Batista and the Spanish announcers' monitor


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My first thread, so I apologize if I'm not putting it in the right place, but this has really been bothering me. What in the hell was Batista doing when he threw that monitor behind the announce table after they had been so careful about getting all the others completely out of the way? I watched him do it, and I thought it was weird. And then that was the monitor Randy landed directly on top of with the small of his back, and it seems to me like they're lucky he didn't seriously injure himself. It could have been catastrophic. Am I wrong in thinking this was a major mistake that Batista should have known to avoid?
Have we also forgotten that Orton has the worst luck when it comes to tables in general? They should make a DVD on the countless times Orton has been destroyed by the announcing table.

It wasn't Dave's fault. Shit happens.
It was completely Batista's fault there's a reason they don't throw the monitors behind the table like that.
Why do they need monitors? They are 8 feet from the ring and they are using a 12" low-res monitor to call the action? Why?

They may be close to the ring, but they can't see every part of the action from where they're sitting. The monitors help them see things they might otherwise miss, like stuff that happens on the stage or on the other side of the ring. They might also be able to see closeups on wrestlers' faces and different angles to make calling the moves easier.
It has been stated by the announcers themselves that they use the monitors to commentate on what WE the audience see. That is why they don't mention when things happen out of frame.
Why do they need monitors? They are 8 feet from the ring and they are using a 12" low-res monitor to call the action? Why?

I think they also want the announcers to be able to see exactly what the audience at home sees. Backstage segments and things and you're not going to make them have to see it on the Titantron.

Your calling out Batista for chucking a monitor?
Accidents happen. This is one those times.. Moron.

Dude... What's up with the hostilities? The OP was just asking a simple question and you call him a moron? I think you need to re-read your signature and not take life so seriously.

To the OP: I thought the exact same thing. I saw him carefully place several of the other monitors and then Orton happens to land on one of them? Not that I feel he did it on purpose, but he certainly was careless with that one monitor.

Your calling out Batista for chucking a monitor?
Accidents happen. This is one those times.. Moron.

Lol not sure why the hostility is necessary. There's a difference between accidents happening and things that happen because of carelessness. I've never seen anybody throw the monitor behind the announce table, so the only time I've ever seen it someone had a grizzly fall on it. Seems to be a correlation.

I'm not saying he did it on purpose either, and Orton definitely slid off, though that seems to happen a lot. And yea, especially with Orton and tables everybody should take extreme caution.

But at the end of the day, no one seems to have been seriously hurt. So no big deal I guess.

Edit: Lol your post came up while I was typing duckbutter. We seem to be on the same page.
Lol agree totally wth dream, he was slamming him through a table, at what point does safety come into it. Watch that diva match again and you'll see far more dangerous stuff due to poor execution of moves then Randy's scratch on his back.

Yea, you're probably right, but it seems like if the table breaks properly it's really not that dangerous. It looks much worse than it is, which is why it's such a good theatrical technique that's stayed around so long and injured relatively few. Crashing your spine on a small, square box that doesn't give at all, especially when you're not expecting it, could be a different story. That's my thinking on why they do it anyway.
Very true, and I agree but putting someone through a table is so unpredictable because of the physics and weight, it's dangerous no matter what precautions, and when you add all the tech equipment, monitors wires and the rest it's a miracle no one has ever been electrocuted in an outside brawl.

But again check out that diva match, so many mistimed and poorly executed moves that were far more dangerous. I lost count the amount of times you could see a really dangerous execution.
Hard to blame Batista too much. It is not like they learn monitor throwing in wrestling school (do they?). There were other people there who knew what was about to happen and could have looked at where the monitor lay.

I just find it odd that I remember Bret Hart ripping out what I think were the same style of monitor at the Montreal Screwjob (17 years ago?). I can't believe with all the cutting edge shit WWE does they can't get a different type of monitor instead of something from Sharp Angle Electronic Corp. Hell, how Michael Cole can't wear that stupid Google Glass?

In the end it is Miz's fault.
Lol agree totally wth dream, he was slamming him through a table, at what point does safety come into it. Watch that diva match again and you'll see far more dangerous stuff due to poor execution of moves then Randy's scratch on his back.

Are you serious? HBK retired for four years because he landed awkwardly on a casket. You don't think landing like that on a monitor could do some serious damage? I mean, have you ever had anything hit your back? There's exactly zero protection there, and it's a pretty important part of the body. Not to mention, what if Daniel Bryan landed on it with the back of his head instead? And safety comes into it when you're landing on metal instead of wood. I can't believe I actually have to explain this, but metal is harder than wood. Like, a lot harder. Especially when wooden tables are big and designed to give way on impact...little metal monitors, not so much.

Very true, and I agree but putting someone through a table is so unpredictable because of the physics and weight, it's dangerous no matter what precautions, and when you add all the tech equipment, monitors wires and the rest it's a miracle no one has ever been electrocuted in an outside brawl.

But again check out that diva match, so many mistimed and poorly executed moves that were far more dangerous. I lost count the amount of times you could see a really dangerous execution.

More dangerous than landing on a monitor? Are you high? I can count right now without even watching: 0. Monitors can break bones. What's a mistimed move going to do, break a nail? Give them a boo boo? MAYBE, at worst, pull a muscle?There's a reason anybody can do those moves, and a reason people go out of their way to land on monitors.

Hard to blame Batista too much. It is not like they learn monitor throwing in wrestling school (do they?). There were other people there who knew what was about to happen and could have looked at where the monitor lay.

I just find it odd that I remember Bret Hart ripping out what I think were the same style of monitor at the Montreal Screwjob (17 years ago?). I can't believe with all the cutting edge shit WWE does they can't get a different type of monitor instead of something from Sharp Angle Electronic Corp. Hell, how Michael Cole can't wear that stupid Google Glass?

In the end it is Miz's fault.

Firstly, anybody has ever watched a brawl near the announce table knows you get the monitors the hell out of the way. I'm sure that's stressed very strongly, and I'm sure Batista heard about it when he got backstage.

But I would agree that they should have better technology by now. The table is better, the ringside barriers are better, but they're still using the same crummy wired up monitors. There's got to be a better way to do that.
Jjnumbers lol read what I said are you high?

I'm highlighting that going through a table is dangerous as hell, one of the most dangerous things you can do, adding a monitor makes little difference as you could break your neck going through a table without a monitor. My point was if you are willing to go through a table, your taking a missive risk, simple. The monitor is part of that risk, and it's all very dangerous, because your choosing to take that risk...he wasn't badly hurt and got a scratch on his back, again watch the diva match coz you clearly didn't and tell me some of the bumps in that match weren't as risky as ortons. And some of these are supposed to be basic wrestling moves, nothing compared to going through a table.

You clearly didn't watch the divas match
First off....I was thoroughly surprised that the spanish announce table made it that far into the broadcast!!!
And this might sound like a stupid question,are the monitors just there for show??
Seriously,old fashioned monitors in a day & age of flat screens??
First off....I was thoroughly surprised that the spanish announce table made it that far into the broadcast!!!
And this might sound like a stupid question,are the monitors just there for show??
Seriously,old fashioned monitors in a day & age of flat screens??

Lol I agree, there was teased spot with the tables almost every match. Plus, shouldn't they have welcomed in the French announcers with a broken table, too?

And it does seem a little crazy they're still using those same monitors. They're literally exactly the same design as the ones Bret attacked in 97, and that was quite a while ago now. On the current subject of how hard they are, Bret was going after them like they banged his wife, and they didn't even seem to bend.

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