Ben Roethlisberger's Suspension Reduced To 4 Games

M. Winters

Lyrical Wordsmith
So what are your thoughts on this? I think it's absolutely ridiculous that after a couple of months of being a "good boy" and finding God that Goodell would reduce this guys suspension. It sets a nasty precedence for the future that if you only attempt to rape two women you'll be able to get away with it. Roger Goodell should have shown no leniency in a case like this and it pisses me off that he's now serving the same length of your basic substance abuse policy suspension.

Your thoughts?
1. Ben Roethlisberger is the only player to ever be suspended by this conduct policy without having been found guilty of anything or having any formal charges filed against him

2. Michael Vick got his suspension reduced so this isn't the first time it has happened.

3. Roger Goodell has done a great job with the personal conduct policy and players have had a lot of success staying out of trouble after Goodell has gotten done with them.

Basically I trust Goodell's judgment as he has given me no reason not to.
How about reducing it to zero?

As a Charger fan I have great hate for the Steelers, but let's not kid ourselves here. Big Ben was cleared of all charges, he was found to be innocent, but he's still going to be suspended four games because Goodell wants to make an example out of a prominent white QB, Fact.
What about the recent string of other players not getting suspended at all. I mean bringing a loaded gun to an airport is not suspension worthy? I've had to defend myself in PGH against all my boys b/c I think Ben, although a great QB is a complete and utter Jagoff and deserves the four games. That being said, he ONLY deserves 4 games. Goddell is inconsistent at BEST when dishing out punishments. To be cliched, he serves as judge, jury and excicutioner. I really hope the new CBA comes to terms with a new way to handle these situations!
1. Ben Roethlisberger is the only player to ever be suspended by this conduct policy without having been found guilty of anything or having any formal charges filed against him

That's not what it's about though. It's about tarnishing the league's image and Big Ben has done that severely. Whether he was never convicted of anything he still brought bad press to the NFL with several rape accusations against him. I just think Goodell should have stuck to his guns on this one.
That's not what it's about though. It's about tarnishing the league's image and Big Ben has done that severely. Whether he was never convicted of anything he still brought bad press to the NFL with several rape accusations against him. I just think Goodell should have stuck to his guns on this one.

He's aloud to have a life.

Just because a couple ****s cry wolf, doesn't mean he is guilty, nor does it mean he should be suspended.

If Goodell suspended him for six games it would have been the biggest fucking sham in all of Pro Sports. Getting suspended for going out to a club and having a drunken **** accuse you of rape is beyond ridicules.

Just look at the Duke Lacrosse team, another example of this kind of BS, Perhaps avoiding ****s is better protocol, but it's not against the law. Nor should you be suspended for enjoying the company of women in slinky clothing.
That's not what it's about though. It's about tarnishing the league's image and Big Ben has done that severely. Whether he was never convicted of anything he still brought bad press to the NFL with several rape accusations against him. I just think Goodell should have stuck to his guns on this one.

But he did stick to his guns though. From day one the suspension was 6 games, with the possability of it being reduced to 4 if the criteria (vague as it may have been) was met. There was never any indication that the 6 games was set in stone. Like I said earlier, with all of the other shit thats gone on the last few weeks, with no suspensions handed out, the reduction to 4 games was the right thing to do.
Ok, really? You are tripping off this suspension being reduced by 2 games? Yes this was about tarnishing the league with his reckless behavior, but the possibility of this happening was there from the begining. In fact, I'm sure most people thought this was going to happen, as long as he didn't go and do something stupid. So really what's the problem?

I will have to disagree with SSC and his assessment of this. 0 games? This is the 2nd year in a row he's been accused of this. And I don't give a damn how ****y these bitches are, you don't put yourself in stupid situations. He's a famous athlete and that comes with it. People will be after him and its his job to watch out. Tough shit. Goodell has stated that he's going to be tough on players who bring negative attention to the shield, and that's what happened here. The legal system has no bearing on his decisions. As B.S said, there hasn't really been any instance in which Goodell has been wrong. I agree with it.
I will have to disagree with SSC and his assessment of this. 0 games? This is the 2nd year in a row he's been accused of this. And I don't give a damn how ****y these bitches are, you don't put yourself in stupid situations. He's a famous athlete and that comes with it. People will be after him and its his job to watch out. Tough shit. Goodell has stated that he's going to be tough on players who bring negative attention to the shield, and that's what happened here. The legal system has no bearing on his decisions. As B.S said, there hasn't really been any instance in which Goodell has been wrong. I agree with it.

Doesn't change the fact that he was found to be innocent.

Actually, you can put yourself in any situation you feel fit, there's no law about hanging around ****s.

Let's also not forget that this dumb broad was underage and shouldn't have been at the club in the first place. That certainly isn't Ben's fault.

I agree with most of Big Sexy's assessment, but his opinion is not fact, and I feel the Goodell is crossing the line by suspending an innocent man. This negative attention would have been avoided if the Club he was at didn't support underage drinking.

Again you can question his decision making, but I don't want to hear that Athletes must abide by a different code, they are flesh and blood just like you and me, and an innocent man should not be punished for someone elses' crimes.
Not news, really. Everyone's been assuming it was going to be 4 the whole time anyway. After Goodell put that provision in there, it was clear it would be reduced given Ben didn't fuck up at all, which he didn't. Not much more you could ask him to do.

I'm not going to get into arguing about the merits of the suspension or anything. Ben was an idiot. Did he deserve this much? I don't know. But he probably deserved something.

The only think that doens't make any sense is that not only can't he practice during the suspension, he can't even be at the facility or have contact with the team. How stupid it that? Santonio Holmes is suspended 4 games, but can be at the facility with his team everyday. Why can someone who got busted with pot do that but someone who was merely accused of crimes can't? Just ridiculous.
As far as I'm concerned, he shouldn't have been suspended in the first place. I have to agree with SSC here, the last time I checked, someone is innocent until proven guilty. He never was convicted of any criminal offence. He in fact ended up not being charged after for any criminal offence. No civil suit was file (at least I don't think so). I don't know what happened between Big Ben and those women, but I do know this, if you set the precedent of suspending every guy who gets accused by some yahoo of some indiscretion, it's going to be a pretty sparse roster in the NFL. And if you start suspending guys just because they call the character of the league into question, there'll be no league.

Look, I'm a Patriots fan, not even a fan of the Steelers, and I don't think he should have been suspended. I say the suspension should be reduced by another four games. much as I give the internet love to you...I'm gonna have to disagree with you on this one dude. :disappointed: And please hear me out ok? While Many other people on NFL teams have had just as major crimes brought up against them, they were crucified even more than Ben. But when you look at the type of crime that he committed, especially when its not the first time he's been alleged of these acts against a female. It does raise the questions of "Who is looking out for these women if the NFL commissioner will turn his head for one of the star players in a clinch?" Not saying that he should excuse anything at all, but the fact that this seems to be a weakness should certainly be addressed when other players have been brought up on much less like tweeting on the field, or saying something stupid in an interview. Now I do know there are two sides to every story, but we can't fully exonerate him since he hasn't spoken publicly about his side, and the victim has shared her side (unwillingly due to police miscommunication when the tapes were released) and I think its a matter of letting karma come back to those who know they did wrong. It all will work itself out somehow eventually. But SSC, just know that I still gots mad props and respect for you.....;)
Doesn't change the fact that he was found to be innocent.

Actually, you can put yourself in any situation you feel fit, there's no law about hanging around ****s.

Let's also not forget that this dumb broad was underage and shouldn't have been at the club in the first place. That certainly isn't Ben's fault.

I agree with most of Big Sexy's assessment, but his opinion is not fact, and I feel the Goodell is crossing the line by suspending an innocent man. This negative attention would have been avoided if the Club he was at didn't support underage drinking.

Again you can question his decision making, but I don't want to hear that Athletes must abide by a different code, they are flesh and blood just like you and me, and an innocent man should not be punished for someone elses' crimes.

The NFL and the legal system are two seperate things. The NFL and Goodell have every right to suspend Big Ben for his stupid decisions, as it looks bad on his employers. Whether he was found guilty or not didn't change the fact that for the 2nd year in a row he has been in this situation and it looks/looked bad.

And while these guys may be flesh and blood like us, the fact is they make a hella of a lot more than us and are famous. Thus is the life they chose. Whether its right or not, they are held to a higher standard and scrutinzed more just any other famous person. And in particular, someone in the NFL knows that Goodell is strict on personal conduct, so to be in that position is on you. And from what I understand, the rape wasn't about her being underage, but that he forced himself on her. So it doesn't matter how old she was, forcing yourself on a someone is wrong and is considered rape.

Now I know he was found innocent, which is why his suspension was only 6 (now 4) games. It didn't need to be any more than that. But this wasn't about guilty or not, but about the negative attention he has brought upon the NFL, and the NFL as a company has every right to punish their employee.

SSC, you my Cali brother and I got a lot of respect for you. But I just don't agree with your reasoning on this on.

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