Best Highflyer of the Last Decade?

Who is the best high flyer in the last 10 years?

  • Jeff Hardy

  • Rey Mysterio

  • Evan Bourne

  • AJ Styles

  • Billy Kidman

  • Eddie Guerrero

  • Brian Kendrick

  • Kofi Kingston

  • MCMG

  • Other

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Layeth The Smackdown!
Sorry if this has been made. I could not find it anywhere. I believe this award should go to Jeff Hardy because he revolutionized what high flying is today. Think of all the popularity he has and all the great matches he has put on for us. Basically just think of any crazy aerial move off a turnbuckle or ladder or even a RAW stage and you think of Jeff Hardy. Jeff made high flyers seem exciting because every time Jeff would do something amazing which was very often we would all go wow no one else can do what this guy does. Sure Rey is a great high flyer but he was never nearly as popular and established as Jeff was in the last decade IMO. I have watched Jeff Hardy since his debut in 94 and I have to say his moveset has very much been toned down but j=he still has the potential to be the best high flyer of this decade.
First off Jeff Hardy didn't revolutionize the high flying, he revolutionized ladder matches and TLC matches, Rey Mysterio is the true 00's revolutionizer of high flying wrestling, which leads me to my pick.

Rey Mysterio, he's been able to put on great matches for the whole 00's and was able to perform greatly in the air with a large array of aerial moves that very few people could emulate back then, and most likely very few people can emulate now, Rey is old, he's been through a lot of injuries, but he keeps delivering, he's competed both at main event and mid-card level for the most of it, and is an incredibly over guy with the WWE crowd.
I voted for ReyRey too.
Royal rumble winner, World Heavyweight Champion, appealed to fans before the PG era and still one of the most popular superstars to date.
I voted for Rey too, even though I've never been a big fan of his. Jeff Hardy simply hasn't deserved the massive push he's gotten in the WWE, with him jumping ship twice to TNA or his multiple substance abuse arrests. But that's another story.

Rey can work with anyone, big guys as evidenced with his feud with Kane, or people more his size, such as his feud with Eddie. He's helped draw in the Latino community to the WWE and has been extremely over since his debut back in the early 2000s.
i would say Jeff. he was wwe and world champion. Mysterio is a great high flyer but the one thing i dont like is how somehow someway the guy falls on the ropes so he can hit the 619. If this happened more often for other superstars it would be more believable. But thats is a discussion for another day
Got to be jeff. Rey is a high flyer in the ring. But never really takes risks. His move set is predictable and he always ends up injurying people because he can never pull them off properly ( taker to name just one). Jeff has that unpredictability about him. And has been involved in some of the best matches every seen. All be it never 1 v 1.
I voted for Rey although I am not a fan of his. I think AJ Styles would probably be #1 if TNA was more main stream, but Rey won the WHC and the Royal Rumble. And for one final honorable mention, where the hell is RVD? in the last decade he has won the WWE, ECW, and TNA world championships.
I know I will get stick for this, but I don't think of Rey as a high flier. He's a cruiserweight, but he ais a lucha-libra more than a high flier. He does a few springboard moves, usually after he hits the 619, but that's it. Think about it, what is his biggest bump? How many cage, ladder, tlc, HiAC, MiTB, elimination chamber matches has he been in?

Jeff, Eddie, Kidman etc were true high fliers, all doing several high risk moves in a match.

That being said, my favourite high flier isn't on the list, but it is someone who goes to the top rope every match..... John Cena!!!!

Only joking!!! :lmao:

Rob Van Dam.

He has a top rope finisher, does a fair few other moves off the top rope as well. He can do springboard moves, dive from inside the ring to the outside. Watch him in his Elimination Chamber match for his frog splash onto HHH from on top of the cell.

Ever see Rey do that? Didn't think so
For me, this one is simple. JEFF HARDY. He can jump, soar, and fly at any point during his matches and make it believable. He is a risk taker and a daredevil. I also think a high flyer should logically be able to transition weight classes. Jeff could fight for the tag titles, midcard title, or even the world title and be comfortable with his various opponents. When I think of Jeff Hardy, I think of 3 moves. 1. Swanton Bomb. 2. Poetry in Motion. 3. Whisper in the Wind. All 3 are high flying moves. All 3 deliver considerable effect. All 3 are synonymous with who he is.
Rob Van Dam.

He has a top rope finisher, does a fair few other moves off the top rope as well. He can do springboard moves, dive from inside the ring to the outside. Watch him in his Elimination Chamber match for his frog splash onto HHH from on top of the cell.

Ever see Rey do that? Didn't think so

RVD is also the only wrestler that finds ways to injure himself every time he does the Frog Splash. I wouldnt consider that much of a high flyer. Watch your DVDs or Youtube it. EVERY time he goes for the Frog Splash he ends up holding his ribs in pain. I dont think he's selling it. RVD could use some time watching clips of Eddie Guerrero doing the Frog Splash. Or hell... watch Hornswoggle do the Tadpole Splash. Neither of those wrestlers injure themselves.
RVD is also the only wrestler that finds ways to injure himself every time he does the Frog Splash. I wouldnt consider that much of a high flyer. Watch your DVDs or Youtube it. EVERY time he goes for the Frog Splash he ends up holding his ribs in pain. I dont think he's selling it. RVD could use some time watching clips of Eddie Guerrero doing the Frog Splash. Or hell... watch Hornswoggle do the Tadpole Splash. Neither of those wrestlers injure themselves.

RVD does the 'injured ribs' thing to make the move seem more devastating than anyone else's frog splash. If it 'hurts' him then how much MORE will it hurt his opponent??

He sells the move well by doing that, and that is what has always made his frog splash different from anyone elses.
I voted for Mysterio but it should not be too many more years before the answer to this question is AJ Styles. Kind of like Rey was instrumental in putting his style on the map in his time AJ Styles is the evolution of that beginning into the next generation.
When I think 'highflyer', I think 'Rey Mysterio'. I'm sure that is the case for most people who have watched wrestling this century.

While Jeff Hardy has some high flying moves, I will always think of him as a hardcore wrestler. He was the innovator of TLC matches with his brother. Sure he has a high flying move like the Swanton Bomb in his repetoire, but that doesn't neccesarily make him a highflyer.

Since joining WWE in 2002, Mysterio has been instrumental to the evolution of luchador wrestling in mainstream wrestling. This may be an outlandish statement, but I think that if it wasn't for Mysterio we wouldn't have people like Evan Bourne or Kofi Kingston doing what they currently do.
He has also put on great matches and continues to do so until this day. Amongst these matches, there have been some with pretty big guys like Kane and The Undertaker. He is good enough to make it look like he legitimately beat them. This is evidenced by him pushing down boundaries and becoming one of the few highflyers to win a heavyweight championship.
Not to mention the fact that his finisher is one of the most unique moves in WWE. He always pulls off the 619 beautifully and differently. There are so many different ways he gets the opponent on the second rope and then variations in how to finish it (a seated senton, frog splash, etc).
Sure, he's slowed down recently, but that is to be expected when you're ageing and you have a dodgy knee. But he still remains one of the most over Superstars in WWE behind only Cena and Taker.

This is why Rey-Rey gets my vote.

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