Beauty Pageants


Fun's my Chinese neighbour's name
I've just been watching something on TV about beauty pageants and I'd like to know what other people think of them?

To me, they just looked like a bunch of sad little children whose mothers were forcing them into these pageants because the mother wanted them to take part.

What is the point to them, what do they prove? Discuss
You stole one of my future threads, damn you :lmao:

I hate children in beauty pageants, I truly despise them. I think it's completely awful that you could be filling a childs mind with such superficiality from such an early age, it really does sicken me. There is so much trouble with things such as having an unhealthy self image right now, and it stems down to things like this and the media.

I hate that parents make their children think looks are as important as this, when they're not. And the child doesn't even understand everything properly, it's their parents choice, and it's sick parents that allow their child to be paraded around in make up at 3 years old.

When it comes to adult beauty pageants, I suppose that's their choice. They're not being forced into it so we can do nothing about it. The only problem I have is the typical winner, who will be a size 0, and look like something that no normal woman can ever be. It just helps further peoples hatred for the way they look, due to a tiny minority who are crowned 'Miss World' because they are unhealthily skinny with fake breasts.
Fuck no it doesnt accomplish anything. Its fucking stupid, and teaches young children to seek approval through superifcial means. Thats a terrible, terrible thing, to put a child through with such underdeveloped social, emotional, and self worth stage. Its ridiculous. Any kind of contest of beauty is high objectification, and is about as outdated and primal of a situation as could be. Laborious.
Freaky, but entertaining. I love to watch them. Those girls with tangerine tans, perfectly sculptured hair, smiles like the finest Hollywood starlet. All for a tropy, a little bit of cash, and bragging rights ''I'm Miss Child Idaho, bitch''. I could watch stuff like that all day. Not because I'm a perv, because I don't find normal children sexual, let alone the ones they fail to make look sexual.

But I do think it's wrong. A child would never request to be entered into one of those things. It's about pushy parents. And I'm unsure why you would push your child into something like this.

Those kids all look like freaks. Case in point. The girl from Little Miss Sunshine was by far the prettiest child in that film, even though she had a beer belly.
These things are just pointless in general. Back in the day, Miss America was a big deal. Now though, what is the appeal to them? For the rest of your life all you have is a title after your name. "Yes I was Miss Nevada in 1998." And this does what for your life in general? You're Miss whatever, and no one knows your name at all. The pagents aren't even broadcast anymore, showing that no one cares at all. All they are are women in gowns or swimsuits walking around with fake tans, fake smiles and saying exactly what they're told to do. Oddly enough, sounds like the divas.
I don't find much difference in some shit like this or when an overbearing father pushes a kid into playing baseball. The difference is that one involves makeup and the other involves your first exposure to wearing a cup and getting a farmer's tan. This kind of shit goes on all the time in numerous ways. The issue is that parent's tend to enjoy projecting they're desires on their children instead of letting their kid develop naturally and be what they want to be or even to think for themselves. Do I think that Jon Benet Ramsey shit is kind of creepy? Yeah. I do. I just find it kind of disturbing to see a child who should be worried about Barbies and stuff parading around like they're Alicia Machado or Naomi Campbell.
The kid's pageants are, frankly, disgusting and creepy. It makes me think of some sick pedo watching that shit and getting off. Truly horrible, IMO.

How can a parent put so much pressure on a little girl? Children are not meant to wear makeup and parade around a stage.

Now, I don't want to insult any ladies here, not at all, because that's not what I'm about, but it seems these kids have pathetic, sad mothers who couldn't make it on the stage themselves, and now are trying to live through their children. I think it also hurts the child's values. You can never be a doctor, lawyer or politician, because it's all about beauty and the only thing you'll ever be is eye candy in a competition. These moms are anti-feminists.

It is enormous pressure on a child, especially the ones who lose and may feel they are not pretty enough. A 6 year old girl should be playing outside, going to school and having fun. These poor kids are having their childhoods stripped away by selfish, loser parents.

I'm not totally against child modeling. If little Suzy has the perfect face for a gum commercial or a toy commercial, I don't think that's too bad, but on a stage with makeup and swimsuits and shit? No. Truly is very, VERY creepy.
Yea Child Pageants are are disgusting the parents living through their child is just creepy as hell beacuses having children being paraded around a stage and judged like a peice of meat at age 8 is well,its just fucked up. Here is what i want to know now what is the point of these?(Not Just Child Pageants just in general) You get almost no TV time if thats what there looking for I mean what good comes from these,and what the hell are they judging anyway? How good you can Memorize Lines?,and how good your make-up artist is? If it was about Beauty and what the people really think wouldn't there no make-up and no coaches these things make no sense to me.
Completely against children in beauty pageants. This kids aren't even legal, but their parents are trying to pass them off as sex symbols essentially, as the entire purpose of a beauty pageant is the superficial judging of importance through appearance (despite pathetic attempts at a "talent portion" and everything). I have to agree with those above that say its all about the mother and/or father trying to live vicariously through their daughter because their self-esteem is too low. Instead of trying to teach your child that looks matter more than anything else (especially if they're going to be attractive in the future ANYWAY), how about you spend this time trying to boost their intelligence so they can offer more than that later on in their lives?

For adults...have them...but don't try to make them out for what they're not. They've never been, aren't, and never will be, a competition to find an overall well-rounded in all aspects woman to represent each state/country and find out who is the best icon for women this year lol. Its simply a modeling competition. So really, just judge the girls based on their looks, as that's all people care about, and be done with it. Miss America doesn't need to give speeches, especially that one girl talking about the maps and "such as", she just needs to look sexy. If these women have nothing better going for themselves than their looks, and can't get by doing anything else but showing it off, let them model by all means, but don't try to make it seem like she's somehow higher up just because she answered a question on stage lol.

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