benoit for ecw?

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Dark Match Jobber
who else thinks dat benoit should join ecw?i think he would a great ecw champion as he could feud wit sabu cm punk and rvd.benoit is under used on smackdown because of his personality but his in ring skills are one of da best dat would suit a lenghty ecw title reign and he wouldnt hav to work on his mic skills.he also be great in hardcore or ladder matches against rvd does any1 else agree
He's much better fit for ECW (after all, the guys with good wrestling ability on ECW need some competition), but WWE will probably be keeping him on SD for a while. WWE feels it needs to keep what star power is left on SD...

Amazing how earlier this year SD had JBL, Angle, Benoit, and Randy Orton all on the active roster. Look at them now...Booker, Benoit, Batista (good Lord, I'm sick of him), Finlay, and Lashley are the main eventers. Rey's gone for a while and Undertaker works a part time schedule. Kennedy's an soon-to-be main eventer. Once Kennedy and Lashley solidify their main eventer status, I'd say Benoit's move to ECW is what's best
id rather see him do anything besides this eddie storyline they are getting him into...once it starts ill never like benoit again. he re-signed with the WWE and theres no way he can say he didnt know they were going to use him in such a storyline, its just predictable logic, and benoit is not a stupid man.

chavo and rey and eddies pathetic wife will always have a stain of disgust with me.
SmackDown needs him. Again, why does ECW need so many superstars. They are a 1 hour show and I think they have gotten enough already. And as far as being in a lot of 'hardcore' matches, when was the last time ECW had a 'real' hardcore match? Well, they haven't had one yet and probably won't at all. If anything, SmackDown needs more superstars. Benoit's style of wrestling is what will make people watch SmackDown and so therefore he should stay on SmackDown.
wert said:
Either to ECW or to main event of smackdown.

Since your pretty new, I wont give you a warning.. Next time tho, add more to your posts or you will get a warning.
T Murdoch 4 President said:
SmackDown needs him. Again, why does ECW need so many superstars. They are a 1 hour show and I think they have gotten enough alread.

I agree with you. ECW is just a 1 hour show and the only way I see Benoit going to ECW is when ECW expand to 2 hours. As for him being on Smackdown, I believe Smackdown need Benoit now more than ever since they are trying to rebuild the show with great pure wrestling matches. I would love to see Benoit and Chavo battle for the US Title. Hopefully after this feud Benoit will either win the Rumble again or be in the hunt for the World Heavyweight Championship leading up to Wrestlemania 23.
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