Best HBK 'Mania match

What is HBK's best WM match?

  • 25- vs Undertaker

  • 24- vs Ric Flair

  • 23- vs John Cena

  • 22- vs Vince McMahon (Street Fight)

  • 21- vs Kurt Angle

  • 20- vs HHH vs Chris Benoit

  • 19- vs Chris Jericho

  • 14- vs Steve Austin

  • 12- vs Hart (Iron Man Match)

  • 11- vs Diesel

  • 10- vs Razor Ramon (Ladder Match)

  • Other

Results are only viewable after voting.

Hacksaw Highway

Getting Noticed By Management
First off, if this thread exists already then sorry, but I searched it and didnt find anything. So I've heard a lot of discussion about what of HBK's mania matches is the best, but usually the thread only compares 2 or 3 matches, so I'm creating one to compare them all. Every match he's had since WM 10 is on here, and everything before that falls into 'Other' because I don' see HBK vs Tatanka or El Matador getting a lot of votes. Anyways, vote, and discuss your answer.
EDIT: I chose WM 19 vs Jericho. I may be a little biased, because I was at WM 19 so it's a speacial match for me, but I truly think it was the best. Both guys put on the match of their lives, and with such similar styles and ability, it was bound to be great. All in all, a phenominal match that had me on the edge of my seat the whole time and with a great finish. I also liked how both guys hit each other's finishers on each other, and both guys kept kicking out. Just simply amazing.
Most of those listed are pretty good choices overall, many of them have been defining matches over the course of HBK's career.

For me, I have to pick his match against Taker at WM25. This was the first match I've seen in any promotion in years that completely had me on the edge of my seat the entire time. For one thing, it was the rekindling of a storied rivalry that hadn't been seen in over 11 years. Since we hadn't seen it in so long, it just seemed fresh. Here was a guy Taker had never pinned in a match or made to submit and, when you looked back over their history, he'd pretty much been one step ahead of the Undertaker. While he'd never beaten the Undertaker without help, HBK ultimately came out ahead most of the time. When the feud began anew, it seemed that they picked up right where they left off, with HBK seemingly having Taker's number and being one step ahead of him.

The match itself told a story: two of the best, nearing the twilight of their respective careers, with nothing really settled between them. They held victories over each other in the past, but neither had claimed a definitive win against the other. Simply put, who wanted it more? Who had the will to push himself just a little further and harder?

The entire match was back and forth, each hitting the other with everything they have and just not able to put each other away. HBK hits sweet chin music twice, the big elbow from the top while Taker hits the last ride and tombstone. Each takes the other's biggest gun and keeps on coming. Just when the match could possibly be over, someone kicks out of a big league move. Few men have kicked out of either, but the expression on Taker's face when HBK got out of the Tombstone was priceless. Shock, awe, fear, uncertainty. Part of you just had to say to yourself "Taker can't beat him" and the same for HBK when Taker kicks out of SCM twice.

I grew up watching those two, I remember watching their first matches. Both have had great careers, both have accomplished a lot and have left their mark. Even though they're both about the same age and are much older than nearly everyone on the roster, they went out and had the best match of the year. I've sometimes put some of the older wrestlers down in posts because they keep hanging on and just can't get it up anymore. Taker and HBK showed that in their mid 40's they're just as good now, maybe even better, as they ever were.
Most of those listed are pretty good choices overall, many of them have been defining matches over the course of HBK's career.

For me, I have to pick his match against Taker at WM25. This was the first match I've seen in any promotion in years that completely had me on the edge of my seat the entire time. For one thing, it was the rekindling of a storied rivalry that hadn't been seen in over 11 years. Since we hadn't seen it in so long, it just seemed fresh. Here was a guy Taker had never pinned in a match or made to submit and, when you looked back over their history, he'd pretty much been one step ahead of the Undertaker. While he'd never beaten the Undertaker without help, HBK ultimately came out ahead most of the time. When the feud began anew, it seemed that they picked up right where they left off, with HBK seemingly having Taker's number and being one step ahead of him.

The match itself told a story: two of the best, nearing the twilight of their respective careers, with nothing really settled between them. They held victories over each other in the past, but neither had claimed a definitive win against the other. Simply put, who wanted it more? Who had the will to push himself just a little further and harder?

The entire match was back and forth, each hitting the other with everything they have and just not able to put each other away. HBK hits sweet chin music twice, the big elbow from the top while Taker hits the last ride and tombstone. Each takes the other's biggest gun and keeps on coming. Just when the match could possibly be over, someone kicks out of a big league move. Few men have kicked out of either, but the expression on Taker's face when HBK got out of the Tombstone was priceless. Shock, awe, fear, uncertainty. Part of you just had to say to yourself "Taker can't beat him" and the same for HBK when Taker kicks out of SCM twice.

I grew up watching those two, I remember watching their first matches. Both have had great careers, both have accomplished a lot and have left their mark. Even though they're both about the same age and are much older than nearly everyone on the roster, they went out and had the best match of the year. I've sometimes put some of the older wrestlers down in posts because they keep hanging on and just can't get it up anymore. Taker and HBK showed that they're just as good now, maybe even better, as they ever were.
There are so many good matches to choose from I almost feel wrong for picking just one. I voted for the Iron Man Match at WrestleMania XII. In my opinion Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels are, by far, the two best wrestlers of my lifetime. Whenever I think of all my favorite matches, one of these two is in almost every one. I had been watching the WWF for ten years by the time that match took place. Never had I looked forward to a match more. In the 13 years that have passed since, nothing has come close to the anticipation I felt for that match. The two best wrestlers of my time wrestling for 60 minutes. It was a masterpiece. The best part is how it ended in a 0-0 tie after 60 minutes. That was brilliant! If it ended 2-2, or 3-3 for example, it would not have been as good even with all the same action. I picked Michaels vs. Jericho for match of this decade. Michaels vs. Hart was the match of the 90's and beats out Jericho for Michael's best mania match in my opinion.
HBK never had a bad match at WM, but certain matches were historic in terms of their significance to the pro wrestling scene while others (like HBK vs Jericho) were simply great matches, but didn't have the historical impact.

Considering the fact that he was seriously injured (unlike oher times when he was accused of faking injuries to avoid being pinned and losing), HBK's performance vs Austin is probably his best. WWE needed that match to be good and needed Austin to win finally win the title outright or two years of Stone Cold Mania would have been wasted. That match, that WM, really helped spark the WWE comeback after some pretty lean years, much of that time looking up at WCW.

The Flair match had more emotion than anything I've seen probably in the last 15 years. Probably the best match you'll ever see with a 59 yr old combatant, and from start to finish they made you believe the match would possibly end a different way even though every ounce of common sense in the world said it would go down much as it did. When two guys can convince you a match could swing the other way when you know it's almost impoosible, that's showmanship

His last match vs Taker was brutal, and significant in the sense that these are two of the most enduring stars in WWE over the last 15 yrs, also a great challenge to Taker's streak. Again, realistically you knew HBK wouldn't end the streak, but this match was so close you reallylet yourself think holy @#@# he might win this thing!!

Not too many guys can wrestle an Iron Man Match and keep it interesting. In 25 yrs of wrestling, I can think of maybe 6 main event caliber performers who in their prime could do that. This match was also significant because it was HBK's first World Title win, and the beginning of his ascension over Brett Hart as the company's top star (at least until Stone Cold)

The Ladder Match was a turning point because no one was doing Ladder matches, I know that HBK & Hart did one at a non televised show a few yrs earlier (Hart did some Iron Man Matches with Flair at non televised shows in 93 also), but this match helped this format become popular. It's also the first time in HBK's career that he really stole the show at WM, his prior matches all good but not "showstopping" material. Scott Hall was also not a great performer. Having great matches with Hart, Austin, Taker, and Flair is pretty good, having a great match with Hall, who is clearly good but nowhere near great, that is a special accomplishment. Remember, they don't call Flair great because he had great matches with Steamboat, they call him great because he had great matches with guys like Lex Luger, who looked like a million bucks when he faced Flair in 1988, better than he looked against any other opponent.

I would take any one of these, part of me wants to vote for Austin because of the injury, and how big the match was for WWE, part of me wants to vote for Flair because it's probably his most unforgettable match, but I'll vote for the Ladder Match.
This is a pretty hard choice but I'm going with HBK vs. Jericho. IMO the two greatest in-ring story tellers at it at the grandest stage of them all! Just the sheer performance and quality... WoW. When you got either Chris or Shawn in a match or fued you know it's gold. This was booked so well, one of the best matches I have ever seen! Again anything with Shawn or Chris is gold lol.
Surprise!! I’m going to go with XIX here. Not only is this my favorite Mania of all time, but looking at the match listing, Jericho is really the only one who was as close to HBK’s style of wrestling. It was like seeing a live action Ryu vs. Ken match. I thought the buildup for this match was excellent. The chemistry they had in the match was unbelievable. The ending and aftermath of the match was shocking…twice. For me it stole the show and it got me even more hyped up for the four Main Events.
I know its cliche, but I voted for Michaels vs Razor WM X.

I dont think any other match did more for Shawns career than this one. Even Shawn said it himself, that this is the one that said to the world "ok, Im the man from now on"

Not only that it was new to many people, innovative, and entertaining.

Plus its lasted in the minds of fans for so long, well over a decade. And it started its own legacy from there on. It inspired guys like the Hardys, and Edge & Christian with the TLC matches.

For example the Iron man match was good, Id say almost historic, being Shawns first crack at the title, but it didnt have the impact like the Ladder match did.

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