Bad Career Move

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Bret Hart from WWF to WCW was a bad career move, even if you don't take into account how he left WWF. From WWF main eventer to, for some reason, WCW mid carder. It was a bad move and did nothing for him.

Booker T from WWF to TNA has proven to be an awful career move for him. Just as Chris Harris would have been better of to stick with TNA than to try WWE.

There are plenty more.
Ricky Steamboats second stint in WWF was a god awful move. I know there were contract problems with WCW byr he was basically buried and made to dress like a ****** (Well... a human dragon)

Anytime Justin Credible turned up IN WWF - I liked Credible guring his stints in ECW but whenever he tried his luck in WWF he always seemed a joke

Rhonda Singh had a briliant career in Japan and around the world before signing with the WWF and becoming Bertha faye... eww

I'm noticing a pattern here
I think that Gail Kim leaving maybe a bad career move. She was the golden child of the division and probably got paid more than any of the other knockouts. She really became one of the most popular and liked women's wrestlers and became a prominent women's wrestler. I think she and most think if she get's hired by the WWE that she will reatain the popularity but I'm not sure. The WWE will obviously push her right away heavily(just like her debut)but I think they will quickly lose interest in her and she will eventually be jobbing to Kelly, Maria, & Candice. And this is if she get;s picked up by the WWE, which I think she will but it's not for certain. I guess only time will tell if this is a bad move or not.
Boz... you're noticing that because VKM can't stand the fact that a lot of the fame garnered by the big names that wasn't as a result of him.

Why else would the likes of all the WCW guys like Booker T (I chose him because he was mentioned before by Jake) take years to make it to the top. Booker T was easily the biggest name to move straight from WCW to WWE during the takeover, yet it took him years being almost there for him to finally be given the run at a being champion. Take the likes of Eddie, RVD, and then go back and look at how Vader was used compared to his status in Japan and WCW.

Now, as for the worst move ever. Bret Hart definately suffered as a result of his move to WCW, but I'm giving it to a man I've already mentioned and give it to Vader.

Vader was a multiple time Heavyweight Champion in Japan and held the same belt 3 times in WCW, taking the belt from Sting twice and Ron Simmons in his 1st African American Champion run, and found himself in Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair's main event scene during their runs as Champ.

So then he moves to WWF, and is basically portrayed as a thug. Following that, he feuded with Yokozuma and assaulted the big man, but yet had his WM match changed to a 6-man tag. A brutal feud against Ken Shamrock followed, and his WWE career was ended feuding with Goldust before jobbing to Bradshaw and Edge. You know it's bad once you reach that stage!

You'd think following this reduction in status, he'd find it hard to return to his status. Instead a return to Japan led to more gold in a short space of time. So... you made it big, so naturally you return to America and disappear in TNA before coming back to the lofty heights, of teaming with Goldust and Jonathon Coachman. Wow.

Vader... WWF/E really was never a smart place to go
Now, as for the worst move ever. Bret Hart definately suffered as a result of his move to WCW, but I'm giving it to a man I've already mentioned and give it to Vader.

Vader was a multiple time Heavyweight Champion in Japan and held the same belt 3 times in WCW, taking the belt from Sting twice and Ron Simmons in his 1st African American Champion run, and found himself in Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair's main event scene during their runs as Champ.

So then he moves to WWF, and is basically portrayed as a thug. Following that, he feuded with Yokozuma and assaulted the big man, but yet had his WM match changed to a 6-man tag. A brutal feud against Ken Shamrock followed, and his WWE career was ended feuding with Goldust before jobbing to Bradshaw and Edge. You know it's bad once you reach that stage!

You'd think following this reduction in status, he'd find it hard to return to his status. Instead a return to Japan led to more gold in a short space of time. So... you made it big, so naturally you return to America and disappear in TNA before coming back to the lofty heights, of teaming with Goldust and Jonathon Coachman. Wow.

Vader... WWF/E really was never a smart place to go

The main reason Vader ever moved to the WWF/E was because, yes, as you stated he was a main eventer and 3 time champ in WCW, but the biggest reason he left was because he went from main eventing with the likes of Flair and Sting to being Hogan's whipping boy and then killed off, he started off good in WWE being tagged with Mankind but then he fell off the radar, so it pretty much was a double bladed sword for Vader, he was damned in WCW when Hogan came in and he just didnt have that "it" that you always needed to have in WWE

a pristine example of a horrible career move would be Shane Douglas, going from the Franchise to a school Dean that was with WWE for about 1 month, that was horrible, lucky for him Heyman took him back

Mike Awesome, my lord, from a killer, who put on bad ass matches with Tanaka to that 70's guy and the Fat Chick Thriller, now thats a horrible career move
When we take a look into bad career moves, you would have to think that most of them have been made by men managed by Jimmy Hart. I know, you are wondering what the correlation is that makes this fact, but once I explain it, everything will be clear.

1. Adrian Adonis- Adonis was big in WWE, but became bloated in the AWA and never was the same again.

2. Brutus Beefcake- Let's not even get into the LONG list of unsuccessful alias' that Ed Leslie took on after leaving the WWF. The Booty Man? Was he really really serious with that one?

3. The Missing Link- He left Jimmy Hart's managerial services and the WWF for the indy circuit and his hometown of "parts unknown".

4. The Honky Tonk Man- He was cool. He was cocky. He was bad. He was the longest reigning IC champion of all time. That was in the WWF. When he switched over to WCW, he was mid-card fodder that never lived up to the hype.

5. Greg The Hammer Valentine- When he switched over from WWF to a sad career as a jobber in WCW, he wasn't even allowed to use his trademark Figure Four leglock. Why? Have you ever heard of...WOO Ric Flair?

6. The Hart Foundation- Both men never had the same success that they had in the WWF when they went to WCW. Sad. Very sad.

7. The Natural Disasters- First went Typhoon, who made the jump from WWF to WCW to become ....... THE SHOCKMASTER! Forgetable. Then went Earthquake, who went from WWF to WCW to become.... aw who gives a fuck. They both sucked.

8. Money Inc.- Both individually switched back to WCW. Neither ever wrestled again. What? Rotunda wrestled in WCW? Get the fuck outta here. Wow, he musta REALLY sucked then.

And just because I don't want you to think I'm picking on guys who jumped from WWF who were managed by Hart.

9. Hugh Morrus- He got a huge right as Hugh G. Rection. (pardon the pun) But he never amounted to anything than a scape goat in the WWE.

10. Meng- So get this. Meng was getting a HUGE push in WCW and decided to skip town and jump ship to WWE for nothing more than to hang around Rikishi. Fun huh?

Honorable Mention- The Nasty Boys- They never repeated their run from their stint in WCW when they went to the WWF or even when they came back to WCW.
His move might not have been as bad as most of the others already listed but I dont feel like repeating a guy that has already been said, so Im gonna say Curt Hennig's WCW move. While he was never a true main eventer in WWE he was always right on the cusp of it. He held the IC title during a time where the belt probably meant more than it ever has. At the time he held it it was truly treated like it was just below the Heavyweight Title and a sought after one. When he was a heel he was probably the top 3 or so heels in the company and really felt like a true superstar which is a vibe I didnt get from him in the WCW.

I know he held the US title when he was there and was involved in major storylines but to me he always just seemed like another wrestler, not one of the biggest names which he was when he was in WWE. He basically just blended in with the other second tier NWO members. I really think not being able to use the Mr. Perfect name and gimmick really hurt him. He was a great talent no doubt but I think that name really helped get him over which unfortunately he couldnt use in WCW.
How about Perry Saturn? He transitioned well from tag team specialist(and damn good too imo) to singles wrestler when he went from ecw to wcw but what the hell happened when he got to wwe. I understand that not all of the radicalz could get pushes and guerrero/benoit were definitely ahead of him but for him to wind up his time there as a guy who's in love with a mop is horrible. Sadly he should of stayed in wcw wearing a dress and toiling in the mid-card.
I think Vince was kind of stung by Lex Luger and Sid not going over when he first brought them over to the WWF, so he was reluctant to use a guy like Vader as a main eventer.

Bret Hart went to the WCW at a bad time... the main event was being ruled by guys who really couldn't wrestle, and Sting was finally coming back from his hiatus, so he was going to be the top face no matter what. Add in the Goldberg phenomenon, and Bret really didn't have a chance to make the impact he should have.

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