Backlash: MVP Vs Matt Hardy

Mighty NorCal

Well this just got announced tonight from And ill be the first to say, about motherfucking time. Im all for good long rivalries, but gosh damn this thing has just about ran out its welcome with me LOL. Mostly becuase im very ready to see what they have MVP do next. A world title program with UT would be fuckin awesome. Although he will prolly end up drafted to RAW, and subsequently buried. As you can see, Im fully predicting a Matt Hardy victory here. Reason being, I just really dont see were they would go with this if MVP wins to be honest. A whole new list of doors and programs open with a Matt Hardy victory, and would just be the best ending to this whole thing. I feel lucky to be in live attendance for what will probably be the commencement of this whole thang.

Well I wanted to see this match. At WrestleMania. That didn't happen. WWE then went and had it for free on the next episode of Smackdown. So while it was a feud I wanted to see the conclusion to. I don't need to anymore. Because the logical closure point has passed, and I saw it on TV the other week.

I'm sure it will be good, but I don't give a shit anymore. MVP should retain. Without the ending it should have had (Hardy finally winning at Mania) it's pointless. Make MVP a triple champ all in one. US, TAG & WHC.
Meh, it would have been great to have the feud end at Mania. Now, not so much. I hope MVP retains, Hardy coming back and then winning the belt 3 weeks later is pointless. It's been a great feud so far and has elevated both guys and left good matches and promos. But it's getting old. Hopefully this will be the end with MVP retaining but it won't.

Hardy will take the strap while MVP's moved over to RAW to be fed to the old guys. Should be another good match though, too bad we haven't gotten a ladder match out of this feud...or will we?
Hardy's going to win which is disapointing because MVP should keep the title, sure he's had it for like 9 months but he hasn't defended it for half of that time. It will be a decent match, I didnt watch their match on smackdown, I'm sure the PPV match will be better, but hopefully MVP retains. MVP is just a few good PPV's off main eventing,so logicaly WWe will bury him in this match. I don't know why WWE doesn't go with a Taker/MVP feud after summerslam would be as good as anything else being discussed (Big show, HHH). As for Hardy fuck knows whats going to happen to him, he's never going to reach the main event, so it looks like more midcarding for him, unless he goes to ECW, he'll probably be champion there in 2 weeks.
The only sad part about this, is all they've ever done is single's matches. Great American Bash, M.V.P. won. Smackdown upon Matt's return, Matt won. On the recent episode of Smackdown, there was a challenge set forth for the two to wrestle in England.

I assume due to the stolen passport, Hardy won't be attending the England shows and M.V.P. will run his mouth about how Hardy is scared, thus leading to Backlash in the "rubber" match. If they do end up wrestling in England, then a 4th single's match at the Pay Per View is overkill.

I love the feud, don't misunderstand that. Its just sometimes it gets boring just watching the same two guys continue to wrestle without a gimmick involved. I'm not pushing Ladder anymore, but something in general that doesn't require them to fit inside the rules would be fine.
I wouldn't mind seeing the match turn into a ladder match (maybe under the reasoning that Hardy cost MVP his Money in the Bank, MVP wants to prove that it was a fluke, blah blah), as I agree with you guys that this feud has run its course for me and I'm no longer even close to as interested in it as I was what...5 months ago, when it mattered? They stalled way too long. Hardy should've just won the belt back around Survivor Series. Granted, some of the time off was due to injuries, but they spent a lot of other time stalling it for no reason. Now, I don't even want Hardy to get the title as I don't think he has the momentum. However, I'm a fan of MVP, so I want to see him lose and move on to better things. What's left for him with the US title? He has no legit feuds left in him around that belt. That being said, its clear that they want Hardy to have the US title, but they want to drag it out as much as possible, so I'm really hoping Hardy just wins the title here and that's it. I don't want another 2 months of MVP getting counted out and disqualified and Hardy chasing the rematch. Its a worn out feud, so end it. I'd like to see MVP in a program with someone new, like HBK or Taker.
I don't understand why some people don't think matt should win the u.s. belt from mvp in the near future. He's had it for nearly a year now, which is actually the third longest reign in the history of the title. And, to add to that point, he hasn't defended the belt because he hasn't had any other competition for it on SD! at all. So, wouldn't the logical thing to do, be to get the strap off him and push him up to main event status. Yeah, I get that some people will think that him losing to hardy might make him look bad, but its already been done. And, I wouldn't be surprised to see hardy finally win it in a ladder match anyway, not by pinfall (maybe at one night stand?). Right now, he's the only guy on the SD! or ECW roster that can keep mvp busy or even make him look good,except maybe finlay, who else is there right now? Yes, it does look as if mvp will be going to raw soon in the upcoming draft. What else is there left for him to do on SD!, feud with the undertaker? Not likely.
See I don't see the quarral here??

Matt Hardy is popular....he's paid his dues been buried time and time again since his return in 2005, and deserves a run with a title!!! Sure he's not as popular as his brother, but Matt has his following! So yes, I think he deserves the title!

However, I also believe that they will stretch this issue out to J-Day! I think that Matt's win last week, was an indication of that! The way the feud has gone thus far, I don't really see Matt winning a 2nd time in a row! Montel will win that match at Backlash, just to keep it going, they'll have a stipulation match to culminate the feud at Judgement Day. I think the WWE has big plans for Montel, and wouldn't want him to lose twice in a row.

As for MVP...I'm a fan of him...and wouldn't mind seeing him win to stretch it out to J-Day!
I really enjoyed their feud before Hardy had the injuries, i like that they are putting those two back into a feud or continuing the feud, But i think they should have had MVP start a different feud with someone and have MVP say that hes the reason Hardy wasn't around anymore. Once hardy returned they should have had him get a few Victories over opponents that MVP has faced since, then get their feud going again. Atleast that way it wouldn't have such a dragged on feeling to the next couple matches. Then if hardy does win the title it also has more a feeling that Hardy earned it and not taking now cuz he was supposed to before.

Long story short, i agree it been dragged on too long, Hardy needs the title, and MVP can move on to do bigger better things.
I really see no point in this at all, they should have just let this fued fade away when Matt got hurt, cause it was boring, I was tired of this feud long before Matt got hurt, and I'm still tired of this feud, what's the point? to give Matt the belt that MVP has been adding prestige, or rather giving the title some prestige once again, so that Matt can just piss all that away with his incredible ability to be bland and utterly boring in the ring?, stupid, just stupid...they should just let MVP keep the belt, make it seem as if nobody can beat him when it's on the line, then let somebody that's actually talented and entertaining win the belt, I really hope they let MVP keep the belt in this match, and then let him stay on SD!, the guy is sooo close to being ME level talent, send someone over to SD!, like Jericho and let them feud for a couple months (as in 2-3 months, not 6-7 months, if I wanted to see a feud dragged out that long I'd watch TNA), maybe put MVP in a MITB vs. US title winner take all feud, with MVP coming out on top ofcourse, hell I rather see that match at Backlash that a Bland Matt Hardy vs. MVP
This fued is bound to come to an end here. After a long and fairly interesting fued. It is definately time to put this to rest. This should be an okat match up. Although ending the fued in a gimmick match. (Hardy special) would be a good idea to do. For one, they need a refrshing match up type. Plus the fact that MVP can say that Matt can only beat him in his specialty match type. Also, it adds a nice end to a long, long fued.

When Matt wins, it opens to door for new US challengers, and for MVP to go to the ME of SD! Un;ess he gets moved to Raw and does a Kennedy.
Well I agree with everyone it, is getting boring. I have no real problem with MVP moving on especially after losing the title, if he does. WWE stalled giving it to Matt Hardy, and then with the injury and being out for months, people dont really want to see him as Champion. and It has spoled it with MVP looking boring if pursuing the title after he looses it. Anyway I think it may be better for him to loose it and get a rematch on smackdown or SD and ECW, and thn going on to something else.
I can't see this feud ending here, it's boring but they obviously don't want to use MVP higher up the card yet for whatever reason so he'll probably be stuck in this medicore eud with Hardy for at least another PPV after this. MVP should retain I'm not sure he will though, Hardy hasn't had the build up or the push going into this match to win the title so easily, however saying that the US title means fuck all so they probably will just give it him and make MVP look weak in the process.
Well currently the Smackdown mid-card isn't very strong so that is why I believe this rivalry is still going on. Palumbo has yet to be made to seem like a viable heel challenger to a face champion and I don't know of another face to go after MVP. So where does that lead the program but to one that is long and drawn out. This is what happens when every mid-carded is moved to raw, i.e. Kennedy or given the world title, i.e. mysterio, it makes the roster excessively top heavy which is why we have overextended feuds
I feel as tho Matt Hardy is only mid-card status... MVP is a much better performer, in my mind Matt Hardy needs to get back into the tag team division and stop worrying about single competition. Hardy doesnt hold a light to MVP. I agree this feud, is way passed due of ending. Even tho i feel as tho MVP is a much better competitor than Matt Hardy i still think they will have Hardy win the title which in my mind is ridiculous. I mean MVP has so much room to grow with the WWE and has alrdy held the US title longer than anyone in history or is just about to (i forget - i think he has broke the record tho) Matt Hardy really needs to get back into tag teams tho, b/c the WWE really needs to re-launch the competition in tag teams, since it is a lost cause as of now. GO MVP....BALLIN"
It's about time Matt got a singles title again, (the last being the C/weight belt in like 2002 i believe) and MVP does have the potential to be a great M.E. star but i think that the SD mid-card now has the possibility to beef up a little on SD w/ the ECW talent exchange. Could we see MVP/Punk? MVP/Kofi? MVP/Dreamer? or Matt/Shelton? Matt/Miz? If SD's creative guys can get their acts together the SD mid-card could be very fruitful. Everyone's been saying for ages that WWE's tag and IC divisions are a joke and now suddenly we're seeing no. 1 contender matches for tag belts and the IC belt's been defended 3 times in the last month. Now that we're in a fresh year for storylines, perhaps we'll get what we ask for. Who knows?
Yeah, MVP hasnt really had any other notable feuds during Hardy's absence. Time to give the belt to Matt, end the story there, and give MVP some more ring time against different opponents. He's not quite worthy of the World title's yet, but he can certainly put on a good match with any of the current holders. maybe he should wrestle CM Punk for the MITB case?
I'm with everyone else in that I really hope that we don't see some stupid DQ finish with MVP retaining and stretching the feud out for another boring month...but we know that its about 80% likely to happen that way, unfortunately.

I'd much rather see Matt just get the belt here, have a rematch at Judgment Day, and then Matt can have a different challenger at Night of Champions.

Side-note, though. I personally don't see the big thrill in Matt Hardy. I think he's just as bad as Jeff on the mic, but flat and mediocre in the ring at best, and he doesn't have the spot count to upgrade that like Jeff does. I can't really see Matt having a long title reign when/if he wins the US championship. Part of this has to do with the challengers. Could you really see Matt Hardy versus Chuck Palumbo as a big draw on a ppv? Matt versus The Miz (despite how much I think the Miz has improved and impressed me the past few months)? Matt versus Kenny Dykstra, who's talented but not pushed whatsoever? I think unless they have a plan for Matt's title reign, they're going to give him a chance and then within maybe 3 months, they'll back out of their push for him and have him drop it to someone else like Shelton Benjamin, maybe, since they seem to be hesitant to push him past the midcard.

That being said, though, I'd rather see a short and failed title reign for Matt than to see 4 months of Matt versus MVP, holding MVP back from moving up to the main event. Because of that, I'm really hoping Matt takes the title here...though its the WWE, and they have this OCD lately about feuds where nobody can win unless its at least the third match.

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