Best Commercials on TV


Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
This thread is to discuss the best commercials and ad campaigns on television.

Commercials, for a time, were despised and avoided. To an extent the still are, but companies have wised up and decided that, in order to have an effective TV campaign, they needed to create characters, a storyline, and a connection with the crowd in order to be noticed. There are so many great commericals out now, and often times, non-football-fans watch the Super Bowl just for those multi-million dollar 30 second bits.


Thanks to this commercial, I have Greensleevs stuck in my head right now. And thanks to this ad campaign, I wish I still ate Snickers. I always think of the large viking as Bubbah Ray Dudley...


This ad campaign is so effective, it actually got a spinoff TV series that is, of course, doomed to suck and fail. But that is a hell of an accomplishment. Geico may have the best ad team on the planet, having branded the Caveman Campaign, as well as the Gecko.


My favorite commericals right now come from Dairy Queen. They got a whole new ad team behind them recently, and the proof is in the frozen pudding. "Bownie Battah Bizzahd" is one of my all time favs, along with:


I hope this thread doesn't get lost behind the two tournaments, but I'd love to hear and see some of your favorite commercials, and why you enjoy them.
There is one reason I watch Australian Idol at the moment, and it is because of this ad:

:lmao: I love this ad. Its just so random, it has nothing whatsoever to do with chocolate. Except its a good ad, because it catches people's attention and makes people ask other people whether they've seen it. People will think its hilarious and check it out, or they've already seen it, and it will make them think of Cadbury and make them go buy some of their chocolate.

Plus its the funniest ad i've seen on TV in a long time.
I can't be bothered to find the videos right now. But my favorite commercials right now are the Free Credit Report commercials. God they are funny, addictive and catchy. The music is some of the most entertaining commerical music ever, they always find a way to reinvent themselves and get the point across. Everybody Sing Along!!

Im singing F to the R to the E to the E to the C to th R to the E D I T, come on everybody grab your bike and sing along.

God thats some good shit.
One from my early years that I still remember today, and which was HUGE back in the day and started a whole new slogan craze are the Budweiser "What's Up"? commericals. I also loved the Budweiser frogs both were memorable to me.

Also a commercial that stands out to me is the Gap Commercial the Spike Jonze made back 6-7 years ago. It is when the people in the mall go all crazy and start destroying the store than the woman drives her car into the store. Never got the concept but loved the action behind it. I don't know how to add video's so if you want to see it just youtube "Spike Jonze's Gap Commercial" it should come up.

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