Batman: The Animated Series

Batman Beyond was interesting concept at least. Though I really think 'Return of the Joker' was the true highlight for that series, the flashback scenes were just brilliant and so chilling at the same time. Just a shame the ending was a let down.
Mark Hamill. Accept no substitutes.


It's a shame the only time Batman Beyond really touched anyone's soul was when they would bring back original Batman villains or let Bruce smack a bitch. 'Cause I liked, and still like, the concept.

Okay, you're right. The pilot and the Blight reveal were pretty decent.

As for B:TAS... Well, duh.

I was watching Superman: TAS last night after my exam. The two Batman cross overs with Ra's al Ghul and Brainiac, respectively. Also, My Girl and The Main Man (Part 1). Fuck me running if that fight with Lobo in Metopolis wasn't as good as anything in any superhero series from that time period.
Consider it an investment in your child's future. Because being obsessed with those cartoons as a child in no way led to me being socially awkward.
TAS is pretty much the greatest show ever. Beyond was decent, but the obvious highlight was Return of the Joker. I have every episode of both packed away, but I do plan on rewatching start to finish at one point.

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