Best Feuds That Never Happened

Crippler CrossFace

Occasional Pre-Show
I was getting to thinking and I was wondering who would have had great feuds but couldn't because of brand or time or whatever.

I think, and this is probably pretty obvious that CM Punk, in full on Straight Edge heel mode, could have a great feud with Stone Cold Steve Austin. I imagine it happening at the end of a Raw, Austin wins his match and starts throwin back beers. Out comes Punk and says something to the effect of "well isn't this sad. you have to celebrate a win with alcohol" after which Punk would get a beer can to the head and a stunner to boot and Austin would continue his celebration, possibly pouring beer on Punk. Then it could go from there. The SES could have a handicap match with Austin. A title reign could be involved to make it personal, Punk could try and take it away from Austin to prove that he is wasting his time with alcohol. Punk could stage an intervention for Austin, which I feel would be priceless.

So I ask you what would have been a great feud. Who would you love to have seen have a feud. No restrictions on time or brand. Be creative... Go
The first two that come to mind is Brian Pillman vs HBK. When Pillman arrived in WWE after leaving ECW I remember being so pumped! I couldn't wait for Pillman to fully heal up from the crash, but as we all know, he never really did. I guess the match I would of wanted to see was HBK vs pre-car crash Brian Pillman in what would have been a battle of the worlds best light heavyweights. Having the World title on the line would have been an extra on top, but even without, those two could have torn the house down.

In terms of more current, living, wrestlers then I would have to say RVD vs AJ Styles. I'm just started to get used to AJ as a heel again and I can see RVD being a perfect long-term foe to him. The matches would be unbelieveable and I'm sure we'd get some great promos out of it.
I honestly believe that Scott Steiner in his prime (before the NWO,Back Problems.) Yes the Frankensteiner and Kurt Angle would have been a classic.

WWE dropped the ball for not taking advantage of programing Shawn Michaels and Rob Van Dam.

For this one, I will turn back the clocks to 86. The Rock N Roll Express vs The Road Warriors. Road Warriors as Heel.

Obviously Stone Cold vs John Cena. The Promos and mic segments would have been sick!!

Bobby Lashley vs Triple HHH would have made for a solid program as well.

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