or even Vince's new DVD) oh yeah and King BOOOOOKERRRRRRR!!!

ALLtime- The Rock and Jericho
Edge overdoes it, making it awful. Y2J and the Rock were the best. Randy Orton..? His voice never changes to affect his mood, it's so lame.
The Rock/Chris Jericho, and when you put these two in a promo, you know your in for one of the greatest promos of all time. Currently it's definately Alenjandro Armando Estrada.
Maybe not so much anymore due to his lengthy, and I mean lengthy debates with mick foley, But what about Ric Flair in his prime? He could cut a promo on anyone!
Chris Jericho
Triple H
and Vince are the funniest on the mike

Johnny Nitro-Like a chicken on Viagra with a pole jammed up its arse!
John Cena i think is the best guy on the mic skills at the moment he really knows how to get the crowd on his side. as for the heels i would say...when triple H was a heel he was really good, like the best but now i would say edge really knows to get heat.
John Cena & HHH has the best mic skill now but back then it's was Rock & Austion

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