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Balls Mahoney


Break Me Down.
I don't know if anyone else agrees but since ECW's return last year I have been consistantly impressed by Balls Mahoney and I am glad he's at least getting some sort of push, allbeit involves getting owned by The Miz every week.

When the new ECW formed I looked at Balls as being one of the "Originals" who wont last along with the likes of Justin Credible, Francine, Jazz, Axl Rotten who were all in the new version for a cup of coffee then gone but credit to the big man he has out lasted them. Also correct me if I am wrong but Balls does always seem to receive a good pop from the crowd, he still seems to be well over with the fans. It's understandable a lot of the old school ECW fans have stuck with him but it's good to see new fans are cheering for him. So yeah, just wanted to take a moment to show some appreciation for the big guy.

As for Balls current feud in ECW with Miz. Sadly I only see one outcome and it's just gonna involve Miz going over. I see it playing out as Kelly-Kelly leads Balls up the garden path, suckering him in and also hooking in the fans thinking they will get together before she kicks Balls right where it hurts and turns on him. Then mocks him and claims "she would never go out with him...". It will probably get her more heat as the creative team seem to want Miz and his entorage of Extreme Expose to be heels. Although I could be wrong lol, maybe they will get together and it will lead to another WWE wedding.... just as long as Balls doesn't have a heart attack at the alter... :rolleyes:
I don't watch the current ECW product so I can't speak to any of Mahoney's matches over the past 6 months. However, I can say that Balls can wrestle, damn it! Anyone who is familiar with the original ECW knows that Balls is more than adequate in the ring. He has put on fantastic matches against wrestlers with varying styles, from Axl Rotten to RVD. Balls is more than just a hardcore / brawling guy (which he does very well, might I say). Balls can mat wrestle and he can use high risk moves.
It's good to see that someone is seeing Balls in a positive light, even in his current situation. Currently he is a watered down version of what he once was, but obviously he is still managing to shine.
However, I can say that Balls can wrestle, damn it! Anyone who is familiar with the original ECW knows that Balls is more than adequate in the ring. He has put on fantastic matches against wrestlers with varying styles, from Axl Rotten to RVD. Balls is more than just a hardcore / brawling guy (which he does very well, might I say). Balls can mat wrestle and he can use high risk moves.

Yeah, I do remember watching an ECW PPV around about 2000. I think it was Hardcore Heaven 2000 and Balls Mahoney was fighting Masato Tanaka (I think) well anyway I remember Joey Styles saying on commentary that Balls Mahoney is a national champion at amateur level. But from what I've seen of him in the new ECW I can definitely see the elements of a good wrestler.
Balls is not what he once was back in the original ECW but he still capable of putting on a better match than most of the ECW wrestlers today. He is a good brawler because we have seen that over time. Yes Walls_of_Jericho i believe he was an amateur wrestler but if memory serves me right he got banned from doing it, unless i misinterpret what i read and it was just a story line. But throughout this time and the time of the old ECW Mahoney has always impressed me because of his ability,and wrestling of different styles. Even though what they are doing with the story line with Miz and Kelly Kelly is making a mockery of Mahoney's wrestling ability because he is getting played like a fool. But it is good though to see after all these years that he still has a believable fan base and they continue to support and cheer for Mahoney.
Whatever gets Kelly away from the Miz and gives the Miz an asskicking, I'm fine with. As far as Balls Mahoney, he's a better wreslter than most give him credit for. He's kept himself in pretty good shape also. I mean he's still 300 or so pounds but he's a lot smaller than he was back in ECW's prime. And he's maintained that weight so give him credit there. And one of the best matches I saw with Balls Mahoney was against RVD and he did the Nutcracker Suite off the top rope. It was an awesome match but yeah, there is a lot more to the guy than being a brawler, hardcore matches, and having one of the hardest chair shots in wrestling.
I must admit that when I initially saw the title of this thread I was worried that it would be one about bashing Balls. :laugh:

It is refreshing to see people discuss positively someone who made a name for themselves still in action in today's market. My personal opinion is that Balls needs to take that damn chair of his and beat the holy hell out of Miz before the creative team can book that big headed, weird suspenders hanging from his pants wearing, just plain annoying wrestler to beat him, or God forbid go onto bigger and better things. Balls is exactly what today's ECW needs, because how embarassing would it be if we had a bunch of Johnny Nitro's running around in unnecissarily tight pants claiming to be the pride and joy of ECW?

One of the only other components they have going for them is Tommy Dreamer, and I was pleasantly surprised to see him beat Burke, only to be leveled by the baker's dozen goliath himself, Big Daddy V.

However, I am a fan of Viscera's, and am glad to see him actually doing something. Back on topic, Balls is great, his facial expressions are priceless, and once this whole Kelly Kelly storyline is over I hope he is still somewhat in the spotlight.
Balls is legit in the ring,but alas,he'll never be ECW champ.He gets a good pop,but he'll probably get a surprise release like the Sandman
i reckon that balls is a good wrestler, but do believe that he really should be able to use that chair of his more.

i remember back in the old days of ecw when if anybody did something bad to balls, he hit them with a chair... thats how he should still be.

ps this was my first post, hope to make heaps more.
Welcome Aboard then.

My opinion on Balls is that they are wasting him away even though his best years are long behind him. Anyone remember Xanta Claus. But He is one of those guys that has great charisma, while he has been reduced to a three trick pony, he still gets the fans on board with the Balls punching combo. It would be awesome to see him bring back his superkick, one of the best if I may say so, right up there with HBK and Stevie Richards in terms of delivery.
Anyone remember Xanta Claus.

I'm actually surprised anyone ELSE remembers Balls being Xanta Claus! I remembered him from then, but it clearly wasn't his defining moment. Honestly, its been a while though & I can't remember if he ever did wrestle. I just remembered him on that one December p.p.v.

And on a side note, I swear I posted a comment in this thread before about Balls & Kelly Kelly, maybe it was a different thread but just out of curiousity, does anyone (mainly other Mods) know if someone deleted my comment?? It'd normally show up that it was deleted, but I was just curious.

I think I said something about Kelly Kelly being put in storylines with 3-4 different guys. Also that the only reason it's good for her & Balls to be together, is because unlike Punk/Kelly, Balls won't be put in a major (main event type) storyline where he'll have to pick between two groups of 4 guys.
I can't say that I've watched Balls' work from the old ECW, but from what I've seen since watching the new ECW is that Balls is entertaining. I find his current feud with Miz pretty good because it adds something to the show outside of the title scene.. after moving on from the Miz feud, he could be looking at brighter things.

This is the reason I've arguing at various other forums that a midcard ECW should be instated as it gives more wrestlers more opportunities.
I enjoy seeing an ECW original doing his thing. Balls is not Balls from way back when, but he's still an original, and belongs in the picture with Dreamer and the others. He's in a shitty storyline, probably going to get buried, but the point is that he is involved at all. ECW's heart isn't completely gone with the originals still around and in feuds. Just for the most part.
And on a side note, I swear I posted a comment in this thread before about Balls & Kelly Kelly, maybe it was a different thread but just out of curiousity, does anyone (mainly other Mods) know if someone deleted my comment?? It'd normally show up that it was deleted, but I was just curious.

I didn't look, but I bet that the post you are referring to was the thread about who Kelly Kelly was better paired with. It gave Punk, Miz and Balls as the choices for the poll. I think that thread was in the spam section.

I would like to add that I am really glad to see people saying some positive things about Balls. He is a great persona and a good wrestler. Nice to see him getting the recognition he deserves.
Welcome one and all to a new game I call
"Where's Ballsey?!"

The man better known as Balls Mahoney has gone missing recentlym he had a pretty good angle going with The Miz over Kelly Kelly, and when that ran it's course I kinda liked the idea of a Balls and Kelly relationship, you know the classic Beuaty and the Beast! Thought it would have worked well, and I think Balls is one of the only ECW Originals whom Vince could get behind, his look is different, he's a good size, and he's probably the most underrated worker in WWE right now IMO.

And from the sound of the pops he was getting maybe he got "too over", always a dreaded sound for a mid-carder.

i think Balls just lost his balls and done a runner lol. seriously, hes another talent who is not needed. i know it sounds harsh, but they need to cut the wrestlers who are not going anywhere, and unify ECW and Smackdown, but thats a different topic altogether.
I agree with siege, balls is not needed at all. It's hard to even remember what exactly he has brought to ecw recently, the kelly kelly storyline was decent, but that was just to put her over, since her mic skills are nonexistant. Mahoney may be needed though, seeing as how almost everyone on ecw is on some sort of apparant push, even once jobbers in dreamer and richards. Mahoney, Nunzio and Delaney are the only people that seemingly aren't going to be put on some sort of winning streak anytime soon.
As Rated CM for Cookie Monster suggested, maybe Balls was starting to get "too over" with the fans. I remember reading on the main site that he was taken off TV for awhile so presumably people would forget about the angle he had going with Kelly Kelly and The Miz that WWE decided to ditch just as it was gathering momentum.

Well after this past Friday night’s Smackdown, I am left wondering if he didn’t piss someone off. Balls made his return to TV after a 3 month absence and in his first match back was squashed by Big Daddy V. I don’t think Balls mounted any offense in the 2-minute match; if you blinked, you missed it. Even Shannon Moore was able to pull off some offense in his match against BGV the other week. I get that BGV is supposed to be this big monster but Balls isn’t exactly a lightweight and the guy can still duke it out.

I guess I just expected a little better return match for the ECW Original Balls Mahoney. Guess we'll see what WWE does with Balls in the coming weeks.
with the recent push of ecw original tommy dreamer for a tag team title i would love to see balls and another original like lord steven richards win tag team gold and finally rename it the ecw tag team champonship like it should of happened when the reality rejects won them.

anyway i would just love to see some hardcore gold on some balls. ; )

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