Batista v. Matt Hardy???


Pre-Show Stalwart
Well, it was announced after Batista attacked Matt backstage that they're having a match next week on Smackdown. What do you all think of this? I mean IMO it looks pretty hard to wrestle Batista and come out looking good. Jericho BARELY pulled it off (Batista's fault), so how's Matt Hardy gonna look against him? I mean Matt can have good matches against big guys, like Kane, but they're not Batista...

However, it's good to see Matt back in the ME of Smackdown, because the show is being headlined by that match, but Matt may just get squashed... Or maybe not, idk.
Yeah I can imagine that Matt Hardy is going to get destroyed here. Batista will come off this looking dominant with Rey coming out to make the save. I think there is other faces out there that could be fed to Batista here (R-Truth) but Matt gets to work with a big smackdown star and hopefully he will impress. I dont think this will be the main event of Smackdown, that will probably go to whatever Jericho/BigShow/Taker segment happens at the opening (I'm imagining Jericho/Show Vs Kane and Taker) but I do think this match will be either just before that or in the middle. Matt needs to find a feud though because at the moment he is getting lost again although having said that he did beat Eric Escobar and pick up the pin fall for his Bragging Rights entry so perhaps they may go somewhere with Escobar. Matt vs Escobar could work well especially with Vickie in Erics corner.

As for this match though, I see Batista destroying Matt Hardy hopefully Matt will go down fighting and not be dismanteled and made to look weak.
I'm excited for this match. This match should be really good if its given time and also no interference. Also we get to see Batista first match as a new heel. Also its nice to see Matt hardy to main event smackdown once in a while. I think wwe is pushing him. I will be watching smackdown this week for this match.
After some of the shit Matt dumbly said about internet fans (the ones who got him his job back in 2005), I can't really get into Matt as a face anymore. So seeing Matt's fat ass used as fodder for Dave's heel run won't bother me at all. That said, I could see a BS decision leading towards a Rey/Matt and friends team taking on some Batista led heels at the next pay per view. Just feels like Batista's getting into it with two faces right now because WWE realizes it's that time of the year they should probably get at least one elimination tag on the Survivor Series card.

Effort... Oh, how it must annoy them creative folk.
This has the potential to be a good match. I was questioning if Batista could carry the heel role by himself because last time he had HHH, Orton, and Flair behind him, but after watching that segment with Rey Mysterio last night, he did a pretty damn good job. I think Batista will dominate most of this match, while Matt will get a couple of shots in every now and then. He'll proably try to take out Matt once the match is over, in order to get more heel-heat. It's nice to see Matt back in the main event. Maybe he can gain some momentum off of this.
Matt Hardy in the main event will be great to see. Yes it is against Batista and all, and may be a squash or something one sided because it is Batista and all, but it should be fairly decent. It'll make great heel heat for Batista, but it'll just as great to see Matt getting some big time exposure on the SmackDown brand. Hopefully, we'll get to see more of Matt in the main event scene.
It could grow into a push for Matt. Remember, about a year ago Jeff was facing Kozlov. It eventually grew into #1 contender's matches. Then BAM Jeff becomes WWE Champ. The only difference is that Batista will squash Matt for awhile. Could this be similar?
I personally doubt that it's going to happen to Matt. Although it'd be nice to see Matt getting pushed again, he'll most likely get dominated for a good portion of this match, with a few shots here and there. Will he gain momentum? Only time can really tell.
Matt looked better this week than he has done in a while, this is good for him. I dont think this will be the squash some of you think it will be, I dont expect him to win but I reckon he'll put on a good showing. Besides, Smackdown is desperate for another over face to fued with people, so it doesnt make sense to have one of the most over faces in the company squashed.
I'm pulling for a good, solid match this week, rather than a typical and expected squash. After hearing the huge pop Matt got last week and the lack of Main Event faces, it seems as though the door has once again opened for Matt Hardy. And this time there doesn't seem to be any obstacles in the way. It all depends on his performance this coming Friday (Tuesday). Lets see how it goes. Good luck Matt.
Matt Hardy's going to get squashed in this match. Why? Because Batista's back to being the 'Monster' heel he was in Evolution and his first victim will be Matt "I can slam a tornado" Hardy. Seriously. This match will be a squash. Although it would make Matt look good if he were to give Batista a match and possibly upset the big man, but don't expect it. Matt Hardy will never be a main eventer.
So seeing Matt's fat ass used as fodder for Dave's heel run won't bother me at all.

This isn't anything about your post, but it's really getting on my nerves that people in general keep attacking Matt's gut. He had a major abdominal injury not too far back, and he's probably never going to get that thin ever again because of the damage to his abdomen. It would probably be risky for him to try and over exercise that portion of his body. In relation to Matt vs batista, It's probably going to end up being a squash to push Batista's new heel run, and they will want to make him look as dominant as possible. I think Matt's internet activity is really coming back to bite him in the ass, and what he does is his business, but in respect to his career, he should probably tone it down if he doesn't want to end up as a jobber.
I think that Batista is gonna dominate Matt Hardy this week on Smackdown and is gonna win. Because who would lose on their first Match as a heel i know Batista wouldn't
so i think he is gonna win. Even tho i want Matt Hardy to get a push on Wwe like his brother Jeff Hardy got a push...
I don't think it really means anything. Mysterio will probably cost Batista the win somehow, and Hardy will go forward to a dull feud with one of the new guys like McIntyre or something. I think Batista vs Mysterio will be a straight forward match at Survivor Series, but Hardy will probably been in a multiman match, where someone will get pinned after a dropkick or something equally shit, you know the ones I mean.

I don't anticipate that anything significant will come from this matchup, except to continue the Rey Mysterio and Batista angle.
Let's face it, anything short of an absolute squash is an improvement for Hardy. At least he's getting a spot in the SD main event, which is more than he's been able to say in far too long. Finally that lack of bankable faces is working to his advantage!
This wasn't a bad match actually. People are saying it was bad, and a poor way to end the show, but it was a decent match. Batista and Matt looked alot better than I thought they would, and there were a few spots in the match where Matt was controlling the match. It was damn decent, don't care what any haters say...
it was a very good match
the animal
destroy matt hardy
and matt was soo bad
and his shape was pretty bad as well
he coudn't sell any move from batista
i like that match bec the animal did his part very well
that's the animal every one want to see
i am sure he will make smackdown the "A" show
it was a very good match
the animal
destroy matt hardy
and matt was soo bad
and his shape was pretty bad as well
he coudn't sell any move from batista
i like that match bec the animal did his part very well
that's the animal every one want to see
i am sure he will make smackdown the "A" show

I watched the match a few times dude, and Matt did a better job selling Batista's moves than Batista sold Matt's, well what Matt did in the match. And, I expected to be some rough spots in the match, because Matt and Batista have NO ring chemistry because they never wrestle each other.
This match was ok, Matt almost got the win, he hit his finsher and Batista got the ropes he didnt kick out, I was pretty surprised they did that, but i didnt understand the crowd wanting to see Matt get a serving of the Batista Bomb at the end, Batista was wise not to give him one though being a heel and all

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