Batista-Alberto Del Rio: work or shoot?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Have been reading reports the past few days of Del Rios and Batista having slanging matches over Twitter. In what appears the most recent, Batista has basically appeared to have "broken character" and advised Del Rios to watch his mouth, and to not turn a work into a shoot. This was in reply to Del Rios telling Batista that while he was winning titles and being a star, Batista was getting his ass handed to him by his plumber.

My question is, do you guys think this is WWE telling these guys to get some controversy happening on social media so interest will be there in a potential match between the pair? I know both are entered into the 2014 Royal Rumble match, but the night after, a possible fued that tides both guys through Feb/March,

What does amaze me is that Batista surely wouldnt be making idle threats before he has even appeared on TV for WWE again, and even odder still, inferring that he could take Del Rios in a shoot. As many would know, Del Rios has fought numerous MMA matches previously with mixed results, whereas Big Dave had pretty much zero to little success in his efforts to beocme an MMA star and went Hollywood instead.

Do you guys think if this is a shoot, who would you think would come out on top, legitimately? The proven Del Rios, or the muscle bound, strong Batista?
First off... who the hell is Del Rios?

And it's obviously a work. Quick feud to get Batista past the Rumble and then get his WM storyline moving. That's really all there is to it.
It's almost certainly a work. As high profile as WWE is, its wrestlers generally have to be aware of what they do or say as it pertains to social media. Everything gets turned into a federal case these days, so WWE wrestlers especially are monitored when it comes to them saying something via Twitter that pertains to WWE itself. If WWE had a problem with these Tweets, they'd have asked Batista to remove them.

However, there's always a possibility that Batista went off the reservation. Batista's kind of a dick who has no problem shooting his mouth off or criticizing other guys, even guys who are head & shoulders more talented than he is, but Del Rio might not be someone Batista wants to get into it with. Del Rio is a legit, highly trained grappler with a much more serious MMA background. While Del Rio's 9-5 MMA record isn't exactly awe inspiring, he's got genuine skills and went up against opponents who were in their prime. Batista had one MMA fight against an over the hill never-was named Vince Lucero. If Booker T kicked Batista's ass, I'd have little trouble believing Del Rio couldn't.
Defiantly a work here. Del Rio will continue to trash talk Batista on tv and social media heading into the Rumble, Batista eliminates Del Rio in the rumble match, get a nice pop and that will probably be the end of the feud. WWE is known for trying to into the heads of their fans and making them believe that a storyline has real life truth to it.
This was a scripted back and forth interaction that got out of hand once personal digs started flying. I think ADR was probably a little offended by the "who the hell is alberto del rio" tweet, and he responded with the "can't buy muscles" and "got beat up by your plumber (Vince Lucero) tweets. That's when Batista responded with his C-level work/shoot tweet.

My opinion is that the two were told to go back and forth on social media, but they had too much latitude and it got out of hand. It seems Batista's tweet was deleted, as well.
It's almost certainly a work. As high profile as WWE is, its wrestlers generally have to be aware of what they do or say as it pertains to social media. Everything gets turned into a federal case these days, so WWE wrestlers especially are monitored when it comes to them saying something via Twitter that pertains to WWE itself. If WWE had a problem with these Tweets, they'd have asked Batista to remove them.

However, there's always a possibility that Batista went off the reservation. Batista's kind of a dick who has no problem shooting his mouth off or criticizing other guys, even guys who are head & shoulders more talented than he is, but Del Rio might not be someone Batista wants to get into it with. Del Rio is a legit, highly trained grappler with a much more serious MMA background. While Del Rio's 9-5 MMA record isn't exactly awe inspiring, he's got genuine skills and went up against opponents who were in their prime. Batista had one MMA fight against an over the hill never-was named Vince Lucero. If Booker T kicked Batista's ass, I'd have little trouble believing Del Rio couldn't.

Dang, they should have asked Batista to delete them - I love when they make things seems real.

Yeah, I figured Del Rio would mess him up. I'd love to see them face off in a shoot-style fight but I see Del Rio would be the one taking the fall.

If this would have been a year ago and Batista was heel, it would have been an interesting fight. I'm surprised WWE doesn't have advantage of Del Rio's MMA background. It could be a great way to repackage him instead of him being a stale Mexican version of JBL. I see Brock was like an All-American when he first came to the WWE, now he plays off an aggressive MMA fighter, same with Ken Shamrock - aggressive.
Ok , I'm sorry but I read Batista interviews, and this makes sense without reading them, that he didnt want to "make it" in MMA business , hes freaking what 45? He knew his limitations and just wanted to try MMA out since he seems to like it.He never wanted to be Brock Lesnar.

And as far as movies go, from what I read over the years, that's what he wanted to do.Granted he'll never be The Rock but he's got a good look for certain enforcer type roles in movies.

Just wanted to clear that up cause saying he got little to zero succes and went to movies INSTEAD, sounds like an insult coming from ignorance.

As far as this goes, its not a shoot.Dave is close to his return, something like this wouldnt just happen.Its prolly just a way to have them have a match since Del Rio ain't doing jack atm, jobbing to Batista at least would provide him some air time.

Tho I have to say Del Rio's "You can buy muscles" line pretty much owned Batista:)), so I'm assuming he'll take a few power bombs for that.

O and @Kadroan. To be fair he isnt really playing the rich mexican guy anymore.Actually its even more boring now.He's playing the role of someone like John Cena or Randy Orton who dont really play a gimmick anymore.He's not at that level yet, nor will he ever be.From his in-ring style, he is aggressive as fuck, kicks hard and does a lot of bodypart picking.+There is no point in investing making him a wannabe Brock Lesnar.Brock has star power, Del Rio, noone, not in the States/Europe anyway.I kinda feel bad for Del Rio in a way, people dont like him cause of his mic skills and I get that but the dude can wrestle with the best of them and is damn aggressive in the ring, and now with only one championship he is going to be forgotten prolly, tho I assume he will be put in a feud with Sheamus again at some spoint given WWE's brilliant booking.
I'd say it's all a work. And if it did get to a real fight, big Dave would get his ass handed to him by ADR.
I'd say it's all a work. And if it did get to a real fight, big Dave would get his ass handed to him by ADR.

Not true. ADR's mma career is a joke, if you actually reasearch it. His "ability" is on par with the tomato can Batista beat in his lone mma fight. If the WWE ever focused on his fighting career, people would go on Youtube and the first thing that would pop up first is Cro Cop headkicking him to death.

This is all defnitely a work.
I think it's a work. While Batista's re-debut is newsworthy enough to inspire excitement, the company is (wisely) looking for ways to stimulate interest in Del Rio as an opponent for him.

As we have seen, technical excellence in the ring isn't enough to get a solid fan base behind ADR. This war of words outside the WWE arena might help get the job done.

A series of matches between the two could turn out be a great show; Del Rio's professionalism in the ring could lead he and Batista to some really good contests. ADR knows how to work with people and I'd wager he can bring out the best in Batista.
Definitely a work. At old school RAW I called it that the last two men standing at the Royal Rumble are going to be Batista and Del Rio. As far as I'm concerned this confirms it. Del Rio will be the last one eliminated.

do you guys read the scripts that get leaked every week?

this is a WORK. WWE is too rigid to allow this type of creativity, it's all about building up batistas return
Batista and Del Rio have had a heated exchange on Twitter? I cant see anything. Are you sure it isnt parodies? Or have they been deleted?

Most likely be a work. And as for MMA. Batista would almost certainly kill Del Rio. I dont give a shit what Del Rio did 10 years ago. Yes, a legit tough guy but Dave is just too big and powerful.
they were deleted and now it is being reported, 4 days on, that Btaista may have some "heat" with officials and management after his last tweet inferring to Del Rios not to turn a work into a shoot......which is comical as Del Rio would destroy Dave Bautista in a shoot fight. Dave is a big boy, but he isnt a legitimate fighter...Booker T will testify to that. Looks as though the worked twitter war was indeed a work, but Batista of course let his ego get in the way and came across as a dill. January 20th should be interesting.
This is a fiendish attempt to hide the real truth behind Batista's sharting his way back into our tv screens and your subtle reference to multiple Alberto Del Rios, you know that you're in on it so just pick up a knife and start with cutting the crap!

Batista is being melded into a super douche named Alberta Del Ritista with one of Alberto Del Rio's many ass faced clones. It's an attempt to legitimately re-invent the Bronswick Experiment so as to make Roddy Piper not look like such a fucking moron.

Batista was NOT referring to the locker room when he banged his iPhone 3 against his ass and produced the offensive tweet in question, he was recognizing that as with so many Alberto Del Rios they require their own locker room annex and turkish bath house.

Alberto Del Rio isn't just a d-level star, I'd give his appeal a d+ by the way, he's the entire d-level roster. Batista wasn't trying to insult Alberto Del Rio's reputatoin, he was trying to save the career of at least one of the Alberto Del Rios in captivity. Batistia and the least flatulent Alberto Del Rio will step into a teleportation pod and Brodus Clay will yell something fucking stupid for no reason. After the mutation is complete, the amalgamation of ******ation will use subtle hints designed to produce lasting appeal toward each of its genetic halves. Del Ratista Albertista will use the Nuclear Arm Bar, consisting of a devastating power bomb followed up by what fucking morons might accept as an actual arm bar.

Finally the WWE is appealing to the new generation, well done.
Work or not it is entertaining. Finally del Rio is doing something 2 get good attn and batista is responding. Wouldn't mind seeing them n a match but im still holding out hope 4 batista/lesnar at wm and perhaps del Rio/batista later. Del Rio could b that thorn n batista side sort of like edge was during their whc feud. I like da banter but wwe should build it slowly w/words and 1 1upmanship b4 letting em n da ring 1 on 1. Batista can help del Rio alot and del Rio can give batista an interesting fresh feud. Specially if reports r true and batista is here 4 da next 2 yrs.
Ok , I'm sorry but I read Batista interviews, and this makes sense without reading them, that he didnt want to "make it" in MMA business , hes freaking what 45? He knew his limitations and just wanted to try MMA out since he seems to like it.He never wanted to be Brock Lesnar.

And as far as movies go, from what I read over the years, that's what he wanted to do.Granted he'll never be The Rock but he's got a good look for certain enforcer type roles in movies.

Just wanted to clear that up cause saying he got little to zero succes and went to movies INSTEAD, sounds like an insult coming from ignorance.

As far as this goes, its not a shoot.Dave is close to his return, something like this wouldnt just happen.Its prolly just a way to have them have a match since Del Rio ain't doing jack atm, jobbing to Batista at least would provide him some air time.

Tho I have to say Del Rio's "You can buy muscles" line pretty much owned Batista:)), so I'm assuming he'll take a few power bombs for that.

O and @Kadroan. To be fair he isnt really playing the rich mexican guy anymore.Actually its even more boring now.He's playing the role of someone like John Cena or Randy Orton who dont really play a gimmick anymore.He's not at that level yet, nor will he ever be.From his in-ring style, he is aggressive as fuck, kicks hard and does a lot of bodypart picking.+There is no point in investing making him a wannabe Brock Lesnar.Brock has star power, Del Rio, noone, not in the States/Europe anyway.I kinda feel bad for Del Rio in a way, people dont like him cause of his mic skills and I get that but the dude can wrestle with the best of them and is damn aggressive in the ring, and now with only one championship he is going to be forgotten prolly, tho I assume he will be put in a feud with Sheamus again at some spoint given WWE's brilliant booking.

True, I could see that. It's unfortunate for Del Rio. You think if WWE went through with Rosa being his manager he would be more likeable? I remember they were trying it Fall 2012. I could see it since that was the last guy he faced

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