Best matches (so far) in 2014.


Getting Noticed By Management
We are heading towards the end of 2014, we are 2 months away and here comes the discussion about the best matches of 2014. It might be a bit premature, since we still have 2 months, but considering we only have two PPVs left, one of which seems pretty unimportant and boring as of late (Survivor Series), I guess it's a good time to start this and talk about it.

-Royal Rumble: Bray Wyatt vs Daniel Bryan. The first big match of Bray Wyatt as solo. Amazing match. Bray picked up the win after hitting Sister Abigail twice, once on the outside, and once more in the ring.

-Royal Rumble: Randy Orton vs John Cena. On the same night, we got the #127 match between the two. It might have not been a masterpiece, but it created drama, both guys stole each other's finishers and it actually better than expect.

-Elimination Chamber: The Shield vs The Wyatt Family. In my opinion, this is the match of the year. The build was awesome and the crowd was chanting "this is awesome" during the staredown during the entrances. The match had everything. The Shield dominating, the Wyatts getting the upper hand, power spots, high flying spots, brawl and the Wyatts came out victorious.

-Wrestlemania: Daniel Bryan vs HHH. I didn't like this match as much as other people did. It was really amazing, but not 5/5 like others rate it, at least to me.

-Wrestlemania: Later on, we have Orton vs Batista vs Bryan. This match was the match of the night for me. Drama, outside interference, kick outs from finishers, great announce table spot, submissions and all.

-The Shield vs Evolution I: Their first encounter. It wasn't the best match, but it's worth being mentioned here simply because of the teams involved. Seth had an awesome spot falling down from the balcony.

-The Shield vs Evolution II: Much better than their first match, it became really chaotic. Basically, I believe they tried to copy the Wyatt vs Shield match with the chaos etc, they didn't live up to the hype though.

-Money in the Bank Ladder match: This match continues the tradition that the "lesser" MitB match is the better one of the two and usually MotY candidate. A lot of inside stories were developed in there, many spots, great action and tension between Dean and Seth.

-Battleground: Usos vs Harper&Rowan - 2 out of 3 falls. Probably the best tag team match of the year, maybe even in the past decade. The first 2 falls started out pretty slowly, but didn't take long. They were the basics for what would follow. The third fall took a long time, with many innovative moves, close calls, great high flying action and power moves and the crowd being hot for that.

-Dean vs Seth I @ Summerslam: The lumberjack match might not have been the best scenario, but to me, it did the job. They weren't given much time to work, but in those 10-15 minutes, they really did good, fighting all over the arena, falling off the top rope to the outside on top of everyone else and so on.

-Lesnar vs Cena I: On the same night, we got this match. Not the best technical match or anything, but a match that will hardly be forgotten. It was the most dominating performance in any championship match and therefore, it deserves a nomination here.

-Dean vs Seth II @ Hell in a Cell: Another MotY candidate for me. It had a unique start, especially for the PG standards. Great spot with both guys dropping to the announce tables from the side of the Cell. A lot of emotion expressed mainly by Ambrose, good brawl, weapons, passion and hatred and a great in my opinion twist in the end, with Bray Wyatt returning and attacking Dean.

There are other honorable mentions: the Shield vs Wyatts happened a couple more times (or three more), with all matches being decent. Cesaro offered some great matches, with his swing, vs Cena, Orton, Bryan, Ziggler, Sheamus etc. Lesnar vs Undertaker will be one of the most historic matches in history, even though it wasn't really good. The Chamber match was also really good, with a great ending with Bryan getting screwed and Randy winning.

With only 2 months left, and without any real feud going on at the moment that can produce an amazing match, it seems like the above matches are MotY candidates. To me, the best one was the Shield vs the Wyatts. 5/5.

In case I forgot any match, make sure you mention it in the comments!
I'd personally say the match of the year for me was Evolution vs. The Shield, with Taker vs Brock a close second since the streak ended.
I know it hasn't happened yet, but Bray Wyatt vs Dean ambrose With any stipulation, or even no stipulation will be a candidate for match o the year.

Randy orton vs Seth Rollins will definitely be one of the best matches of 2014 if it happens at TLC, but possibly will be at royal rumble but not sure.
Cesaro v Cena

Was one of my favorites as well. I know it's not going to get as much attention as the others but they blew the roof off that night and imo would've stolen the show in most PPVs. Probably won't even be a nominee but least it got a lot of much deserved "this is awesome" chants. :)
For me honestly off the top of my Orton vs. Ziggler a few weeks ago on Raw. Awesome pacing, gave the guys 20 minutes, had the cool finish with elevated RKO variation and had my attention the whole time.
When I saw this thread one match comes to mind and that's Cena/Cesaro. They had what must have only been 20 minutes on Raw in February but it was a classic. There were no gimmicks. Very little build up and basically no story going into the match but the performance was sensational. Bell to bell it was fantastic. Two guys going through their full range with a nice mix of false finishes rather than what we usually get.

Moreover, it made Cesaro. A few weeks before the Chamber he needed an extra boost and Cena gave that. Yes he lost but that was a huge match for him. Before, he was a tag-team wrestler who was obviously talented but never really stood out from the pack. Then he gets in the ring with Cena and his "shovel". Now in 20 minutes Cena helps to make Cesaro (a tag-team wrestler with little charisma) look like a main-event level talent. It was a masterpiece.

Other matches I enjoyed: Bryan v Wyatt; Cena v Orton; Cesaro v Zayn; Shield v Wyatts; Bryan v HHH; Bryan v Orton v Batista and both Shield v Evolution matches. This has actually been a really good year for matches but Cesaro/Cena is the stand-out for me. Indeed, as a fan, I can easily understand The Shield and The Wyatt Family having an amazing match. Or indeed something like MITB or HIAC. Especially with all the hype, it doesn't seem that difficult but Cesaro/Cena was something where you step back and truly appreciate how good wrestling can be.
The Shield V The Wyatt Family at Elimination Chamber for me. All six guys were on their game that night, probably because they knew how much hype was surrounding the match. It didn't disappoint at all. The crowd were great as well which helped just that little bit more. My favourite moments from the match were Rollins having his little flurry of moves on Harper about halfway through the match, Harper's dive through the ropes (the first time he did it on WWE TV I think, I remember going crazy when he did it) Rollins going through the table and Reigns powering out of Bray's Sister Abigail before his flurry and the eventual finish. I still love to go back and watch that match. In fact, think I'll do it right now. :D
El Torito vs. Mini Gator from RAW in Brooklyn! Ok, maybe not. How bout Zack Ryder vs. Heath Slater that was taped on Superstars that night? Actually pretty good.

Ok, ok, in all seriousness...
Cesaro has put forth a lot of good efforts this year. His match with Dolph at HIAC was great, and his match with Cena was amazing. I think a serious MoTY candidate is Cesaro vs. Sami Zayn from NXT Arrival. They had a great feud, and ended it off with maybe their best effort. The Shield Wyatt matches and Shield Evolution matches were all classics. The Rollins Ambrose encounters were both insanely good.

If I had to pick one, I think the Ambroe Rollins Cell Match may be at the top of the list right now, but there's certainly a lot of contenders. And that's not even including other companies.

Also, look out for Sami Zayn vs. Adrian Neville in December. That will most likely be Match of the Night, and probably Match of the Year.
We are heading towards the end of 2014, we are 2 months away and here comes the discussion about the best matches of 2014. It might be a bit premature, since we still have 2 months, but considering we only have two PPVs left, one of which seems pretty unimportant and boring as of late (Survivor Series), I guess it's a good time to start this and talk about it.

-Royal Rumble: Bray Wyatt vs Daniel Bryan. The first big match of Bray Wyatt as solo. Amazing match. Bray picked up the win after hitting Sister Abigail twice, once on the outside, and once more in the ring.

-Royal Rumble: Randy Orton vs John Cena. On the same night, we got the #127 match between the two. It might have not been a masterpiece, but it created drama, both guys stole each other's finishers and it actually better than expect.

-Elimination Chamber: The Shield vs The Wyatt Family. In my opinion, this is the match of the year. The build was awesome and the crowd was chanting "this is awesome" during the staredown during the entrances. The match had everything. The Shield dominating, the Wyatts getting the upper hand, power spots, high flying spots, brawl and the Wyatts came out victorious.

-Wrestlemania: Daniel Bryan vs HHH. I didn't like this match as much as other people did. It was really amazing, but not 5/5 like others rate it, at least to me.

-Wrestlemania: Later on, we have Orton vs Batista vs Bryan. This match was the match of the night for me. Drama, outside interference, kick outs from finishers, great announce table spot, submissions and all.

-The Shield vs Evolution I: Their first encounter. It wasn't the best match, but it's worth being mentioned here simply because of the teams involved. Seth had an awesome spot falling down from the balcony.

-The Shield vs Evolution II: Much better than their first match, it became really chaotic. Basically, I believe they tried to copy the Wyatt vs Shield match with the chaos etc, they didn't live up to the hype though.

-Money in the Bank Ladder match: This match continues the tradition that the "lesser" MitB match is the better one of the two and usually MotY candidate. A lot of inside stories were developed in there, many spots, great action and tension between Dean and Seth.

-Battleground: Usos vs Harper&Rowan - 2 out of 3 falls. Probably the best tag team match of the year, maybe even in the past decade. The first 2 falls started out pretty slowly, but didn't take long. They were the basics for what would follow. The third fall took a long time, with many innovative moves, close calls, great high flying action and power moves and the crowd being hot for that.

-Dean vs Seth I @ Summerslam: The lumberjack match might not have been the best scenario, but to me, it did the job. They weren't given much time to work, but in those 10-15 minutes, they really did good, fighting all over the arena, falling off the top rope to the outside on top of everyone else and so on.

-Lesnar vs Cena I: On the same night, we got this match. Not the best technical match or anything, but a match that will hardly be forgotten. It was the most dominating performance in any championship match and therefore, it deserves a nomination here.

-Dean vs Seth II @ Hell in a Cell: Another MotY candidate for me. It had a unique start, especially for the PG standards. Great spot with both guys dropping to the announce tables from the side of the Cell. A lot of emotion expressed mainly by Ambrose, good brawl, weapons, passion and hatred and a great in my opinion twist in the end, with Bray Wyatt returning and attacking Dean.

There are other honorable mentions: the Shield vs Wyatts happened a couple more times (or three more), with all matches being decent. Cesaro offered some great matches, with his swing, vs Cena, Orton, Bryan, Ziggler, Sheamus etc. Lesnar vs Undertaker will be one of the most historic matches in history, even though it wasn't really good. The Chamber match was also really good, with a great ending with Bryan getting screwed and Randy winning.

With only 2 months left, and without any real feud going on at the moment that can produce an amazing match, it seems like the above matches are MotY candidates. To me, the best one was the Shield vs the Wyatts. 5/5.

In case I forgot any match, make sure you mention it in the comments!

While separated from the main roster, there are some NXT matches that I think merit attention. Cesaro vs. Sami Zayn at the first NXT Arrival special was a fantastic match. On NXT Takeover, Tyler Breeze vs. Sami Zayn, Charlotte vs. Natalya for the vacant NXT Women's Championship and Adrian Neville vs. Tyson Kidd for the NXT Championship were all, at least, 4 star matches in my mind. The fourway title bout between Neville, Zayn, Kidd & Breeze at the last NXT Takeover also tore the house down.
While separated from the main roster, there are some NXT matches that I think merit attention. Cesaro vs. Sami Zayn at the first NXT Arrival special was a fantastic match. On NXT Takeover, Tyler Breeze vs. Sami Zayn, Charlotte vs. Natalya for the vacant NXT Women's Championship and Adrian Neville vs. Tyson Kidd for the NXT Championship were all, at least, 4 star matches in my mind. The fourway title bout between Neville, Zayn, Kidd & Breeze at the last NXT Takeover also tore the house down.

I didn't mention any NXT matches, even though the action there is by far better than the main roster's, because most people watch the main roster and I didn't watch all of the NXT episodes from the beginning. I guess it's a good way for me to go back and watch some of those matches though. I have watched both Takeovers though, and they had been phenomenal, especially the first one and the fatal four way of the second one. We should expect an epic Neville vs Zayn match at the third Takeover too.
For my money, the two matches that personally evoked the most emotion in me this year were Daniel Bryan v. HHH and Daniel Bryan v. R. Orton v. Batista. Perhaps not the best wrestled matches, but love of professional wrestling isn't always about technicality. Those two matches gave me the biggest rush I've experienced in a while in the context of pro wrestling. Ain't that what it's all about?
Sure this year hasn't been perfect & yes, the WWE stills seems very "stuck in their ways" in regards to several issues such as Cena, pushing certain younger talent/how far they push them, part-timers, using their 3 hour show as a 2 & half hour commercial for the WWE Network, etc. But this year kicked off with a bang with the likes of Batista's return, The Shield turning babyface, Bray becoming a semi-main eventer & Bryan winning the Unified WWE World Title. & now, in addition to several solid matches throughout the year & returns from guys such as Jericho & RVD, we've started to see the rise of Ambrose & Rollins (& eventually Reigns when he returns) as true main eventers. So all in all, I'd say a damn good year so far.

So here are what I think are the Top 20 Matches of 2014... So Far:
(Note: I didn't include any Divas matches because I recently posted in another thread about the best Divas matches/feuds of the modern era & since I already included every Divas match from this year that was worth mentioning IMO, I just decided to keep it as it's own seperate list.)

1.) Winner is Entered into the WWE World Title Match: Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H w/Stepahnie McMahon [Wrestlemania XXX]
2.) Hell in a Cell Match: Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins w/Jamie Noble & Joey Mercury[Hell in a Cell]
3.) No Holds Barred Elimination Match: The Shield vs. Evolution [Payback]
4.) The Shield vs. The Wyatt Family [Elimination Chamber]
5.) Money in the Bank Ladder Match: Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Jack Swagger w/Zeb Colter [Money in the Bank]
6.) Lumberjack Match: Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins [Summerslam]
7.) The Shield vs. Evolution [Extreme Rules]
8.) Daniel Bryan vs. Bray Wyatt [Royal Rumble]
9.) Ladder Match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship: John Cena vs. Randy Orton vs. Roman Reigns vs. Bray Wyatt vs. Cesaro w/Paul Heyman vs. Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Kane [Money in the Bank]
10.) Chamber Match for the WWE World Heavweight Championship: Randy Orton vs. John Cena vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Cesaro vs. Sheamus vs. Christian [Elimination Chamber]
11.) WWE World Heavyweight Championship: John Cena vs. Brock Lesnar w/Paul Heyman [Summerslam]
12.) WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Randy Orton vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Batista [Wrestlemania XXX]
13.) Street Fight: Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins [Monday Night RAW]
14.) 2 out of 3 Falls: Sami Zayn vs. Cesaro [NXT Arrival]
15.) Last Man Standing Match: John Cena w/The Usos vs. Brya Wyatt w/Luke Harper & Erick Rowan [Payback]
16.) Steel Cage Tag Team Match: The Usos vs. Daniel Bryan & Bray Wyatt w/Luke Harper & Erick Rowan [Monday Night RAW]
17.) Contract on a Pole Match: Dean Ambrose vs. John Cena [Monday Night RAW]
18.) The Shield vs. The Wyatt Family II [Monday Night RAW]
19.) Randy Orton vs. Roman Reigns [Summerslam]
20.) Extreme Rules Match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Daniel Bryan vs. Kane [Extreme Rules]

Honorable Mention:
- The Shield vs. Corporate Kane & The New Age Outlaws [Wrestlemania XXX]
- The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar w/Paul Heyman [Wrestlemania XXX]
- I.C. Championship: The Miz vs. Dolph Ziggler [Summerlslam]
- WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Brock Lesnar w/Paul Heyman vs. John Cena [Night of Champions]
- 2 out of 3 Falls Match for the I.C. CHampionship: Dolph Ziggler vs. Cesaro [Hell in a Cell]

Also I'm really excited to see Neville vs. Zayn for the NXT Championship with the Zayn quiting stipulation before the year is over as well as where this Ambrose/Wyatt feud goes & what good matches WWE can pull out of their last two PPVs of the year.
Shield v. Wyatts and Shield v. Evolution II were great matches. I really enjoyed the Ambrose/Rollins Hell in a Cell match as well.

How can you not pick Bryan v. HHH for the World title shot though? WWE finally hit the nail on the head with this whole feud. The long build, Bryan constantly being supressed by The Authority, stacking the odds against the hero underdog. The payoff was so huge that it can't be rivaled by anything in the past few years (except maybe The Streak ending, but that was more shock value than big payoff).
If it is rated on how epic/iconic it was then, surely without a doubt, Lesnar vs Taker and Lesnar vs Cena will both live long in the memory.

If for performance, then I'd have to say one of; the Shield vs the Wyatt family I/the Shield vs Evolution II/John Cena vs Cesaro.
The last one has been mentioned by a few others on here, and whilst it is a low profile match, it was a brilliant match on RAW and absolutely deserves a mention.

The Shield consistently put on great shows in the majority of their matches but the 2 mentioned above stood out more than all the others.
I think it's fair to say the best WWE matches of 2014 have largely been mentioned above. I really do think it's been a great year for WWE, at least on pay-per-view - the best since 2001. Now, if they could just match the standard of their tv shows...

As for my pick, my vote goes to the Money in the Bank ladder match. Kane's interference was annoying but logical, but every participant put in a great shift that night, the best MITB match since the first (still my favourite) in 2005.

I'm glad a poster above mentioned Cesaro v Ziggler from Hell in a Cell. As good as the main event was, I felt the 2/3 falls match for the Intercontinental Championship was the best match of another good card. Indeed, one hallmark of this year on ppv is that the opening contest in almost all of them has been fantastic.
for me the answer is a simple hands down: John Cena vs Cesaro from Monday Night RAW... this was also the time before wwe attemped to/ almost cut all the heat from Cesaro.. he hasn't lost all his steam cause he is that Good..GREAT ALL AROUND.. but for some reason after wrestlemania his writing and creative took a turn for the worst.. but he has sustained..
back to the topic at hand, that was my favorite match because everything felt REAL, they truly suspended my disbelief for the entire time of the in i def didn't 100% bet on Cena winning...
Also, we saw a few completely new moves from both wrestlers, and we saw what i call the " japanese hogan" from Cena... meaning we saw he is totally capable of so much more in ring work..some technical, some power, some brawling...everything he gets so much HATE for, that night he ditched his normal move set as his only comeback offense....

Well to be fair cena has tried/ done this more times this year, but imo this match was the best example of it.. and it was my favorite match..
for me a great match doesn't always require amazing moves off the top rope.. lets not forget savage/steamboat biggest highspots were armdrags!! and a flying crossbody or flying double axehandle!!! no flippy 450... for me a great match / best match of the night of the card, of the year is the one where not only did i not know who was going to win, but i was on the edge of my seat at home exciting for the moment.. in awe of some of the spots because i know what good in ring work takes..and what intense strength some moves reqire.... for example after ten minutes of solid action, it is much more difficult to bodyslam your opponent especially if he shit cans you ( doesn't post / help) meaning when a wrestler has to dead lift another... but watching Cesaro purposely dead lift his opponents always on the side suplex is awesome, this match saw Cesaro dead lift SUPER SUPERPLEX Cena ... the spot was well into their match. i was in awe.. i know how freakin hard that is to do and to pull off with crisp landing and BOOM they did...
its a shame, this match should have told who ever is in charge with the final say... say damn, get the pencil and paper and book a program with cesaro and cena..

it would have, and still would HELP BOTH soo much, cesaro would instantly become a solid main event talent ( which is why i said they cut his steam).. and Cena would look Much stronger, much more of a THREAT to the Beast ...

with Rollins, Ambrose, Cesaro, Ziggler, Sandow, sheamus, miz, ryback, rusev, we have a good enough talented mid card, Cesaro deserves to be in that main event picture full time.. but i guess the more we wait , the more he will be wanted to move up... i just feel ambrose and rollins should have ic belt in their feud, that briefcase needs to go in another's hands... sure i missed a few guys in the talent pool of the mid card.. but ryback gets hate for being a big meat head with 2 moves.. then watch him with rollins, or cesaro or sandow ( guys that can carry and UPLIFT an opponent) make the big man look much better...
Any Cesaro Zayn match has potential to be a great match, and when showing somebody wrestling i will sit them down for either one of those performers and convince them this is the greatest industry in the world. I remember showing my girlfriend Cesaro/Zayn at NXT Arrival and Zayn is now her favourite wrestler to the point where she'll even watch El Generico work and ask me whether or not he'll make it the main roster soon. So essentially a match that can make someone who doesnt watch any wrestling become that engrossed in one of the stars as a performer has to be a candidate. Also Bryan/Wyatt at the Royal Rumble, Cesaro/Cena, and also Ziggler/Cesaro. For me though it's between Cesaro/Zayn and Paige vs Emma for the NXT Womens title, which was the first women's match i've heard that 'This is Awesome' chant and was genuinely a masterclass in storytelling and performance.

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