Best band to form this decade?


Simple, answer the thread title. Which is the best band to form this decade?

In my mind, the answer is pretty simple. Alter Bridge. Even though they've only released two albums, every song of theirs is awesome, and the band have a great chemistry between them, especially Myles and Mark, the two songwriters in the band. Myles voice is easily one of the best of this era, he has an amazing range and a captivating element to his voice that just makes you want to listen to him sing all day. The band can find the perfect balance between the rhythm and the melody, and the perfect mix of tones and sounds to create great music.
I agree with you SO much (Hi Mods)
Alter Bridge's music is timeless, Myles isn't one of the best rock singers sorry.
HE IS THE BEST. Tremonti is a highly underrated guitarist and it's sad.
There whole band has some of the top 25 musicians of there fitting in the last
20 years.
Hopefully Myles' touring with slash will get the band WAAAAY out there. I want the next album to reach top 5 on the billboards.
I'm gonna go with Audioslave on this one. I know a lot of people didn't really like them but I thought they were great. I love Chris Cornell's voice and Tom Morello is the undisputed champ of guitar wankery. To me each of their three albums had it's own personality and plenty of hits except for the last one but only because it wasn't promoted due to the bands break-up. They had their flaws (for instance playing Rage and Soundgarden songs, not a good idea) but it seems people were just determined to hate them because they weren't Rage or Soundgarden. Plus, "Cochise" is one of the great album openers of the 2000's.
I'm going to go with the White Stripes. Their first album White Blood Cells was something new and refreshing, yet it felt like a throwback. Their second album Elephant was just insane, every song is amazing and sounds completely different from anything else out there. Icky Thump and Get Behind Me Satan were great too.
Sorry if it took me awhile to get to this thread, I had to find a bucket to vomit in when I read the first two posts praising Alter Bridge, who are simply one of the worst bands on the planet today and remind me every day of just how bad popular rock music has gotten over the last 10 years. Alter Bridge is about as rock and roll as going to church on Sunday. Awful, awful, awful group.

Man this is a very difficult question though. I think I'll go with my username's namesake, Fear Before the March of Flames. Probably not the all-around best group to form this past decade but they popped to my mind first and they absolutely perfected post-hardcore in this last decade, no one did it better than they did on their first few albums.
I don't care what anyone says about my choice but I bloody well liked Busted! They had a catchy little mix of rock and pop with the teen appeal that reignited the rise of the band over here in chart I can rock out to Thunderbirds are go on Rock Band!!
Velvet Revolver is certainly one of my favourites. Similar to SorgFamily's reason for picking Audioslave. I love Guns N Roses and Scott Weiland is a very good vocalist who gelled well with the group and made two great albums.
Well, I can NOT agree with any Alterbridge bashing, they on my top 50 of favorite bands, but I wouldnt put them on the list of Best band to form this decade. My choices are:

Technically they got together in 1999, but...


Quite simply they have everything that a man should want and love about a Metal/Hard rock band. Thoughtful and deep multi meaning lyrics, advanced and technical riff playing, varied drumming, and great vocals.

The album that had me make this decision is they're most recent Crack the Skye. They did away with the growling and yelling, and broke they're vocals down to amazing multi layered singing and it worked out to finally gain Mastodons sound all they're own.

Listen to the song ''Oblivion'', and you'd understand.

Another band that I put up there is:


There is a LOT of metal bands out there and many have came out in the 2000s but most of them suck, and they tend to all sound the same and dont have much heart. Trivium is one of those bands that stood apart from them.
I really can't speak outside of my favorite genre, but I think the answer to that is Frost*.

It's so ironic that the best progressive rock band of the 2000s was spawned from a guy who writes pop songs and commercial jingles for his dayjob. Milliontown was the best prog rock album since Scenes From a Memory. Experiments In Mass Appeal is a great album that totally takes all of the progressive rock cliches from the 1970s and throws them out, and Jem Godfrey is just a musical genius who is just too talented and British and quirky not to like.

Hinder. I love me some Hinder. Just look at the credentials alone. In 2005 their 'Extreme Behavior' album went triple platinum. in '08 their 'Take It to the Limit' album went gold. Their song 'Get Stoned' went gold and 'Lips of an Angel' went triple platinum. They been on 9 major tours already with some of the biggest names out there right now. They put on awesome live shows and their music never fails to entertain me. I can listen to all of their cd's and not skip through songs. To me that is a huge mark of a great band, when you can listen to and enjoy every song. So to me Hinder is the best band to from this decade.

There is a LOT of metal bands out there and many have came out in the 2000s but most of them suck, and they tend to all sound the same and dont have much heart. Trivium is one of those bands that stood apart from them.

I have to agree, Trivium is one of the few bands to come in the past decade that I still get excited for, there one of the few bands I never really get tired of,they're the last "new band" I have really been able to get behind, I have never understood why they get so much fucking hate, yeah you can hear the influence that bands like Metallica, Megadeth, & Maiden all had on them in their music, but Trivium also clearly has a sound that is all their own
I would have to agree on the first two posts: Alter Bridge! they are my favorite band, and if they would be around in the 90's they would not be under rated like the way they are now. Check out Blackbird, or Broken Wings...they would be instant classics.

Music is about the industry nowadays, Alter Bridge would not reach the top in the billboards these days, its sad because they are an incredible band.

Mark Tremonti is an amazing guitarist just listen to his work.
Myles can reach extremely high notes, and has a good vocal range, i cant get enough of Myles.

So to all you Alter Bridge haters, check their 2 amazing songs that ive mentioned before Blackbird, and Broken Wings, and stop hating.

They are one of THEE best of the decade.

Now, id also like to mention another of my best of the decade: Disturbed, yes, yes... i will probably be bashed. But listen to their song Darkness, it is totally different then other of his songs, David Draiman has an incredible voice! and great guitars.
While their formation did take place in 1999, one band I would have to go with is: Killswitch Engage

Every CD I have listened to by this band is excellent, and while they truly came into their own with the inception of Howard Jones, their original singer was great too.

My personal favorite CD of theirs is End of Heartache, and I feel that Roadrunner Records was most certainly justified in placing it as #1 on their top ten CDs of the decade.
I'd have to go with Five Finger Death Punch. I've yet to pick up 2 CD's that I can listen to more than War Is The Answer and The Way Of The Fist. Both of these albums are amazing and it seems like they are only getting better. Ivan is one of the best Vocalists I have EVER heard with his range and Zoltan is a god of shredding. The band has a clear identity and sound like nothing I have ever heard before. There is no band that stands out to me like FFDP and they get this title HANDS DOWN.
I'm going to go with the White Stripes. Their first album White Blood Cells was something new and refreshing, yet it felt like a throwback. Their second album Elephant was just insane, every song is amazing and sounds completely different from anything else out there. Icky Thump and Get Behind Me Satan were great too.

Their first single, "Let's Shake Hands", was actually released in '98. And their first album wasn't White Blood Cells. It's true that it was their breakthrough album but they had released a self-titled album and an album called "De Stijl" before that. I will agree with you on them being a great band but my main reason for pointing this out was that their first two albums cannot be ignored. Check out "I fought Piranhas", "Johnny the Exploder", "Screwdriver" and "Stop Breaking Down" from the first album. And from "De Stijl" check out ...........god just check it all out. Most importantly do yourself the favor of looking into a live version of "Death Letter" a track off "De Stijl". In fact, here's a link:
I'd have to go with Five Finger Death Punch. I've yet to pick up 2 CD's that I can listen to more than War Is The Answer and The Way Of The Fist. Both of these albums are amazing and it seems like they are only getting better. Ivan is one of the best Vocalists I have EVER heard with his range and Zoltan is a god of shredding. The band has a clear identity and sound like nothing I have ever heard before. There is no band that stands out to me like FFDP and they get this title HANDS DOWN.

God how I fucking hate this fucking band, these assholes are so vastly overrated and untalented that I can't even begin to find the right words to express how fucking sick of this band I truly am, this has got to be one o fthe worst metal bands I have heard in fucking years, they're songs are so fucking monotonous that I can't help but change the station whenever I hear one of their songs come on, Walk Away may be one of the worst songs I have ever heard in my entire fucking life, not to mention their lead singer is a true grade A fucking asshole, they were set to play a show here once, came out on stage played for 30 mins. then the lead singer threw the mic down stormed of stage and said he was never coming back here again, because they "only play stadiums", he flipped out on the promoters, and and the owners of the bar they were playing, this was back when nobody had even heard of these jackasses yet, and the only times they were playing stadiums was when they were opening for bigger more successful bands, I can't wait for the day when they finally disappear into obscurity
Their first single, "Let's Shake Hands", was actually released in '98. And their first album wasn't White Blood Cells. It's true that it was their breakthrough album but they had released a self-titled album and an album called "De Stijl" before that. I will agree with you on them being a great band but my main reason for pointing this out was that their first two albums cannot be ignored. Check out "I fought Piranhas", "Johnny the Exploder", "Screwdriver" and "Stop Breaking Down" from the first album. And from "De Stijl" check out ...........god just check it all out. Most importantly do yourself the favor of looking into a live version of "Death Letter" a track off "De Stijl". In fact, here's a link:

I was aware they formed in 97-98 and they had other albums, didn't think anyone else was lol. They broke out in 2001 with White Blood Cells so I figured I wouldn't get to much shit. I recently downloaded their whole discography and agree that the first two cd's are really good.

Since I've been caught I'll change my answer to A Perfect Circle. They formed in 1999 but their first album didn't get released until 2000. Mer De Noms and Thirteenth Step are as close to perfect cds music can get. Maynard James Keenan's voice is amazing as any Tool fan will attest to and Billy Howerdel is a phenomenal guitarist who thinks outside the box. 3 Libras, Weak and Powerless, Blue, and Hollow are probably my favorite songs and each one is completely different.

Also If Rappers count I have to go with Immortal Technique. He's one of the few rappers who have the balls to talk about truly real shit. Government hypocrisies, racial tensions, conspiracy theories, he covers it all. And he has the guts and respect to release his music on his own and not be watered down by corporate Labels. His flow and delivery are fierce and angry, you can feel the hate and dedication to his music in every verse he spits.
Since I've been caught I'll change my answer to A Perfect Circle. They formed in 1999 but their first album didn't get released until 2000.
If you did you'd be caught again. "This decade" as in "the current decade we are living in" is 2001-2010. There wasn't a year '0'. In fact a lot of people are giving answers that don't actually count (as per the name of this thread). If the decade was 2000-2009, then this current decade would be 2010-2019, making this thread be about the best band formed this (2010) year as it would be the only one to qualify.
I'm gonna go with Angels and Airwaves. If you don't know them, they sing the song in the vidoe of the WWE going to China.

It was started by Tom Delonge after the break up of blink-182 in 2005. I like blink better, but this is a great band. It's alternative rock which I'm not big on, but they sound so different then anything out there and I'm a huge fan of that. Blink is back together, but they just released an album so they're still gonna be around. Can't wait for blinks new album, though, saw them in concert last October. Anyway, I think anyone who posted an alternative rock band in this thread should check them out.
Oh man. This is so freakin' difficult for me. You know why? Because so many bands could easily fit into this. I can't name just one, instead I'm going to name a list of powerhouses that I could see myself placing into the category. With each one I place on here, I'll give an explanation for.

Slipknot - Iowa [ 2001 ] - Volume 3: The Subliminal Verses [ 2004 ] - All Hope is Gone [ 2008 ] - They're absolutely revolutionary, and while they were originated in the 90's, what they did with their music, influencing everyone and progressively taking metal into a stage where it entered the main stream to the point where everyone knew who they were, and knew lyrics to at least one of their songs speaks volumes for them. This also lead to others trying out their original roots, and testing the waters for all sorts of music, dropping the barriers of just listening to one specific type of genre.

Skillet - Collide [ 2004 ] - Comatose [ 2006 ] - Awake [ 2009 ] - Another revolutionary band that dropped the walls of Christian Rock and became more mainstream. Playing on the radios of all stations, pop, rock, and other sorts. They're simply amazing and deserve this title by finding a way to effect so many people on so many levels.

Breaking Benjamin - Saturate [ 2002 ] - We're Not Alone Here [ 2004 ] - Phobia [ 2006 ] - Dear Agony [ 2009 ] - Some people would argue that this band shouldn't be up here, saying that they sold out. Some would say that they shouldn't even exist because their music is so terrible. I disagree, they've stay consistent, and their music always has purpose and meaning behind it. You will find music that will touch you by them. Even more so than that, they will blow you away. No pun intended. I do believe that it is debatable that Ben Burley [ Lead singer of the band ] is one of the best lyricists of our generation.

Three Days Grace - Three Days Grace [ 2003 ] - One X [ 2006 ] - Life Starts Now [ 2009 ] - The reason why I chose them as a top contender, is due to the fact that their music is always energized and again the purpose behind it. Also, "One X" has to be one of the most underestimated albums that I've ever heard. These guys are definitely worthy of the status, maybe not so much as others. But listen to "One X" and tell me if you can honestly say that the album isn't under rated. Don't worry, I'll wait for the PM's.

Yes, I know I just classified all rock bands on here. My honorable mentions, however, include.

All That Remains
Avenged Sevenfold
Ill Nino
Jay Z
Kanye West
Kid Cudi
Killswitch Engage
Lil Wayne
Linkin' Park

Hope I don't get flamed too bad for my choices.
Slipknot - Iowa [ 2001 ] - Volume 3: The Subliminal Verses [ 2004 ] - All Hope is Gone [ 2008 ] - They're absolutely revolutionary, and while they were originated in the 90's, what they did with their music, influencing everyone and progressively taking metal into a stage where it entered the main stream to the point where everyone knew who they were, and knew lyrics to at least one of their songs speaks volumes for them. This also lead to others trying out their original roots, and testing the waters for all sorts of music, dropping the barriers of just listening to one specific type of genre.

Dude! You can't list a band that formed ages ago and just list their more recent music. They bummed around for ages, released an EP entitled 'Mate, Kill, Feed, Repeat', got nowhere and then got hold of Corey Taylor. Their self titled album was released in '99, and then they got shitter and shitter ever since. With each day that StoneSour continue to exist, the shitter Slipknot get, because Corey and Jim (Root) seem to be hell bent on turning Slipknot into StoneSour.

Also a 90's band if memory serves.

My pick would be Dethklok. Not truly a proper band, but they've released 2 full albums so i think they still count. Truly outstanding and often downright hilarious Death Metal that has captivated my interest far more than actual Death Metal bands like Deicide and Cannibal Corpse........ apart from Opeth, but then they're in a league of their own.

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