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Batista: His Most Important Match?

His most important match

  • WM20 Evolution vs. Rock 'n' Sock connection

  • Royal Rumble 2005

  • WM21 vs. Triple H

  • Vengance 2005 vs. Triple H (HiaC)

  • WM23 vs. The Undertaker

  • Survivor Series 2007 vs. The Undertaker (HiaC)

  • Summer Slam 2008 vs. John Cena

  • WM26 vs. John Cena

  • other (specify)

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What do you think Batista's most important match was?
The match that gave him the legacy he currently has. Granted he doesnt return.
In my opinion his match with Triple H @ Vengance 2005 HIAC is what solidified him as a top guy. He may have won the title at that years WM but this, for me, was his standout match.
What are your views?
Wrestlemania 21 - Triple-H vs Batista. That was the match that gave him the legacy he currently has.

It was Batista's fued with HHH that made him a main-eventor.
In my opinion his most important match was the match he had with The Undertaker at Wrestlemania. I may have chosen this as a bias since they are my two favorites, but I have good reason for it as well :p

I think it was his most important match because it's not uncommon to hear people say how horrible he is of a wrestler and worker, etc.. but this match in my opinion was the best match on that particular Wrestlemania card, and was a contender for match of the year.

I believe that the quality of this match makes it impossible for people to merely dismiss Batista as a horrible wrestler and worker. There's no way that the Undertaker carried that match all on his own. Batista is a great wrestler in his own right. No he definitely isn't a technical wrestler, but with regards to the powerhouse style that he does wrestle, he is good.

This match in my opinion proved all of the naysayers wrong, making it Batista's most important match.
Batista vs cena at wrestlemania. It is easily the biggest match out of his career therfore its the most important. It had the most hype, a good story, good promos and the match was pretty good too.

His matches with HHH stunk...but i blame that on HHH being a bad wrestler who needs to be paired with the right person to put on a good match. The build up to those matches were okay but it still felt weird because it was supposed to be orton vs hhh at mania....not batista. The hell in a cell with HHH was boring.

His match with taker was good, but we all expected him to lose so whatever.

He had a great match with shawn micheals but that doesnt count for much. Other than those matches, his career isnt that great and the highlight is easily him and cena at mania. That was batista at his best. Shame he left.
The title win over Triple H at WrestleMania by far. Evolution gave him his big break, the tag team run with Flair made him a top tier star, but the match with Triple H and the feud leading up to it, culminating in his 1st World Title win, at WrestleMania no less, that was the defining moment, that win put him over the top as a true flag carrying main event star.

The subsequent big matches and feuds vs Orton, Cena, and especially Undertaker all were born out of Batista's superstar status which came from that WM match vs Triple H.
While I think his feud with Triple H made him a main eventer, I believe his biggest match was winning the Royal Rumble Match that got him the match with Triple H. Think about all the past Royal Rumble Winner, who was the last one to win the match that didn't become a Main Eventer, either winning their title match at Mania or soon there after. The closest thing would be Vince McMahon, but he is owner of the company or Big John Stud, but that was back in 89, the second year of the rumble.
I'd definately have to say his match with Cena at WM26, simply b/c all the events leading up to this match were IMO, easily the best work of Batista's WWE career. I mean, he was never better as a cocky heel and never looked more dominant than that time period.

Other than that, it would have to be his match with HHH at WM 21, since it was his first big win in a big match situation...
I voted for wrestlemania 21 against triple h. This was his most importanat match because it was the buildup to it that had him breaking away from evolution into a singles star, and it was his first world title win.
Mania 21 against HHH. The whole build up was great with him slowly separating from evolution to him taking the match against HHH after winning the rumble. The feud with HHH is what put him on the map as a legit star, and the mania match is where he won the gold from him. I think this is his most important match by far.
Definitely the Wrestlemania 21 win over Triple H was the most important. Main eventing against Triple H and defeating Triple H to become champion was his moment. It solidified him as the top guy.
The match in the Cell against HHH.

Beating HHH once is something that had been done before and it didn't mean much. Shawn did it and he kept the title for all of four weeks, just like Orton. However, to go back, beat him a second time, the beat him a THIRD time inside HHH's signature match where HHH got completely destroyed made Batista seem like something different. Instead of being the latest guy to beat HHH and then lost the title back to him a few weeks later, it was clear that HHH was defeated and that Batista was the new guy on top. That was something we hadn't seen in years and was the only one of these matches where it was both dominant and clear that something was changing.
I don't think it's one match,but rather the series of matches he had against Triple H that really made him who he was. The win over Triple H at WrestleMania 21 was one of the biggest wins in his career,but his matches with Triple H afterwards,culminating in the Hell in a Cell match,made him a bona fide main eventer instead of just another face that fell to Triple H. I remember back in 2005,I thought Batista would have no chance in Hell in a Cell against Triple H,and that Hunter would finally prevail over his former protege. But when Batista got the win,it finally made me realize that they were serious about this guy and that he was here to stay.
I went off the board and i think his most important match may arguably be his first elimination chamber before he won the rumble and feuded with hhh, that chamber made him look unstoppable and the fans who werent already behind him, realised how awesome this guy really could be. And then on Raw randy showed Batista the part when hhh could've broken the pin and saved him but sat back down and left him to lose.
I would say it was combo of his WM match with HHH and the HIAC match at Vengeance 2005. WM21 was Batista's moment. Him beating Hunter for the belt was his career defining moment. That's when Batista officially became a star IMO. With that said, I also think his match against HHH at Vengeance 05 (HIAC) was also important. That was the match that really gave Batista that extra push and truly solidified him. He defeated HHH inside HIAC (HHH's specialty) After that, you knew Batista had truly arrived.
The win agains HHH at WM21 was the most imprtant WIN in his career. That was a career defining moment that made him a Main eventer/superstar and one of the top babyfaces in the company. But to me, his match agains Taker at WM23 was when he earned the respect of a lot of fans, having a 5 star match against the Phenom, with a rivalry that put smackDown on the map and, at some point, turn SmackDown into the A brand.
His most important match was against Triple H at Wrestlemania. This feud took him to a whole new level that he didn't reach while a part of Evolution. Triple H actually did the job also, which history shows is a rare thing. Batista needed that WM moment and this is what kick started the Era of the Animal.
I voted his match against Cena. I wont discount his other matches with HHH, as they definitely got him over. But his most important, at least the one that sticks out in my mind, was his match with Cena. Its importance of this match is attributed to his legacy, we remember him more commonly for having his ankles taped than going over on HHH (at least I do).
I don't recall which it was, since I rarely watched any of his matches, so I'd have to say it was his last match. Mainly because it was his last match and we didn't have to watch his bland, annoying face on tv again. I'd rather watch paint dry then Batista.

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