Bad News Barrett to address CM Punk situation


IC Champion
Speculation is mounting that WWE Creative held a meeting recently as to how they were going to address the CM Punk walking out situation. Well to add fuel to the fire it's been widely suggested that one of the most liked, funny segments in WWE lately, Bad News Brown is set to address the WWE Universe on Punk leaving WWE.

No doubt Barrett will stick to his "tell it as it is" style and not hold back when raising the topic.Personally, it's an innovative and different way of handling the situation. Rather than have Vince or HHH come out regurgitate the whole Austin "taking his ball and going home", why not have BNB do it instead? It's different, fun and definitely will cause a stir! Anyway, at least they're not just ignoring it and doing a Benoit and pretend that Punk just disappeared.
Speculation is mounting that WWE Creative held a meeting recently as to how they were going to address the CM Punk walking out situation. Well to add fuel to the fire it's been widely suggested that one of the most liked, funny segments in WWE lately, Bad News Brown is set to address the WWE Universe on Punk leaving WWE.

No doubt Barrett will stick to his "tell it as it is" style and not hold back when raising the topic.Personally, it's an innovative and different way of handling the situation. Rather than have Vince or HHH come out regurgitate the whole Austin "taking his ball and going home", why not have BNB do it instead? It's different, fun and definitely will cause a stir! Anyway, at least they're not just ignoring it and doing a Benoit and pretend that Punk just disappeared.


Seriously, I hope this really happens. I'm a huge fan of CM Punk, and BNB is really hit or miss with me, but this is just a fantastic idea if done right. The heat he would generate would be almost insurmountable
Crap I didn't notice that typo! My bad!:banghead:

this is just a fantastic idea if done right. The heat he would generate would be almost insurmountable

Seriously though this is a great use of Barrett's character! It' differs from any other way the announce (or not announce at all) that a talent has left. Most of the time it's just posted on or whatever. It may even help push the BNB character. However it isn't confirmed, just pure speculation it seems so far, keep your eyes peeled though, it may happen!
If this is true, the best way to handle this would be on Raw to (and this is just wishful thinking at least) cue Cm Punk's theme and titantron. Crowd goes nuts, but they start getting confused after no one comes out after a minute, then the lights go out. Light come back on...we see Bad News Barrett on his podium laughing his ass off, quipping "I'm afraid I've got some bad news!" Then he says something like "Your hero...your savior...that punk kid walked out on all of you like a coward with his tail between his legs! He couldn't handle legitimate competition of the WWE, like myself of course, and he walked away like the slimy chicken he's always been!" or something like that.

Imagine the heat he would get from this promo. The crowd will boo him so hard. He'll get the perfect heel reaction. Maybe they can use this to start a short feud with one of Punk's "buddies" (this spot can be filled by a former indie guy like Evan Bourne or a random challenger like Big E Langston; as long as its a mid-carder). Again, all of this is wishful thinking.
I love this idea, it's a great way to get something good of a lousy situation. It'll easily be the best thing BNB has done yet, would get him out of whatever stupid plans they have with him and Lawler(I really try not to judge things prematurely but come on)and could be the thing to help finally get him out of the podium and into the ring.
It'll easily be the best thing BNB has done yet, would get him out of whatever stupid plans they have with him and Lawler

I swear, if this leads to some sort of match at Wrestlemania, then WWE Creative has to be run by monkeys.
If they ever do this, they need to do it in Chicago.

RAW is in Chicago the 3rd of March. I somehow think if they're going to address it, they wouldn't postpone it for over a month since he left the end of January, but hey, this is WWE we're talking about!
IF, IF, IF the latest reports regarding this situation are true, I don't think that anything will come of this. According to said reports, Vince wants CM Punk back and is personally handling the situation. Allegedly, some WWE executives, including some with power, are either indifferent to Punk at this point or don't really want him to return. Triple H, again, allegedly, feels dissed by Punk because of Punk's comments that he considers a match against Trips at WrestleMania XXX to not be a big deal.

However, as I said, the latest reports claim that Vince wants Punk back, which means it's ultimately his call whether anyone else likes it or not. If all that's true and if Vince & Punk aren't able to come to some sort of agreement, I don't see Bad News Barrett in any way, shape or form "shooting" on Punk.
I like the gimmick on paper, the execution so far has been poor. It's funny how many times they could have used him tremendously... And didn't

You wanted Daniel Bryan at #30 in the rumble? We'll I'm afraid I've got some bad news.

Instead of generic bad news about the crowd, bad news about other wrestlers makes more sense to me. We saw that a little when he crapped on a few Miz matches
the latest reports claim that Vince wants Punk back, which means it's ultimately his call whether anyone else likes it or not.

As much as I thought that BNB would be excellent, ultimately having Punk back is what's best for business. He's established himself as a top guy, he's definitely a draw and his talent is there for all to see. But I'd still love to see what BNB has to say about Punk!
Bad News Barrett could be a tremendous heel if they give up the more amateur promos and keep him away from the mid-card hell that is Miz and Ziggler. I enjoy the gimmick, but creative is missing an opportunity to make him truly the guy people hate.

Someone had suggested that right at the 30th entrant for the Royal Rumble, Bad News Barrett comes out and say that though the people were expecting Daniel Bryan, he's got some bad news. That right there would have made him public enemy number one among fans. Same goes for this situation. In Chicago, just have the music play and Barrett goes up on his podium to deliver the bad news.

The character is there and it's developing, but they need to take some chances to fully garner the hatred they are looking for Barrett.
I do like this and it has possibilities if "Phil" decided he didn't want to work Trips at Mania and as no one seemed intent on putting any talent over at all this year he decides to come an work with Barrett...

Imagine the scenario as described Barrett mocks Punk... then the next week... and the next he's "I have some bad news... no body remembers "that guy" the good news is I will be wrestling at Mania..." THEN Cult hits for real and Punk returns.

It's the kind of move I can see appealing to Punk, he can tell Trips to "do one" while win or lose doing some good for the roster and making a good angle... It certainly beats working with Sheamus or the like as he and Barrett could spar a bit on the mic.
I also have read various reports that Vinnie Mac himself is handling the Punk walkout situation. Was it wrong of Punk to say that wrestling the King of Kings at WM is not that big of a deal,i can see why Trips would feel dissed. Its Punks call ultimately on whether or not he wants to come back. Its a blow no doubt to lose someone the caliber of CM Punk,but as he said some 3 years ago he is a cog in the wheel and whether he is there or not the machine will keep on going.

I seriously hope Punk and Vince are able to have a secret meeting that even the dirtsheets cant pick up on and work their shit out. If they can,the BNB skit could work wonders IMO,as BNB is pretty damn enjoyable. IF not the BNB skit,is worthless on this particular one
Not in a million years. Why would you take a character that's trying to gain popularity to dump on a guy that's not even with the company at the moment? He gains nothing from that. They're taking paying customer's signs that refer to Punk out of the crowd. So why the hell would the talent talk about the situation? It would never happen unless Punk's return is set in stone. Plus, Vince would never approve that in a storyline without Punk's approval. If that were to happen, that would only piss off Punk even more and you could kiss one of WWE's biggest assets goodbye for good.

It would be like Barrett standing on his crane telling the world how he's better and more legendary than Hulk Hogan or something. It would never be proven and he's just standing there talking looking like an ass unable to prove it. Hopefully we see Barrett in a legit feud here soon. But in this situation here, Barrett doing anything in the realm of addressing CM Punk is irresponsible, dumb, and pointless.
Bad News Barrett could be a tremendous heel if they give up the more amateur promos and keep him away from the mid-card hell that is Miz and Ziggler. I enjoy the gimmick, but creative is missing an opportunity to make him truly the guy people hate.

Someone had suggested that right at the 30th entrant for the Royal Rumble, Bad News Barrett comes out and say that though the people were expecting Daniel Bryan, he's got some bad news. That right there would have made him public enemy number one among fans. Same goes for this situation. In Chicago, just have the music play and Barrett goes up on his podium to deliver the bad news.

The character is there and it's developing, but they need to take some chances to fully garner the hatred they are looking for Barrett.


I'm almost mad that they didn't have Daniel Bryan's music play for number 30, only to have Barrett rise up in the podium and say "I have some bad news..."

The Chicago Raw needs to start with Punk's music playing and then Barrett needs to come up with the podium. Even maybe have a few crowd plants throwing trash at him to make it look like they really hate him.

That gimmick could make anyone a top heel. I haven't seen him wrestle in a while so I'm guessing he's injured, but that's a star in the making if he does the gimmick correctly.
Not in a million years. Why would you take a character that's trying to gain popularity to dump on a guy that's not even with the company at the moment? He gains nothing from that. They're taking paying customer's signs that refer to Punk out of the crowd. So why the hell would the talent talk about the situation? It would never happen unless Punk's return is set in stone. Plus, Vince would never approve that in a storyline without Punk's approval. If that were to happen, that would only piss off Punk even more and you could kiss one of WWE's biggest assets goodbye for good.

It would be like Barrett standing on his crane telling the world how he's better and more legendary than Hulk Hogan or something. It would never be proven and he's just standing there talking looking like an ass unable to prove it. Hopefully we see Barrett in a legit feud here soon. But in this situation here, Barrett doing anything in the realm of addressing CM Punk is irresponsible, dumb, and pointless.

It would significantly increase Barrett's standing as a heel, if it's the start of them using the gimmick correctly, he could be the top heel in the company in a few months. The only other real top heels are Lesnar, Orton and Batista if they turn him, and Lesnar is never around for more than a few weeks and people are tired of Orton and Batista already.

As far as pissing off Punk . . . well honestly what doesn't piss off Punk? I like him as much as the next guy (really was the only interesting thing in the WWE in a really, really dry spell) but they gave him the longest run with the most important title in pro wrestling in the past 25 years, let him feud with anyone he wanted to on the roster, and he has been the focal point of the show for the past 3 years and he still left them at the most important time of the year.

I'm not saying they should go out of their way to burn bridges, but Punk has never pulled punches when talking about his displeasure with the WWE, so honestly I think it's acceptable for the WWE to let Barrett handle the situation in a semi-light hearted way and in the process probably make him one of the most over guys on the roster. Punk might never come back, Barrett has potential to be a top heel with this gimmick. Is he supposed to keep trading corny comebacks with Jerry Lawler?

It can't be any worse than when Ross and McMahon buried Austin on RAW.

And worse case scenario, Punk goes to TNA or ROH, shoots, causes a one night ratings spike, and wrestles for half filled arenas and high school gyms for the rest of his career.

I say make a star in Barrett rather than appease to a dude who doesn't even really like the WWE in the first place. The WWE isn't going to change as far as putting star part timers over workhorses (which ironically is what will happen if Punk comes back in a few years at the Rumble) and silly booking decisions, so fuck it.

Vince doesn't care about Punk's feelings, he just cares about his star power. Well, this is an opportunity to make a star.

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