Batista Injured?


Is hanging up the boots is reporting that Raw star Batista will be out of action from anywhere between 6 and 8 months. As seen tonight on Raw, Batista was forced to forefeit his match against Randy Orton as he was selling the kick to the head he received from Orton last week, and it looks as if this will be the basis of an angle that will see The Animal out of the ring for quite some time. Batista has been reportedly suffering from hamsting problems which began on WWE's last European tour and have worsened since returning to the states. He will be undergoing surgery soon which will require him to be out of action well beyond Wrestlemania.

Well, after reading that, it really puts the main event of Wrestlemania in serious jeoprady. Batista is one the WWE's top superstar, so this will obviously hurt Raw especially. It's always sad when a top superstar is out for so long such as this. These injuries have been non stop for the past 3 years now. Batista, Randy Orton, John Cena, the Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Edge and Triple H are the WWE's big guns, yet they have all been injured within the past 2 to 3 years. These injuries really need to stop, but there's really no way of preventing them.

I have absolutely no idea what the Wrestlemania main event will be on the Raw side of things. Batista is obviously not too happy about being sidelined once again. The guy has been consistant for a long time now and is certainly underrated by many. I expect him to return at SummerSlam next year, and that does seem like a long time. If he gets injured one more time, he certainly must be contemplating retiring.

What are your thoughts on Batista being injured once again? Please list reasons for your answer.
No loss really if you ask me. If Batista was really that important then they would have found a better match for him at last year's WrestleMania. He's been treading water for a while now. A break should do him the world of good.

It's the best time for it to happen as well. He won't be missed at the Rumble, there are 29 other wrestlers taking part after all. The Elimination Chamber matches should be stacked, and Mania always has too many participants.

It'll also force WWE to come up with some better matches. A rehash of a old feud should be saved for the post-Mania period. Batista vs. Cena or Triple H should be saved for then anyway.
I sure as hell won't miss him. Learning that i won't have to watch him wrestle at WM25 is the best news i've heard all month!

As Jake said, the guy has done nothing of merit all year. In fact, with the exception of his match with Cena, and a short fued with HBK, which was really a pre-cursor for HBK/Y2J, Batista has done nothing worth mentioning since losing the WHC at Armageddon last year. Sure he won the WHC for 8 days and was one of the tag champs for literally a week, but that's it. For crying out loud, he's had 2 squash matches on PPV and one of those was at WM!!!!!!! He's been used as filler for most of the year, just so his fans don't feel left out, which to an extent, is fair enough. He finally gets involved in what looked to be a proper fued that would have lasted a while, and now he's gone.

I see this as a wonderful opportunity for Orton to swoop in and win the title and keep it right through to when Batista returns, so that they can pick their fued up right off the bat for the title at the biggest party of the Summer
I think he's served his purpose this year. He's been perfectly entertaining, just not spectacular. Moving to Raw was never going to be a good thing for him, not with better and more charismatic wrestlers around. Smackdown wouldn't have been much better for him if he'd stayed.

I just think that injuries sometimes are a blessing. He was on Raw, but he wasn't doing anything of note. His injury will help Orton and it'll help him when he returns. I fully expect just as many people to be intrested in his return as they were Cena's. More so even because it's unlikely he'll be pushed down everyones throats so hard.
I'm a little pissed off that he is injured, Because of his fued with Randy Orton, But I'll forget about him within a week.

I'm not his biggest fan, But he is a main event player, He draws well, So naturally the WWE will miss him, But to be honest the rest will do him good, You can see he needs it just lately, He's had lots of little knocks and niggles since WretleMaina. It certainly opens up a main event spot for some else, We could see CM Punk vs The Legacy now, Or Orton will just jump straight to the title, And fued with Cena, Either way i'm happy.
Loseing batista in my opinion will hurt raw , but i dont really like him so it doesnt bother me. Im just thinking though , HHH is no longer wwe champ , and was never ment ti move off raw in the first place as it was ment to be cena , and he was also seen somewhat involving himself in the HBK/JBL fued last night on raw. Think its maybe possible that HHH will come over to raw to kind of replace batista and fued with HBK for a WM25 main event match instead now?
I'm quite a bit gutted about Batista being out for 6 months at least for a few reasons;

1) His feud with Randy Orton was really beginning to pick up, I was enjoying the build up between the two and their recent matches were pretty good. Batista really had stepped up a notch, and Orton works so well with him.

2) This year he's really grown on me, more so than Czena has, he seems to really step up to the plate with PPV's and his return to Raw has been quite enjoyable.

3) He's not getting any younger, with him being 40 in January, a 6-8 month hiatus can only damage him really, it's the length of time you don't want to be out of the game at that age, especially when there's already been retirement talk with regards to him.
It won't really make much a difference. As has already been mentioned, he's been a filler most of the year, apart from his match with Cena and his semi-feud with Y2J. But he will be missed, especially around Wrestlemania. This could open the championship spot for a guy new to the main event, and you could put Mr. Kennedy back on Raw, and put him in the match. Or some other up and comer, maybe let CM Punk have another chance. But I think that they'll let an established main eventer go for the championship, don't know who.

This could be the perfect opportunity to cotinue his feud with Orton. Orton could be demolishing the rest of the roster up until SummerSlam. Then there could be promos airing Batista's return. He could go through backstage recruiting people for a new stable, and at SummerSlam face Orton one on one, but lose because of some interference. Have the two stables feuding up until Survivior Series, where they can have each stable face each other in a Survivor Series match. The feud can go on and end possibly at WM 26, elimination tag or some simliar sort of match.
Batista hasn't really done much on his time on RAW to be honest, I mean, he had a week long reign as champion that was pretty much worthless. Sure, he's popular, but fans have enough going for them on RAW right now not to notice him going missing.

I guess it just opens up another main event spot for someone to fill in the meantime, which basically needs to be CM Punk or Kofi Kingston. Freshen up the main event scene that way, plus it's someone different, well, bar Punk.

Batista missing affects WrestleMania 25 hugely though, no Cena vs Batista II. That was basically their main matchm their main match to market, so unless Batista somehow recovers like superman, WrestleMania is losing out BIG TIME.
His feud with Orton was really starting to get good but I guess he has something to come back to when he gets back. Batista always seems to get hurt as a new injury creeps up every 16 months with this guy. I won't say its old age because there is no valid proof that age contributes to his injuries. He is a main eventer though and losing him hurts the Raw Brand slightly. They need to give Orton something else to do now that he is not fueding with Batista. But for Batista, he is going to figure out a way to stay healthy. I know injuries happen but with Batista, he seems to be attracting the injury bug a lot these days.
Thank goodness. This nicely clears the way for Orton Vs Czena at WM. It was the second year in a row were Batista was just going to get thrown in somewere, so its not like he is that important. If anything, when he comes back, he will be even more over, a fresh start, may lead to a push. RAW wont miss him much, becuase he has been pretty much meandering since he got there, with no real storylines or angles to speak of, save for the Orton one. And that was all but done anyhow. Batista may not last too long when he returns, as he has already been said to be considering retirement before, and another injury/stint may be the final nail in the coffin. Fret not Batistamaniacs, becuase a long layoff may also freshen his interest in the stuff. we shall see.
Does this all mean that when Batist comes back he is getting the World Title? It seems that when someone gets injured they come back and are thrown in a title picture. HHH, and Cena have gotten titles on their returns. Hopefully Batista doesn't get a title shot on his return.
Great to see some rational views of Batista's role in WWE (after some of the views expressed in the 'Batista better than HBK thread), one person said he is a "filler" that I feel sums up his role perfectly. WWE don't NEED him, but it is helpful to have him there on their roster. Let's face it he isn't as over, or as entertaining as the other top faces WWE have, and he's never going to be as popular as Cena. However he is popular enough to get a positive reaction from fans, so WWE basically use him to put their top heels over (Orton, Jericho etc.) as credable and dominant so that they can hold the title long enough to be built up and prepared to face Cena (where he can then win the title off them and thus complete the cycle). No-one is doubting Batista is a decent wrestler who has improved slightly, however he isn't a big enough star IMO to warrant WWE any cause for concern, in fact as long as they still have Cena and to a lesse extent Edge, Hardy, Jericho and Orton they will be fine and its not going to have an impact on ratings or buyrates having Batista out.

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