I am sure some of you have heard about this. Aparently a woman who uses Ebox Live to play video games has had her account suspended after it was found out that it contained the word, lesbian, which she is. So it turns out that because she is a lesbian, she was banned by Microsoft, because being a lesbian is "offensive." Do you think this is as ridicolous as can be such as I do?
A woman who identified herself as a lesbian in her profile was banned from XBOX Live, Consumerist.com reported.
The unidentified woman said she was harassed by several players, who would follow her into games and tell other players to report her to Microsoft because they didn't want their kids to see "that crap."
Her account was suspended and she says Microsoft told her other gamers found her sexual orientation "offensive," according to Consumerist.com.
This is not the first time a gamer was banned over sexual orientation. Consumerist.com reports a guy whose actual name was "Richard Gaywood" was suspended because the word "gay" was in it.