Batista vs. Ken Shamrock?


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This probably doesn't deserve it's own topic, but fuck it... I figure the title alone will draw people into the section.

Anyways, looks like Batista is looking to make his pro MMA Debut at BAMMA 6, and rumored opponent right now is none other than the World's Most Dangerous Man, Ken Shamrock. Check out the article below.

Tonight it has been revealed that former WWE heavyweight champion, Dave Batista has been in talks with British MMA promotion, BAMMA about making his professional debut on their May 21st card in London, England.

The news was first revealed by the Bleacher Report earlier today who revealed the man mountain was leaning towards fighting under the British promotions banner after fielding a number of offers for his services.

One potential opponent for Batista could be MMA legend, Ken Shamrock who was in attendance at the BAMMA 5 event this past weekend in Manchester, England. BAMMA 6 goes down May 21st at Wembley Arena and is set to be headlined by the promotions middleweight champion, Tom “Kong” Watson against a yet to be named opponent.

After the bad press their last event received after several key fighters failed to make weight and having a half empty scaled down M.E.N. Arena it appears BAMMA are happy to sell out for the easy option and go down the novelty route.

So... what do you guys think? Is this a fight you would like to see, or would you rather see Batista get the superstar treatment and face some no-name in his first bout like Lesnar and Lashley did?


Personally, I love a good freak show, and there's not a potential one better than Batista vs. Ken Shamrock. Of course, a pro wrestling match between the two would actually be more intriguing and entertaining than an MMA bout, but still... this would be fucking hilarious. Someone is going to end up looking like a complete fool, and since I don't necessarily care for either man, that's not something I would mind seeing.

Just think about this... it's a make or break fight for either guy. Whoever loses career is over, period. Ken's career should have ended YEARS ago, but losing to Batista in his first MMA fight would definitely have to be the final nail in the coffin. And Batista losing his first MMA fight to a washed-up has been in Ken Shamrock... there's just no way after suffering a defeat like that could Batista continue to strive to be in the sport of MMA.

So, yeah... BAMMA, make this happen. There's no way anyone is going to pay attention to this show if you don't do this, so have some balls and hook us up with a glorious freak show fight.
I think I am living proof that this is a good idea for the company. As a wrestling fan with very little interest in MMA, when I saw this thread I had to give it a look. This kind of event could draw in the wrestling fans who aren't necessarily MMA fans and are MMA fans alike.

I'm sure the actual fight would be atrocious. Like you said, Shamrock is way past his prime and even though Batista hasn't fought yet, I still think he's past his prime as well. Still, I can't say I wouldn't like to see this go down. I would be pulling for Shamrock all the way in hopes that maybe Batista would realize that he fucked up and come back to WWE.
Lol poor Ken. He had such a fall from grace over the last few years. People talk about Tito sticking around when he should be retired, Ken is the fucking KING of this. He just looks like a complete idiot by still fighting, and he cannot be healthy after the steroids, and all the punishment he has received over the years. It's not safe for him to fight. I agree with you though JMT this would be the best freak show fight ever. Batista will be reduced to a joke if he loses to the Ken Shamrock of today. At least most people consider Shamrock a joke already so a loss wouldn't be surprising. I know the guy is a legend, but he has won three of his last twelve fights! That is crazy. This will go down as the biggest freak show fight unless Shaq actually fights Hong Man Choi.
I cannot tell you how funny this would be. The syringe jokes would be more that enough for me to watch. One thing though, I think Batista might actually be a capable fighter. Might be. That being said, Ken Shamrock isn't all there anymore, like at all, and he will more than likely go in there wild as hell and just get decimated... if Batista happens to know what he's doing. If not, then it oughtta be fun watching that clusterfuck of a fight. Deep down, I'm hoping for a Batista loss, not because I hate him, but because I want him back in the WWE. Then again, that might give Shamrock some false confidence and lead him to believe he can still fight, and I don't want to see him get severely hurt.
I think I would definitely buy the BAMMA event for the lulz of this fight, it would be well worth the 6 bucks to watch it, at least I think that's how much they for the stream.

Sad to still see Ken still fighting, but with his suspension and fines from roiding, he must still need money. The guy just needs to hang em' up and become an ambassador to the sport. Get his image repaired some by doing so.

I will give Shammy a little credit, as for his last 2 fights he was decent, even though he was fighting nobodies, he won a decision, and was winning his last fight before he injured his hamstring and couldn't continue. Before this Batisita fight, Shamrock is rumored to fight Tank Abbott, under Shamrock's promotion. So who know's if Shamrock get's his head knocked off by old man Tank, the Batista fight might not happen. If the Batista fight does go down, I think Shamrock can easily win this fight, providing he goes for a takedown right away and subs him. As seen in those youtube videos with Batista training from a few years ago, the guy is fast, if he catches Shamrock, it will most likely be lights out for him.
I can honestly say that I'd be pulling for Batista to beat the brakes off Shamrock. There's no way in hell that this would sell unless Shamrock is his opponent. Shamrock hasn't been the "World's Most Dangerous Man" in about a decade. He needs to realize that the sport has passed him by and that he's hardly an attraction any longer. Unless it's freak fights like this.
This fight is going to be more epic than Fedor,Noguira and Fedor, Cro Cop combined!!! This would be fucking amazing of these two fought. Imagine the awkwardness of every movement, the stiffness of every punch, the gassing of both 30 seconds into the fight! Simply hilarious. Not even Wandy could do something more hilarious than seeing the Veiny Animal versus Old Man Shamrock.
The mystery is that we don't know how well Batista can fight, but what we do know is that at 41 years old is it a good choice. There isn't much time for him to train advancements in future matches. He has been injured alot of his time in the rigorous schedule that WWE has. Can he be at 100%.

Anyways I decided to jump the gun and make this.....


This could be a fools match either way. Batista beats Ken Shamrock yes he beats a legend of the sport but he is also beating someone as broken down as a fighter can be. If he loses to Ken Shamrock it will be the end of his career in MMA, after that a smart promoter would give him a fight. This might look like a novelty fight and I also believe that it does, but this is a fight that Ken can win.

Batista is a big powerful man no doubt about it. He can easily muscle and overpower the smaller Shamrock but he doesn't have the mat time under his to worry about hip position, wrist control not to mention the submissions that Kan can apply. On the feet Ken is a smarter boxer than Batista and I don't even need to know anything about Batista combat fighting wise to know this.
Batista is a big powerful man no doubt about it. He can easily muscle and overpower the smaller Shamrock but he doesn't have the mat time under his to worry about hip position, wrist control not to mention the submissions that Kan can apply. On the feet Ken is a smarter boxer than Batista and I don't even need to know anything about Batista combat fighting wise to know this.

Liddell is a better boxer than Rich Franklin, Rashad Evans, and Rampage Jackson combined, but he doesn't have the chin.

Neither does Shamrock at this point. Arlovski NEVER should lose to a chump like Brett Rogers, but he's got a glass chin.

Batista doesn't need to be the better boxer, he only needs to land something. Anyone who's trained MMA can tell you that the hardest people to train for are the people who don't know what they're doing.

It's like poker players who don't even know what they're holding, they raise and raise and raise when, statistically, they should have folded out of the hand a long time ago, but they were too stupid to know that and then they wind up catching something and not even realizing that they had it.

Poker players will tell you that this pisses them off more than a bad beat. At least in a bad beat, the other player knew what they were doing and took a calculated risk.

Shamrock should win this fight, but don't be shocked if Dave catches him with a glancing blow that ends Ken's night.

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