Barcelona, because tapping up on the sly is for wimps.


Championship Contender
Alright I'm an Arsenal fan, so I'm biased but, what the fuck, how are Barcelona not in trouble with the Spanish FA, UEFA, FIFA, The Raw General Manager, hell even the Burger King?!?!?!

Tapping up is as common in football as kicking the ball, every team does it. I didn't like Chelsea being sneaky trying to tap up Ashley Cole, but at least they tried to be sneaky about it, Barcelona have spent the entire summer trying to, quite publicly, tap up Fabregas, even though he's got YEARS left on a contract with us. Then the ***** have the cheek to moan about the press sticking their noses in. This shit happens year after year after year from Real Madrid and Barcelona yet, that useless French twat Platini sees fit to moan about the English clubs and what they do?

My question is does anyone agree that UEFA should grow a set of nuts and actually go after the big Spanish clubs about their actions because, let's face it, they stick two fingers up at the rest of football and it's rules.
I agree..I don't think that your being biased even though your an Arsenal fan..I support Aston Villa and heck...if they can do something to Chelsea...why the fuck not to Barcelona!!

They have been giving away blatant signs aswell that they are trying to tap him up...

remember they made him wear the barcelona shirt??

UEFA should grow some nuts here and do something about it, they have enough evidence!!
mate, coming out in public and admitting you're a Villa fan, that takes some serious balls! :D

The sad thing is though, nothing will be done. Using Villa as an example, look how publically Man City have courted Milner, to the point he's now handed in a transfer request. Again, behind the scenes wooing would be alright, but not out in public, sticking two fingers up at the fans that pay the clubs stupid amounts of money for the privilege of watching players we take, and nurture to their fullest abilities, being wooed away.

My biggest hope is that Spain, as a country, finally goes arse over tit due to the Euro fiasco (although that will balls up the lads holiday) as Barca and Madrid will be right up shit creak without a paddle then.
I agree with the tapping up thing. I think Uefa and Fifa in general are both as useless as each other. Not only do you have blatant tapping up in the European game but when you look at other aspects of foreign football too it scary.

I watched the Liverpool game on thursday and the booing against Soto because he was greek was bad but the monkey noises and rasict abuse that N'gog & Amoo got was awful and what have UEFA said??... we've been made aware of it! If the boot was on the other foot Liverpool and every other english team in europe would probably be looking at a ban about now.

another thing with the racism... how come Spanish and Italian teams can do it year in and year out without any kind of reprimand?

sorry to go off topic but UEFA & Fifa both suck

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