Batista To Raw

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Batista To Raw

Edge vs. Cena. Winner goes to Raw. Batista comes out. It's him me thinks. I was right. Great move. He's been on Smackdown for three years. And done all that he can with the brand. He's actually impressed me over the past year. But I like to attribute that to the talents of Undertaker & Edge. I'm guessing that his first big feud will be with HHH. As Batista is the only wrestler that HHH has put over in recent years I'm guessing it's Big Dave's time to repay the favour.
Yupp I like seing batista comming to raw, Maybe know if cena goes I can enjoy new matches. Becase if cena stays it'll be the same shit with another dude throwed in like they did with jbl. I liked batista with evolution, And I still like him maybe if raw books him right he can do a great run with a champ and even step up and get another major belt under his repituair.
Well that ends the Batista vs Edge, and Batista vs Undertaker matches we have been seeing the last two years. The only thing I can see coming from this is Batista and Orton starting the new Evolution to fued with Triple H and Michaels that was rumored to happen a while ago. Maybe since Orton returned to TV tonight, they can start it up now I dont think they can wait until Orton is ready to return to the ring. Orton can manage Batista till he returns. Its a lot they could do with this move. Hopefully they dont screw it up with constant Triple H vs Batista matches or something.
Thank god. Get Batista off of Smackdown so I don't have to watch him anymore. Batista is terrible, and this all but confirms that nasty rumor I've been readin around the net with Tista and Orton forming a new Evolution to face Michaels and Triple H. what another way to keep Michaels and Triple H in the main event scene, it's pathetic.

Anyways, Craptista won't be able to hide on Live tv anymore. He won't have the benefit of 3 days of editing to make him look decent. Hopefully Batista does a full fledged heel turn, because he's a bore at best as a face anymore.
I thought Batista was a better Heel with Evolution than a face which he has been the last few years. Him as a face is repetitive. He needs to be a big bruiser. I think if Evolution is reformed with him and Orton, I think he'll be the power and will secure a lot of victories for Orton. I will love it if this happen but hey, we are no writers.
batista is another talentless goober with negative mic skills. yes he doesnt have just a 0 stat, hs are actually in the negatives. lance cades promo that he cut tonight was better than anything ive seen batista do and lance cade sucks on the mic too. what does he have to offer raw? another fued with HBK? *yawn* or how about another go with Y2J? *yawn*

this was a bad bad choice....
I love the move simply because it makes it more possible for the Evolution reunion. Evolution was hands down my favorite faction in recent years, and I'd love to see it come back with Orton and Batista and start a whole "students vs teachers" sort of deal. Who knows, maybe Flair would even get involved and choose a side...
Just like Umaga I knew this move was coming. He was getting very stale on Smackdown. He had run through every person on the blue brand. So much so where it actually became boring as evidenced by the past year and a half of Taker vs Batista, Edge vs. Batista, or those three in a triple threat match for the title.

I hope to god he turns heel. Its really what he needs now. I've always thought Batista as a heel has more leverage then Batista as a face. After awhile though Batista on raw will be just as boring as he was on Smackdown. At which point he should just start putting new talent over. I really can't say this is a bad move though.
Did they make the stip that if batista loses at NOC he is banished? If so, I think its certain that tista is bringing the WHC to Raw. Which is where I think it should be

I'm pretty sure, but not positive, that the "banished" stipulation was for his match with Khali, but his stipulation for NoC is that if he loses, he never gets another shot at Edge's title while he's champ.

I hope to god he turns heel. Its really what he needs now. I've always thought Batista as a heel has more leverage then Batista as a face. After awhile though Batista on raw will be just as boring as he was on Smackdown. At which point he should just start putting new talent over. I really can't say this is a bad move though.

Batista SEVERELY needs to turn heel, not just for himself, but for Raw. Raw simply can't sustain itself if its only "main event" heels are Orton, JBL, Jericho, and if Punk turns heel. It can't happen. I don't care what they want, Cade will not be a main event heel yet haha. But what's so annoying is that all the people that moved from Raw to Smackdown, essentially, were people that could've had feuds with others. How many times over the past few months have we seen Cena/Orton/JBL/Jericho/HBK in feuds? CONSTANTLY. Batista turning heel would even out the trade of Umaga, as they'd both be "monster heels", but he's so boring that he's not going to make Raw more interesting.
Welp, saw this comin as well. And here we go, we finally get our modern era Hogan Vs Warrior. I can certainley see Batista Vs Cena coming down the road, possibly even at Mania. Thats if they keep him heel. A new Evolution would fucking rock too. Tista and Orton leading the way against Cena and possibly HBK as well. Lots of different ways you may go with this, it certainley freshens things up, and thats whats the draft is supposed to be.
Thank god. Get Batista off of Smackdown so I don't have to watch him anymore. Batista is terrible, and this all but confirms that nasty rumor I've been readin around the net with Tista and Orton forming a new Evolution to face Michaels and Triple H. what another way to keep Michaels and Triple H in the main event scene, it's pathetic.

Anyways, Craptista won't be able to hide on Live tv anymore. He won't have the benefit of 3 days of editing to make him look decent. Hopefully Batista does a full fledged heel turn, because he's a bore at best as a face anymore.
Depends on what you look for. You're obviously someone who appreciates in-ring talent, as most of us do.

But, the fans are hot on Batista. There's no way around it. As I had said once before, Batista is cool, and the fans just dig him.

I think a Batista heel turn would be great, having him hook up with Orton and maybe two more young guys. They should dump this tag thing with Dibiasi JR, and break up Holly and Rhodes, which, IMO, is a team that sucks. You could have Batista, who would now be the veteran, with Orton, Ted, and Rhodes. Great stable.

But, with HHH on Smackdown now, :(, how could they pull off a fued? Perhaps they'll do more stuff where guys appear on multiple brands, and Batista's stable could invade Smackdown to get to HHH.

I don't know what direction WWE is taking with this lottery, but it should be interesting, at the very least.
This is one of the best moves they've done this year. Batista has feuded with everyone he can possibly feud with on SmackDown. Who else was tired of Batista vs. Edge? On Raw he has so many new feuds available to him, especially against John Cena. People have wanted to see this match since they teased it at the 2005 Royal Rumble. I for one think it will draw pretty well. It would also be the perfect time to turn Batista heel, seeing as his face gimmick has been stale for a while now, and he needs a change. Hopefully it all works out for the best.
I really liked the Batista switch now we might see a reformation of Evolution with Randy Orton and Batista being the leaders and they might 2 other guys that are not so over yet and get them over just like what happened with the original Evolution that got Batista and Randy Orton over.
So happy to see this one. With HHH gone, they need someone to come in and be the big man who has carried the title before. Plus, Raw needs someone to try to be a face and get more heat than Cena. This might actually help Cena's character become the true face of Raw.
I think this was a logical draft pick for the simple reason that Batista has done everything on SD!. He's been in tons of main events for the heavy weight title and has stayed in the picture for a while now. He was getting stale there because it was all done before. Now on RAW, it can refreshen things up and I can see some decent fueds coming...CM Punk/Batista, Cena/Batista, Orton/Batista.
good move but when he came out to attack edge i could see the move coming. it was way too predictable. i love the move though. He will have more feuds but unfortunately this likely will lead to him turning heel. still a good move for raw.
FINALLY! Batista has left Smackdown and Undertaker and Edge will have some new meat to deal with in the form of Triple H, Kennedy, Jeff Hardy, and Umaga. Batista's matches were repetitive, even when he lost, and him as a face just made it more boring. It was much better when he was the big bad heel bruiser. Like other comments, I'd be excited to see him reform a "Younger" evolution against maybe, HBK and Cena. Also, I'm expecting Batista to bring the WHC to Raw. Then he either needs to lose the belt really fast, or turn heel while he has the belt to shake things up. Cena vs Batista for the World Heavyweight Championship is a program I think could be very interesting if the cards are played right.
i hope to see batista and cena fight to see who the dumber, muscle bound guy is. he will probably feud wih jericho and michaels, maybe kane. it's good to c dave off smackdown but with the results of the draft , there is not that much for him to do except form the evolution partnership with orton to fight dx. not happy or sad with this move, maybe cos i find batista stale and boring.
I think Batista moving to Raw was a good thing but only under the right circumstances. He needs to turn heel, first off. Secondly, Raw has too many heels right now and not even faces in the main event. The faces they have are Cena, HBK, Kane, Punk, and Mysterio...however, I feel Punk desperately needs a heel turn as well. That leaves Raw with Batista, Jericho, Orton, Punk, and JBL. Mysterio and Kane can't carry the face-load, Michaels doesn't want a WWE title reign, and it'll be a bore to see Cena as champ for a year straight again. So Raw needs Batista and Punk to turn heel, but they need to add another solid face (Undertaker, Jeff, or Kennedy) to balance it out so Raw doesn't suck for 12 months. I'm not a fan of Batista (or Punk anymore as he's grown extremely stale) but they both would work much better as heels than faces.
I gladly predicted this move and I am glad that it happened. He was extremely stale on the blue brand. But as mentioned before, he desperately needs to turn heel for many reasons.

I really hope at Wrestlemania 25 we see a face John Cena vs a heel Batista. They can advertise it as a "dream match". Batista can also continue his feud with Shawn Michaels for the next few months. He will definately benefit from the move.
I again, saw this coming. Batista was so overdone on SD! if was meat, he would have the shade of HHH's tan. :lmao: On Raw he will have so many new fueds to look forward to, so many more things that are different and hopefully benificially for him.

He will probably put in the ME picture soon enough and it wouldn't surprise if that happened rather quickly. I don't know how interesting Batista will be on Raw, but it will definately be something fresh.

I hope that Batista doesn't require too much editing in his matches lol, otherwise we will have to go without the SD! team of enlighteners.

Batista will be put in the ME too quickly IMO, but everyone loves him so to speak. So we will see.
I love how Batista was probably glad he got moved to Raw as it's the bigger show. Then HHH moves and it's so obvious that Raw's time as the premier show of WWE programing is over. This is great. I think what we have forward to seeing is a Cena vs. Batista match. Hmm. Can't wait. I just can't see how that would be anything other than awful. Then again it's something different, which doesn't happen often. And the heat should be off the charts.
I love how Batista was probably glad he got moved to Raw as it's the bigger show. Then HHH moves and it's so obvious that Raw's time as the premier show of WWE programing is over. This is great. I think what we have forward to seeing is a Cena vs. Batista match. Hmm. Can't wait. I just can't see how that would be anything other than awful. Then again it's something different, which doesn't happen often. And the heat should be off the charts.

I disagree there. Much like Cena, people here don't like to admit that Batista is a superstar in the company. He is right up there with HHH as far as drawing power and Cena is above them both. So I think RAW and Smackdown are equal if anything (when factoring in Jeff Hardy's move), but Smackdown is not above RAW. Batista moving pretty much counter acts the Trips move.

Batista would be in the same spot on the card no matter what show he was on, so they may as well move him to RAW where he has more opponents.

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