"Beer Money, Inc."

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It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
While they're an incredible tag team, these guys have to have one of the stupidest gimmick tag team names in the history of professional wrestling, no? I mean seriously... Beer Money, Inc. was the best TNA could come up with? Yeah, we get it – one guy drinks beer and the other guy has money... but holy hell, the name sounds like a slogan t-shirt some drunken college freshman would buy, and IMO is far from an appropriate title to give to a serious team.
A serious team? You mean a team with two guys who do a "Beer....... MONEY" chant? A team where one man usually comes out to the ring either with a drinking hat or riding a coolermobile down to the ring?

Beer Money, Inc. is a serious team, probably one of the best TNA has. But they are also a silly team. Their gimmicks are what separate it from other teams. The name fits. Their behavior and name adds to their gimmick, which you need to put asses in the seat. Great wrestling doesn't cut it anymore. If so, TNA and ROH would probably be more competitive. Beer Money Inc have something going for them, so why change it? They've been around for a while now. I say keep the name and the gimmicks involved with it.

Beer....... MONEY!
Well since Beer Money has been over pretty much everywhere they go and the entire audience chants BEER.... MONEY! in unison, I don't see the problem. Maybe you could call it a silly name, but is it sillier then the ding dongs, dungeon of doom, Rock N Sock Connection, or brothers of destruction? At least the name is catchy and sells merchandise. Undertaker and Kane along with Rock and Foley were fun tag teams, but they were better as singles stars.

Roode and Storm click and I'm sure they will have great singles careers, but Beer Money is red hot. It's a team that can team together through anything and people will still cheer for them. I thought Beer Money was silly at first too until I watched their matches and promos and could see that this was one of the best tag teams around. Especially since tag team wrestling is almost non existent in WWE, except for JeriShow.
I'm not advocating changing their name, the name is established, but when they were first forged, Beer Money, Inc. was a stupid name. It still is, but at this point there's just nothing that can be done to rectify the silliness of calling them that in the first place.

I realize they're over, and I realize the chant works (now), but I just wish they'd picked a better name. That's all.
I love Beer Money. They are pretty much a modern day DX. Except it works because they are 2 young up and coming stars instead of old ass has beens like Shawn and HHH. Well I dont realy think Shawn and HHH are has beens both still have a good amount of time left as top talents. Thats just what I think they look like as DX 2 old guys still trying to make the young guys think there cool. Anyway dont mess with my Beer Money they are 1 of the most entertaining things going in wrestling today.
but holy hell, the name sounds like a slogan t-shirt some drunken college freshman would buy, and IMO is far from an appropriate title to give to a serious team.

College students are and have been for years one of the major demographics that pro wrestling is geared towards. I mean, look at DX and the 'crotch chop'. And low-brow works for prowrestling.

Personally I love Beer Money as a 'serious' team and still find them hilarious, and would regardless of the team name. But while the team name is inconsequential for me, for casual wrestling fans it's probably a good idea as it's easy to remember and quickly conveys who the team are and what they are about.
I love it. They're not serious guys, so why give them a serious name? When's the last time a team ever had a "real" name anyway? Beer Money Inc. is just fun, and works well with their attitudes. As someone said earlier, Storm comes to the ring half the time wearing a drinking helmet. How serious are they supposed to be? The time for serious names is long gone anyway. Let them use something that works, and has gotten them over.
I love it. They're not serious guys, so why give them a serious name? When's the last time a team ever had a "real" name anyway? Beer Money Inc. is just fun, and works well with their attitudes. As someone said earlier, Storm comes to the ring half the time wearing a drinking helmet. How serious are they supposed to be? The time for serious names is long gone anyway. Let them use something that works, and has gotten them over.

Well, what I meant was not a silly name. Something a little more "bad-ass" and a little less "college drunk".

America's Most Wanted, The Naturals, LAX (Latin American Xchange), Triple X, etc. is more along the lines of what I was referring to.
But I think diversity is something TNA thrives on. Just look at their Knockouts - Not one is similar to the other. And in order for teams to get over, they need to differentiate.

If Beer Money had a standard name, it means they wouldn't have the beer, and wouldn't have the fun entrance - then what are you left with? America's Most Wanted II.

I know what i'd rather :)

I actually think it's a really cool name and gimmick. Besides, it's hardly too overpowering. They just sip a little beer and have some fun - something that's kind of overlooked these days. Being 'fun' is hard to pull off to a crowd, and they seem to do it well in a likeable yet not too cheesy manner.

Well firstly, who doesn't like beer and money?

The crowds go nuts every time for the beer money chant thats for sure.

I didn't think the name made much sense either, but it's caught on and that's what counts.

All you need in wrestling for people to remember you is that one stupid gimmick.

Like R Truth raps that song and goes whats up and everyone goes crazy over it.

When I went to TNA live, one of the times the audience was the loudest was on the beer money chant.
I think the name is great!

It suits them.

So what if the gimmick is a little hokey.

Pro Wrestling has nearly always been hokey.

I love everything about them. Fun outside the ring, but serious inside the ring. It's no different to say the Fabulous Freebirds or Nasty Boys.

As for the 'Beer...Money!' chant, I think it works really well!

It's something the crowd can join in with, and really seems to enjoy doing.

It's just the same as 'You don't like me...Bite Me!' or 'D-Von...Get the Table!'

Even I join in when I'm watching iMPACT! on TV.

I don't think I would really change anything about Beer Money.
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