Backstage News on CM Punk's WWE Status & Return

Martin Gabriel

Pre-Show Stalwart
As reported earlier, CM Punk was added to several listings throughout the summer for upcoming WWE events and then removed. According to a report by PWInsider, Punk was never supposed to be advertised in the first place.

Punk's name was added in error, partially because he was originally slated for those dates before he injured his knees in his match against The Undertaker at WrestleMania 29.

As of this writing, there is no timetable set for Punk's return to WWE television and many believe that Punk might not return until late summer, at the earliest.

As far as WWE and CM Punk goes, there is believed to be very little communication between both parties since the angle where he walked out. There has been no discussion about his return storyline either.

Not reading a word of it. That's right - I came into this thread to declare that I'm trying to avoid what this thread is about. Smart, I know. Keep me in the dark and I'll be just that much more surprised (pleasantly, I hope) by what comes.
I don't want to read anything more about CM Punk! From now on, fuck him... I want to be surprised about his return.

EDIT: What Sam said lol...
I am interested in any concrete details, but pretty much all speculation about Punk up to and including this has been pretty empty. This whole business of who's advertised for what shows is usually never particularly valuable.
If Punk returns anytime soon I'll still be sick of him. Give him 18 months off. Let him have a Jericho holiday.
So they title it, "CM Punk's Status and Return" to say he will in fact return at some point and that while not working he and WWE aren't talking every day?

Reporting at its finest.
I'd like to see him work the house show I'm going to in June, then just disappear again for awhile for "shocking the world" with his return.
The History said:
I don't want to read anything more about CM Punk! From now on, fuck him... I want to be surprised about his return.
This. Except for the last sentence.

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