Batista & Orton Or Rhodes & DiBiase


The Cerebral Assassin
So everyone can pretty much see the resemblance in the stables of Evolution (in which Orton & Batista were trained) and Legacy (in which Rhodes & DiBiase are being trained). My question is simple. Who do you think had/has more potential, the pair of Orton & Batista, or the pair of Rhodes & DiBiase, during the times of their respective stables? Which pair showed/shows more promise? Which pair do you think will ultimately be more successful as pro wreslters after all is said and done? So, Batista & Orton or Rhodes & DiBiase?
Orton and Batista easily. There's one big thing that's holding back Legacy: they're practically the same person. Both are average sized, muscle bodied, handsome kids. What seperates them from each other? Batista and Orton on the other hand are quite different. You can see that just by looking at them. Batista is an older power guy and Orton is more of a balanced attack. Also, I can't imagine either of Legacy will do what Orton has. They were brought up differently with Orton being pushed as a singles star his entire career. While DiBiase and Rhodes are very bright stars, Orton and Batista are superstars.
Legacy still have yet to impress me, whereas Batista and Orton showed from very early on in the Evolution days that they had promise (more-so Orton, which made Batista's rise more impressive) I still cant see what the big deal is with Rhodes and DiBiase, apart from their last names that is.

So yeah I doubt either Rhodes or DiBiase will do what Orton and Batista have done in WWE.
I see what youre saying KB, Rhodes & DiBiase pretty much have nothing that separates them as characters. In fact, if anything, Rhodes was thrusted into DiBiase's gimmick of being "Priceless", something I really dont understand, but I guess they had to do it in order for their tag team to work. I think one of the only chances they will have to be true successes later on in their careers is if they really separate their characters' personas from one another NOW (idk how, but its def needed).

I would also pick Orton & Batista, just because they were pushed in Evolution and trained by HHH & Flair.
Yeah, it's sort of hard to see them as singles guys, Cody started to show some personality and mic skill etc when it was just him and Orton but since Ted has come back it's turned into sort of Orton and 2 cronies to back him up rather than collective team.

With Batista and Orton you saw 2 different guys with different talents where as with Cody and Ted you see a pair with some talent but you forget about them after they're on screen where as you'd still be thinking about the scene after Batista or Orton....

I hope WWE gives Ted and Cody some kind of push in this stable so they dont end up like Hawkins and Ryder.
I would also pick Orton & Batista, just because they were pushed in Evolution and trained by HHH & Flair.

good point. orton and batista were main eventers in training, whereas rhodes and dibiase seems like they're just orton's bitches and do whatever orton asks.
I think when it comes to overall talent in every facet of the business, Orton is better than all three combined, so in that way, I go with Orton/Batista
So far it is Orton and Batista for me, even in the same amount of time. They were more impressive because they had the better teachers in Triple H and Ric Flair. In general I do not think that Letgacy will even match Orton's success once he has finished. The one redeeming factor for Legacy however is they can become better thna Batista if they stay a long time. Batista started old, while these two started young. As long as they keep up, they will do fine.
They are all four worthless.The legacy group is just plain stupid and has 1 curtain jerker (orton) and 2 coatail riders (Rhodes & DiBiase) and Evolution was 1 young rookie (orton) ,1 old rookie (Batista),1 over hyped wrestler (HHH) and 1 over the hill wrestler (Flair)!!!

But for the sake of this thread I will say Batista & Orton are the better lesser of two evils. But I'm sure we will have to gag on Legacy being crammed down our throats!
It's too soon to tell. DiBiase is less than a year into his career. I question this: when Batista first arrived in the WWE as Deacon Batista to Reverend D-Von, did anybody view him as a future champion? Stone Cold, Triple H, Edge, they all started at the bottom rungs of wrestling. And even Orton himself. He was a goody two-shoes on Velocity when he started. He's developed so much from being a champion to a superstar in the last half a year alone. My point: give these two guys time to develop. They could be icons when it's all over.
Give me another year with the Legacy stable still intact and I'll let you know a better answer. Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes haven't yet been given the chance to be as good, and they aren't exactly being lead by the likes of Ric Flair and Triple H., either.

On that note, right now.. Batista and Orton, mainly because they were "raised" by the greatest the industry could provide them. But I honestly think Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes will come to have a brighter future, if they can survive stupid storylines and being meaningless jobbers in a faction.
DiBiase may turn out to be the best worker of the bunch, but the question is whether or not he'll turn into the charismatic personality his father was. If he can break free of Orton and Legacy and step away from just his name he could very well be a main eventer.
You can't really answer this yet, because we don't know the work ethic of messyrs Rhodes and DiBiase.

If they work hard enough they can both become big singles stars, plus, they have a ready made feud, which again, if they show work ethic, could be as good as any feud in WWE.

One as a face, one as a heel. Son of the American dream, Son of the Million Dollar Man. Two completely different backgrounds, the history from the eventual breakup of Legacy. If these two work hard, they are Main Event material, and because of their build and training, should be very entertaining Main Eventers.

Orton and Batista have done impressive things in WWE, but, let's be honest here, Orton is the only one with any star quality. If neither Rhodes or DiBiase gets to Orton's level, I'd still take either of them over Batista
Orton and Batista. When Orton and Batista came into evolution they were made to look strong and had feuds going on. Dibiase and Rhodes are basically just guys that follow Orton around and dont have much else.

As far as potential goes who knows. We need to see more from Dibiase and Rhodes but the ball is in creatives court on that one.
Orton and Batista get the nod here. They were taken from relative nothingness and both became world champs just a couple years later. And now they are two of the most over guys in the whole company with Batista as the 2nd face (behind Cena) and Orton arguably as the top heel (Edge of course being the other consideration). I don't think Evolution could have worked out any better.

That being said, Ted and Cody have a very bright future in my eyes. Both have much more longevity than Batista (as he is much older than we all originally thought) to start. And their characters work very well for them, so getting the rub from Orton is going to help immensely. I don't think either will ever be as big as Orton..but I think they will both be solid midcard champions and both have a shot at being future world champions.
Haven't seen enough of Legacy yet to judge although right now I'd say that Batista and Orton were more impressive in Evolution but they were also given more to work with. I don't see Rhodes as a legit contendor yet and seeing as how Orton and Batista are both fromer World Champions. Then I have to say Batista & Orton easily.
It's hard to comment on Priceless really, I mean they are very new, And I dont think they have been around a full year yet, But they are both showing great promise, It's taken both of them to find their feet finisher wise, But it seem's they have both settled on the Inverted twisting cutter(Rhodes), And the million dollar dream into the rock bottom(Dibiase) respectively. They are both showing some personality on the mic, Admittedly Cody, More than Ted. They are both showing some good ring psycology as well, Again Cody, More than Ted.

Whereas Orton, And Batista Took an age to settle on their signiture moves, Randy was solid on the mic at the time, But Big Dave was terrible, It took Bastista a long time to become comfatable on the stick. Randy again was also alot better with in-ring psycology, He would be smart in the ring, Whereas Batista would try and smash everyone in his way.

So if I was to choose between the two team's when they was both 6 months or so into the factions, I would choose Team Priceless. But if I was told to choose who I would think to have more star power 5 years from time, It would be Evolution, As I think Orton will be THE premier hell in the company, And Batista as a solid face, But i'd like to think Priceless will become better all round wrestler's, And draw's than Batista.

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