Best Mario Sports Game?

Soul Reaper

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For me it's gotta be Mario Tennis. The obvious choice is Mario Kart but I'm addicted to Mario Tennis. I really like the Gamecube version, Mario Power Tennis. I hate the game tennis though. My 2nd choice would be Mario Kart. This is a great game. I like the newer Wii version but to me the N64 version is the best. I love getting those power ups then hurting my friends with them. Then I win the race. Overall it's a great game in my opinion.
I think its mario kart by a long shot theres been a version made for almost every nintendo system. I also like power tennis though i got pretty far but then i just couldnt win! lol
Mario Kart for me. It'sjust really fun and addictive, and it's the main one to play. There are so many different versions now, and each one is different in it's own way. It's really fun to play against friends on it as well, they are almost at the finish line and you're just behind them, you send out a shell, hits them, and you win the race. It's just a great game to play, with or without friends.
ive always liked the mario baseball game for the gamecube, because they have lots of characters, each person has their own skills such as yoshi being extremely fast, you can make your own teams and arrange the positions. the only thing that could make the game better is if you could make your own character. this is a great game for playing a sports game with friends.
Mario Kart definitely. It's the kinda game you can play and play and never really get tired or bored of it. I still play it quite a bit after all these years. Very fun game.
Mario Tennis,no doubt. Mario Kart is a close second and would win if there weren't a lot of other games to compare it to. However, there aren't any games like Mario Tennis that I can think of.
To me it's Mario Super Sluggers for the Wii because of the motion controls and in my opinion one of the best challenge modes in a Mario sports game period!
Mario Kart is really on it's own level when it comes to Mario Sports Games. It's one of the only non-simulator racing games that I can play till around 3am and never once be bored. It's lighthearted, colourful and really, really addictive. Mario Power Tennis is second but even then, I don't even find that all that great if I'm honest.
I was always a big fan of the Mario Tennis for Game Boy Color. As a child, I had to take the bus for 3 hours a day everyday, so the only way to keep from dying of boredom was to play Game Boy. Few games were playable for a long time, such as Zelda: Link's Awakening DX or the Pokémon series. One that I always enjoyed playing was Mario Tennis. The game play, although repetitive was fun as you were able to improve through upgrading and playing in tournaments. As a fan of sports, it was neat being able to play a game where you could almost feel yourself getting more skilled as you advanced.
Mario Kart by a long shot. It's fun to play, it's addictive in it's own way & when you're with your friends, there's that certain level of competitiveness that alot of games don't really have & it's a game where I don't get bored & can play it til 4-5 in the morning. I still play it occasionally to this day.
I've always been a huge fan of the Mario Tennis games. The one for the N64 was great, a fantastic four-player multiplayer game. Probably my favorite N64. I still play it these days on school computers with an emulator. The GameBoy Color Mario Tennis (the one that linked to the N64 one) was incredible. I loved playing as my characters and then transfering them to the N64. The story modes of each were fantastic. Sadly I lost the Color one. Mario Power Tennis for the Gamecube was a fantastic evolution, adding more characters and modes along with more advanced graphics to make for an excellent game. I'll most likely also be getting the "Wiimake" of Power Tennis once I can, as well.
iM goin with the ORIGINAL Mario Baseball. That game had it all, characters,games,and actually played like a real game. Now lets hope for a Mario Wrestling!
I love Mario Kart and there are just so many different versions. A great game.

I'll give you two others they weren't mentioned yet.

Super Mario Strikers for Gamecube- A really fun game where you could check people as much as you wanted and score some crazy goals. A lot of the usual powerups (bombs, banana peels, turtle shells, etc.) that were really cool when used in this game. I also like the top 3 plays of the game replays. Only downside was that other than your team captain, all characters were the same.

Mario Golf for Gamecube- I know a lot of people would be bored by this, but it was very enjoyable. You had to unlock almost every character as well as about 5 or 6 courses. The last one being the Bowser course were every hole is pretty much surronded by lava. Overall, a simple game that was very fun and I could play for hours.

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