Best DDT Ever!

The Future Rises

Thinking Of A New Name..
The DDT, one of the most brutal and well known moves in Wrestling history, it was innovated by non other than Jake "The Snake" Roberts, throughout the years many variations of the move were used by a lot of wrestlers, here are some of them :

Randy Orton's second rope DDT.
Turnbuckle Tornado DDT(used mostly by lightweights such as Funaki and Trent Barretta).
Double Underhook DDT(used by the likes of Mick Foley and Stevie Richards).
Drew McIntyre's Future Shock DDT(Snap Double Underhook Spike DDT not to be confused with the one above).
Mickie James' Jumping DDT.
Scorpion Death Drop AKA Back DDT used by Sting and others.
And the normal DDT innovated by Jake Roberts.

So here's my question : out of all the sick DDT's that have been used throughout the years, which one is your favorite?
Looking at regular DDT, I am going with the Raven Effect from Raven.

Throughout the 90s and 2000s, the DDT was reduced to just a regular move, with most wrestling using is as part of their repetoires. For example, The Rock and HHH both used it as a regular move, which watered it down as Jake The Snake had made it a highly-regarded finisher back in the day that noone kicked out of.

Raven was the only guy winning titles with the DDT (I am not counting Sting in this as I dont think of the SDD as a DDT). He became synomous with the move, making it a legitimate finisher once again, that can be performed quickly, with no set up and to opponents of all sizes.

I'm going to respond to the question in a slightly different fashion.

I'm sure everyone remembers the amazing series in 1999 between The Whole F'N Show Rob Van Dam and The New F'N Show Jerry Lynn. These guys pushed the boundaries at Living Dangerously and Hardcore Heaven. The matches were unbelievable and they were possibly the closest RVD came to losing his TV Title during the 23 Month reign. There was an exchange of moves whereby Lynn lands a DDT on Van Dam and Spikes the hell out of him!! Van Dam bounced up in the air about 2feet off the mat and it just looked insane. So I guess it was the sell job that did it for me.

Side note, would you consider a Brain Buster to be a variant of a DDT?
The standard DDT. Because that's one move that you can really use like in a street fight. Image that if you got in a bar fight and it led to outside in front of the pub. You just grab the other person by the head and BAM! DDT right on the sidewalk.

Now that's a DDT that you can set your watch to. Those other fancy DDT's in wrestling are all smoke & mirrors.
well i have two variations that it's hard to pick from, that being the Evenflow DDT and Gangrel's lifting DDT. they just both always looked better than the rest of the DDTs to me.
The standard DDT. Because that's one move that you can really use like in a street fight. Image that if you got in a bar fight and it led to outside in front of the pub. You just grab the other person by the head and BAM! DDT right on the sidewalk.
Yeah. Why don't you actually try that in a fight against someone with a BAC under .30, and see how it works then. You want to know how you block that? First, you keep your head up. If your head is down by a guy's waist in a fight, you're either going to get guillotined or kneed in the face anyways. But let's say you don't know much about fighting. (Which doesn't seem to be a bad assumption.) Let's say you attempt a really sloppy double leg takedown and end up with your head next to a guy's hip. How do you block a DDT? You can either do the smart thing, which is put your inside leg forward, brace on it, and then push forward, using your adversaries momentum to throw him on his ass and break the headlock. Or, you can do the reaction that everyone has naturally when someone grabs their head and tries to fall backwards, and push backwards yourself.

Only once in my life have I ever seen someone successfully use a "DDT" like attack. The attacker was applying a standing guillotine choke, and in an attempt to break it, the defender lifted his attacker and tried to slam him on his back. The attacker held onto the headlock, and the defender fell on his head, knocking him out. The attacker broke three ribs in the process.

This shouldn't have to be said, but the moves you see in professional wrestling, by and large, cannot be performed without the consent of the other performer. If you want to learn how to fight, sign up for judo classes.
Yeah. Why don't you actually try that in a fight against someone with a BAC under .30, and see how it works then. You want to know how you block that? First, you keep your head up. If your head is down by a guy's waist in a fight, you're either going to get guillotined or kneed in the face anyways. But let's say you don't know much about fighting. (Which doesn't seem to be a bad assumption.) Let's say you attempt a really sloppy double leg takedown and end up with your head next to a guy's hip. How do you block a DDT? You can either do the smart thing, which is put your inside leg forward, brace on it, and then push forward, using your adversaries momentum to throw him on his ass and break the headlock. Or, you can do the reaction that everyone has naturally when someone grabs their head and tries to fall backwards, and push backwards yourself.

Only once in my life have I ever seen someone successfully use a "DDT" like attack. The attacker was applying a standing guillotine choke, and in an attempt to break it, the defender lifted his attacker and tried to slam him on his back. The attacker held onto the headlock, and the defender fell on his head, knocking him out. The attacker broke three ribs in the process.

This shouldn't have to be said, but the moves you see in professional wrestling, by and large, cannot be performed without the consent of the other performer. If you want to learn how to fight, sign up for judo classes.
I've wouldn't have type what I had said if I didn't know what I was talking about bub. How about I show you what I was referring to personally "Knockout Champion"?

For all you know, I probraly already did it to somebody by putting it into action. So the next, get your facts straight and watch your f'n mouth okay?
I've wouldn't have type what I had said if I didn't know what I was talking about bub. How about I show you what I was referring to personally "Knockout Champion"?

For all you know, I probraly already did it to somebody by putting it into action. So the next, get your facts straight and watch your f'n mouth okay?
1) I'm quite sure you don't know what you're talking about. Had you tried it, you would have realized what I'm telling you already.
2) "Knockout Champion" is the title given to posters on the board who have between 600-800 posts. "Big Jawhnny, is yaw mufflaw in" would be my personal title.
3) Calling people out for a fight on the internet is really pathetic, because you and I both know we aren't going to be looking up home addresses.
4) I know you didn't do it already. Otherwise, had you tried, you would have found yourself down on your ass, looking up at your opponent, who is probably wondering why you gave up a perfectly good headlock to try some WWE shit.
5) Far better people then you have tried to get me to shut my mouth, no one's succeeded yet.
6) Contrary to popular belief, the internet is not some magical place where you can say anything and people have to trust you because they don't KNOW you. If you sound like you're full of shit (you do), people will call you on it. I don't KNOW you, so I could be wrong, but I'm not.

Seriously, if you want to learn how to fight, don't talk like you know everything on a professional wrestling message board because you watched some oiled up guys in spandex perform consensual moves on each other. Get thee to a dojo. Join your high school wrestling team, if you're still at the point where you're challenging people to fights over the internet, I can't imagine you're much past your freshmen year and can still get in a decent amount of training.

But those of us who have put the effort in know when someone's spraying bullshit around.
The classic Jake "the snake" Roberts DDT it was devistating the way he did it but the future shock is a shoe in for second Drew makes it look real.
I've been waiting for someone to mention The Rock's floatover DDT, but it doesn't look like anyone is, so I will. It never had that "finishing move" cache, the hype that can make an ordinary move into a crowd popper, but it was easily the most graceful move performed by one of the most graceful wrestlers in history. It never looked clunky or forced; it always looked like a natural transition from so many different spots.

Honorable mention goes to Jake Roberts, who claims to have accidentally invented the move. (Read- put a guy in a headlock and stumbled over backwards drunk.)
The Raven Effect/Even-Flow DDT looked really good when you saw it performed, but, if anyone considers it a "DDT variation", The edge-cution looked really painful too.
I like the Miz's DDT to the kneeling opponent - something a bit different as well as looking nasty, although it is hard to look past Jake's DDT and Raven's Evenflow.

As for individual DDTs, one of the worst/nastiest looking ones I can remember was Batista on John Cena at Wrestlemania XXVI. I think it was a counter out of the Attitude Adjustment that ended up being a little too vicious as Cena landed square on the top of his head and crumbled.

Also a shout out to Rob Van Dam who can sell a DDT better than perhaps anyone. Anytime he received one from Jeff Hardy always sticks in my mind.
Actually I think one of the best sells, or maybe the funniest sells was Val Venis. Everytime he got DDT'd he would stick straight up for like five seconds before finally falling over. Was trying to find it on Youtube but can't. Oh well.
I can't believe Double A hasn't been mentioned. Easily my favourite performer of the move because it went with the remainder of his offence in looking legitimately debilitating.

Not to be a bitch or anything but the guy who said you cannot DDT someone because of this or that is absolute bullshit, i've not had many fights but i've had enough to know that besides hitting a guy, grapples and such including using a ddt like move HAVE helped me down a guy. Sure it never knocked him out but the guy lunged for me, I jabbed him, caught his head and drove it into the pavement, a few hits later he was calling time with a busted tooth and more cuts than i could count.

Im not a tough guy or claiming to know anything about fighting, nor am I using the internet to hype myself up. Nor do I really care of such things, but seriously I cannot shoot for shit nor am I that good at knowing how to properly hit, but i've never managed to have a good punch connect to any part of me nor have I ever lost a fight and I have used primarily stuff i've learnt through wrestling with my cousins & friends.

take it for what you will

And anyways to answer the thread, I always like'd the 'wham-Bam-Thank you ma'am' DDT that someone whose name i cannot remember used in the original ECW. It was similar to the Double arm lifted DDT that Stevie Richard's used for a while in the WWE called the 'stevie-T'.

The Evenflow DDT has to be up there as well, truly brought it back as probably the most simplistic finisher in the modern era besides the Hogan legdrop. Triple H used to do a pretty nifty one when he wrestled regularly. Now i'd say Trent Baretta and the Miz have the best DDT's going.
Not to be a bitch or anything but the guy who said you cannot DDT someone because of this or that is absolute bullshit, i've not had many fights but i've had enough to know that besides hitting a guy, grapples and such including using a ddt like move HAVE helped me down a guy. Sure it never knocked him out but the guy lunged for me, I jabbed him, caught his head and drove it into the pavement, a few hits later he was calling time with a busted tooth and more cuts than i could count.

Im not a tough guy or claiming to know anything about fighting, nor am I using the internet to hype myself up. Nor do I really care of such things, but seriously I cannot shoot for shit nor am I that good at knowing how to properly hit, but i've never managed to have a good punch connect to any part of me nor have I ever lost a fight and I have used primarily stuff i've learnt through wrestling with my cousins & friends.

take it for what you will

Now i'd say Trent Baretta and the Miz have the best DDT's going.

What you said is true. I think most people assume that a fight is always a fist fight and which it is not. Most people who don't know how to fight will try to not box you and rather run at you and try to scoop you. I have seen 4 fights in my old city where the two guys fighting would shoot at one guy and all that fancy stuff. Well simply put 4 guys ended up DDT on the ground. It is possible to do to someone as I seen it happen. Sure it may just be a regular DDT not know fancy thing but again its still a DDT.

An I love all the DDT's style moves. I liked the Rocks float over ddt, Takers running counter ddt, Raven's even flow, Dreamers ddt, Arn Anderson's, Mick Foleys, and Gangrel is my all time favorite.

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