Bad ratings news for new IWC Champions...

Monday Night Football, plus the last Monday before Christmas is a pretty busy time for everyone, I would expect low ratings. I would imagine iMPACT on Thursday and SD on Friday are going to feel the effects of the season as well.
I'm more concerned about the fact that Raw's second hour is doing worse than the first. This is not te first case of such, and it tells me an audience is out there and they're watching with some interest, an tuning out. I'd like to know the ten o clock quarter and overrun
The hour Cena kicked off did a tailspin compared to the hour that Punk kicked off. :)

The blackout should have been a great opportunity to get people to switch over. While I enjoyed last nights show, I can easily see how it didn't hold much audience. They should have spent time promoting "Show's gonna try to cry on camera."
Is it possible that the rating goes down in 2nd hour because some kids are not allowed to stay up for the 2nd hour?
Is it possible that the rating goes down in 2nd hour because some kids are not allowed to stay up for the 2nd hour?

When I was younger, I had to go to bed at the end of the 1st hour and had to catch the 2nd hour the next day on the Internet, so I suppose this could be true.
Rock will boost them ratings soon. ;)

Really? See I read that as once Cena's segment was over, people turned the channel to something else because they weren't at all interested in Punk or Bryan.


This isn't a Cena thing, this isn't a Punk thing, not even a Triple H thing, completely. This is about people seeing the current WWE product as not good, and people tuning out. Something about the product is turning people away; it isn't just one wrestler
One good troll deserves another. This rating by itself is pretty meaningless.

Actually, it is, given the recent run of ratings. Before, it used to be absolutely impossible for the second hour to do worse than the first hour. Now, it seems to be Happening regularly. And that's not a good sign for WWE
And in other news about as meaningful as the Raw ratings, tommorow people whose starsign is Aries are likely to meet a special someone because the position of Mercury and Jupiter in the house of Orion.
I don't care enough to look it up, but how does the average viewership compare for Monday's episode compared to the last let's say six months?

Also, I'm going to say the ratings had nothing to do with Punk, Bryan or Cena. Everyone wanted to see what Kane would do and then when they got their answer they tuned out. See, I can randomly speculate, too.
If what you were entertained by doesn't do good ratings, then you're not likely to see it again.

So you can see why "screw the ratings" is such a silly response.

If you go by what Ryan89 the poster spews CM Punk has only drew ratings once in the past five weeks when he wrestles or cuts promos. Considering CM Punk is what I enjoy the most on Monday Night RAW and is currently WWE Champion and features every week I pretty much would like to reiterate screw the ratings.
If you go by what Ryan89 the poster spews CM Punk has only drew ratings once in the past five weeks when he wrestles or cuts promos. Considering CM Punk is what I enjoy the most on Monday Night RAW and is currently WWE Champion and features every week I pretty much would like to reiterate screw the ratings.

First, ryan is an idiot, so not really sure what he has to do with anything. Second, if Punk isn't drawing ratings for prolonged periods of time, do you really think the WWE is going to keep featuring him? If Punk and Bryan aren't going to draw, they're not going to stay in the main-event, it's really that simple.
First, ryan is an idiot, so not really sure what he has to do with anything. Second, if Punk isn't drawing ratings for prolonged periods of time, do you really think the WWE is going to keep featuring him? If Punk and Bryan aren't going to draw, they're not going to stay in the main-event, it's really that simple.

Oh no Ryan is an absolute ****** but he has provided numbers that show Punk doesn't really do all that well in the ratings for his matches/promos, he only drew once in five weeks according to one of Ryan's posts yet Punk is still heavily featured. I don't think WWE would cut him even if he drew once every five weeks because they've too much invested in him and he continues appealing to a certain demographic, so, I don't really care about the ratings. Bryan I don't see being a Main Eventer unless he pulls a golden nugget out his ass and I hate to say that but it's delusional thinking to assume otherwise.
Oh no Ryan is an absolute ****** but he has provided numbers that show Punk doesn't really do all that well in the ratings for his matches/promos, he only drew once in five weeks according to one of Ryan's posts yet Punk is still heavily featured. I don't think WWE would cut him even if he drew once every five weeks because they've too much invested in him and he continues appealing to a certain demographic, so, I don't really care about the ratings. Bryan I don't see being a Main Eventer unless he pulls a golden nugget out his ass and I hate to say that but it's delusional thinking to assume otherwise.
The point is, if Punk's not drawing, he's not going to CONTINUE staying in the main-event. The WWE isn't going to give up on someone after three weeks, they're going to give him the best chance possible. But if they feel it's proven Punk hurts the product, then Punk isn't going to stay where he's at. Same for Bryan.

I'm not saying that is happening or will happen, I'm just explaining why you should care about ratings.
Nice example you are setting for the rest of us Sly.

I do what I can, though I have no idea what you're talking about.

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