Barrett Kingdom


Pre-Show Stalwart
Now that King Barrett is finally out of that terrible feud with R-Truth that really brought Barrett down the ranks a bit, they need to do something to help redeem him.

I think they need to build a small stable led by King Barrett. It can be brought about with Barrett saying he needs to protect his reign blah blah. Have The Ascension join him (give them something to help build them up as well) along with maybe a diva (Layla or Emma)

Barrett can feud with the likes of Dean Ambrose, Dolph Ziggler, Ryback, Cesaro, Randy Orton. Barrett has been hanging around the mid card for way to long and i think its time he begins to show his face more up on the card.

What are your thoughts on Barretts future and what they can do to elevate his card status?
I think they should drop the King Barrett gimmick and press full steam ahead with his old #BNB persona. It sold itself. It was awesome. The crowd ate it up and for a second there he was a big deal when his music hit. Bad News Barrett was a freakin future world champion.
I think that would be a great idea.

I think WWE could use more stables. Stables can be a great way to build Superstars and protect a certain key Superstar.

I think Ascension would be great for a King Barrett Kingdom, it would give Ascension a chance to slightly change characters to more of a team of Knights or Guards than some sort of, I don't even know WHAT the hell they are now.

I just want to see more storyline potential in WWE and building a stable is a great way to do it.
Barrett is a great wrester, a brawler with great ring abilities and mic skills. Everyone has been eying on Cesaro for his eye catching performances in the last couple of weeks but if you give a chance to Barrett he can simply outshine him both in the ring and the mic.

But Barrett Kingdom? I don't think it'll work. Of course he had lead one of the greatest heel stables in the WWE history but right now I see him more of a singles competitor. I'm gutted about the way he's booked right now.
Why is the answer to always build a stable??

Wyatt is faltering, get the stable back together.

Sheild disbanded, Roman and Dean should start a new stable a new member from Nxt.

Someone needs to stand up to the authority, get Heyman to start a stable.

Diva's division is poor, get the NXT girls to form a stable.

Barrett is an incredibly talented performer on his own and has shown it, leave the guy to get by on his own. He will recover as he is too good not too. No need to always jump down the stable route to save a career
Why is a stable the answer?

Because they bring excitement and opportunity for more than one superstar. Barrett showing that he is a leader (again) will help elevate him and get him over as a heel having his Kingdom members always protecting him. Then it gives some major spotlight on The Ascension who have lost so much steam since they debuted.

Its something so simple but can be so effective.
Why is a stable the answer?

Because they bring excitement and opportunity for more than one superstar. Barrett showing that he is a leader (again) will help elevate him and get him over as a heel having his Kingdom members always protecting him. Then it gives some major spotlight on The Ascension who have lost so much steam since they debuted.

Its something so simple but can be so effective.

Counter argument:

In one year we had evolution, shield and the wyatts. They also teased new day and in all truth, had they have gone through with it, 4 groups would have been oveekill .

Looking at the past, factions only work best and don't get stale when there are no others around and when they've rested the idea for a while. It gets boring and old. Quickly.

Hands up, who got tired of the authority faction? I sure as he'll did. I'm yawning whilst talking about it now. The corre? Remember that? How did that work out for Barrett?

Barrett needs his bad news and his gavel back. That's all.
I think they should drop the King Barrett gimmick and press full steam ahead with his old #BNB persona. It sold itself. It was awesome. The crowd ate it up and for a second there he was a big deal when his music hit. Bad News Barrett was a freakin future world champion.

They need to turn him face. His whole WWE career he has been a heel. Time for him to do something new.
Why is a stable the answer?

Because they bring excitement and opportunity for more than one superstar. Barrett showing that he is a leader (again) will help elevate him and get him over as a heel having his Kingdom members always protecting him. Then it gives some major spotlight on The Ascension who have lost so much steam since they debuted.

Its something so simple but can be so effective.

For me the Authority has killed the idea of stables for awhile. Barrett's matches would now run along the same lines as Rollins does, interference after interference.

Barrett is fine on the mic and in the ring. The guy has presence and doesn't need others to make him look good. I agree with what someone else said about turning him face. He's been a heel almost his entire career, and the fans loved the BNB gimmick.

Get rid of the KOTR shit, it's doing nothing for him, make him BNB again, turn him face, and put him in a feud with Sheamus. Too big guys who can go would put on some awesome matches.
Barrett can deliver on the mic, and as a character, he has a strong enough presence for the fans to care about him. He did a good job with the original Nexus, but the only way I can picture the fans really caring about Barrett leading another stable is if WWE decides to reform Nexus with Barrett as the leader. Otherwise, we're just talking about a mid carder with no real momentum leading a group of mid carders, and that's not going to help Barrett.

Scrapping the Bad News gimmick was a mistake, because winning King Of The Ring and King Barrett did nothing for Barrett. WWE really tried to play up Barrett winning KOTR as a big deal, but nobody cared. Winning KOTR is pretty low on the totem pole, when you compare a KOTR win to winning the Rumble, MITB, or an Elimination Chamber match because it's an outdated tournament. Hell, I'd go as far as saying winning a battle royal for a championship or a #1 contender's match carries more prestige at this point.

With the way things are going now, I don't see a real upside for Wade Barrett's future. Unfortunately, a series of setbacks and injuries continuously derailed Barrett's momentum and pushes in the past. On top of that, it's hard to forget about all the lackluster IC Championship reigns, and Barrett's just floating around in limbo again.

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