Backlash: Kane vs. Chavo Guerrero


SmackDown! is MY Show

ECW Championship Match
Kane(c) vs. Chavo Guerrero

It didn’t take long for Chavo Guerrero to secure his rematch with ECW Champion Kane. Then again, it didn’t take long for the Big Red Machine to capture the gold from the self-proclaimed “Mexican Warrior,” either.

Despite the quick contest between Kane and Guerrero at WrestleMania XXIV, Kane traveled a difficult road to obtain the title. In a special FreeView presentation of the 24-Man Battle Royal, Kane outlasted the likes of The Great Khali, Mark Henry and other monstrous competitors to become No. 1 Contender to the ECW Title. Later that evening, he relied on strategy, which proved to be effective. He took the defending ECW Champion by surprise and laid him to rest in a mere eight seconds.

While Chavo doesn’t argue that he lost, he does point out that he had the difficult task of preparing for 24 different Superstars that night. Backlash, however, is a different story. The former ECW Champion has had since WrestleMania to train with Kane on his mind. He ensured he would have an opportunity to win back the gold before CM Punk used his Money in the Bank ticket, should the Straightedge Superstar choose to earn back the ECW Championship.

Now that Chavo has his chance, will he make the most of Backlash and hoist the ECW Title once again? Or will Kane further illustrate why he is deserving of his championship status?

Honestly, why even have this match on the card? It will be pointless and my best bet be a quick squash by Kane. I dont like the match and I dont see how WWE could make this a long match or hell give anything more than 5 minutes unless it becomes extreme rules and I doubt that. So more less another squash by Kane and prolly see Chavo fade away. Again pointless match to have at Backlash as it be better suited on ECW.
Yeah I really was hoping that this wouldn't be a part of the ppv. Chavo's way too boring for my tastes and it won't be a good match. They should've just had him challenge him on an episode of ECW and then announced a new #1 contender to challenge Kane at Backlash. No clue who that could be off the top of my head.

Still, its on there, and Kane will retain. I'm hoping that this is a quick match so as to give more time to Edge/Taker or whatever good matches they're planning.
It wont be a great match to watch and should be pretty short, but it is good to see that they are putting an ECW Title match on the PPV now that Kane is holding it. The only way that Kane can bring credibility back to the ECW Title is by defending it on PPV's, so it is good to see that they are letting it defend it on the PPV.

When it comes to Chavo being his opponent, yeah he is a little boring, but there are not that many people on ECW that could put on a very entertaining match with Kane. I mean there is not that much talent on ECW and they have to save some fueds with hopefully guys like Shelton and Elijah for later on in Kane's reign, so Chavo was the logical choice.
I am glad that Kane got the ECW championship because he has been busting his ass every week and he deserves it. When Chavo had the belt it was really boring and his matches have no exciting points at all.

In the near future I would love to see CM Punk vs. Kane for the ECW title because they are both great competitors as a team and they would put on one hell of a match as opponents.

CM Punk is hardcore and I think they should do a match with ECW rules because that fits both him and Kane well and I can't ser Punk going for any other title.
Why the hell is Chavo still floating around this belt?? He has dropped its credibility down to zero ever since he won it. Chavo's credibility was zero before he got it and it was still barely above zero after he got it....oh wow...he beat CM Punk and Dreamer one cares because neither of them are tough challengers.

Hopefully Kane just squashes the hell out of him because he has been recently reinvigorated (or at least improving) as a dominant monster.
The same could be said about Kane, Chavo may appear boring, but so does Kane. So was CM Punk, and Morrison. It isn'tthe guys who have the belt, it's creative. The feuds are shit, Punk/Morrison was ok for a bit, but got boring because there was no real storyline there. Just like there isn't really a storyline with Kane/Chavo which is the reason nobody cares.

ECW wrestlers are already at a disadvantage in that they get less exposure than other wrestlers, and then to give shit storylines to wrestlers who aren't big names is stupid- the question we should be asking is if they aren't prepared to give ECW good storylines to work with , what's the point of having title matches on PPV.

When Big show, or even Lashley or MCmahon were champions it was ok because there were storylines, for the last year there hasn't been any. People should stop hating on Chavo. he's no more boring than Rey Mysterio and yet I bet most of the people who are saying Chavo is shit fucking love to lick Rey's arse and say how good he is.
Kane is gonna win 100% and he probably gonna win by DQ or something like that you dont know what might happen maybe when Chavo will talk to the Ref Edge will Spear Kane and Chavo will pin Kane and win the title or something like that nything can happen.
This will most likely be a squash match won by Kane. There isn;t much else they can do with this. Although Chavo is ok, he has lost pretty much all credibility with anything, especially after being squashed at the grandest stage of them all. There is no way Chavo can have any, any credibility in this match up at all. He has lost all his momentum (if he had any to start with lol).

Squash match with Kane winning. Not much point in this, hopefully the draft that is coming soon will bring someone decent to have a good fued.
I got Kane in 7 seconds. Maybe 6 so they can beat backlund's record. Basically I Chavo getting squashed and waiting for Helms to come back and some developmental to be put and maybe and them unretiring the cruiserweight belt because they just have to much talent on their roster to not showcase the smaller guys on either ECW or Smackdown. On the other hand it may just be wishful thinking.
This will either be another quick match. Or it'll end in a DQ. I can se this going on for a while so I'm predicting a DQ. I see them having a gimmick match that would benefit Chavo, although I have no idea what.

These days no match involving Kane is going to be a classic. And Chavo isn't some super worker who'll be able to carry him. Either way it's going to be shit. Bring on the Kane vs. Big Daddy V feud.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Chavo Guerrero has taken the role of Orlando Jordan and Kane has taken the role of Chris Benoit. This match will end, if anything, even sooner.

During their Wrestlemania match, didn't Chavo get a punch or two in? That shaved about 2 seconds into the match. This time around, I don't even see Chavo getting a single punch in.

However, if they honestly wish to push this as a legit match.. then they've already screwed Kane as being a dominate Champion. No way should he be seen as having ANY type of difficult time against a Cruiserweight. (unless its Rey Mysterio)

I think if anything, this could be a gateway in having Kane once again dominate Chavo, only to be attacked by either Mark Henry, Big Daddy V, or Umaga. Then have that end up being his next (real) challenger for Judgment Day. (I can ONLY hope its Umaga)
I personally arent looking forward to this match there fighting styles are to different to have good matche sthese guys need to be in the ring with different people hopefully this feud will end quickly
Chavo IS a good competitor in the ring, and so is Kane. But, a cruiser vs. a super? Didn't we get enough of that with Rey vs. Big Show? I hope to Jesus that Kane retains his long-deserved belt and has to defend against someone of a bigger size. Kane and Umaga had some good matches, as did Kane and Snitsky back in the day. (By good, I mean, better than Kane vs. Chavo. No one is calling them five stars, or even one star, but at least they were watchable.) Another idea is to face him off against Risk-takers. Kane vs. Shane McMahon, Kane vs. RVD, ect. They were good feuds because Kane can take an asskicking and still come back as a monster if they do it right. I want to see Kane versus Matt Hardy for the ECW Title myself, that would be a great match.
Too much of a height difference for it to be a longgoing feud. It could be good, but they haven't given the rivalry any substance so far. Hopefully, Shelton Benjamin will get added to make this a moderately interesting triple threat.
People should stop hating on Chavo. he's no more boring than Rey Mysterio and yet I bet most of the people who are saying Chavo is shit fucking love to lick Rey's arse and say how good he is.

I actually find Mysterio very boring as well. The 619 is a horrid, horrid move in my opinion, as it looks like it can't possibly hurt that much and it requires far too much suspension of disbelief. These guys miraculously fall onto the 2nd rope ONLY in Mysterio matches, normally with him not even doing a drop toe hold or anything. They're both terrible on the mic...while Mysterio is slightly better at the inflection in his voice, he loses points for speaking half of his promos in Spanish. One of the only things that I like Mysterio better than Chavo for is how he never comes off trying to be dominant. Sometimes, they like to make it seem like beating Chavo would be an upset (his feud with Jimmy Wang Yang, his match with Dreamer recently, his feud with CM Punk to an extent) but Mysterio is always getting his ass kicked...though its really annoying to keep hearing the "David vs Goliath, little man with a lot of heart" laundry list repetitively.

Hopefully, Chavo leaves the ECW title picture and is either put into a tag team or jobs out to the US title holder from now on. I'm not sure who would be a good choice for a feud with Kane afterwards, as I'm hoping Burke goes for the IC title and not the ECW I'm assuming maybe Benjamin. If Kane turns heel, then a face Finlay could defeat him. Idk. Too early to tell here.
Only a few people on ECW come to mind that could challenge Kane for the title in the future. So hopefully this rumoured draft will happen and I'm hoping someone like Matt Hardy goes to ECW, then kelly kelly could take lita's old role and start dating matt hardy on screen, a Kane heel turn would be nice, they could start up the whole kane-matt hardy feud again .

Chavo comes across boring, he's still very talented though. I'm not sayin Kane's the most exciting wrestler because he's far from it these days.

Chavo lost all momentum when he turned heel a couple of years ago. I hate too say it but Chavo's momentum was mostly to do with Eddie's untimely death.

Personaly I'm more interested in the Taker-Edge match, I'm predicting a quick squash from Kane.
A very pointless match with only 3 possible endings.

1) Kane beats Chavo quicker then he did at Wrestlemania, or somewhere close to that.
2) They could have a 20-25 minute match with Chavo sadly winning back the ECW title and Kane yet again being given a short title reign.
A very pointless match with only 3 possible endings.

I've got two here mate.

1) Kane beats Chavo quicker then he did at Wrestlemania, or somewhere close to that.
2) They could have a 20-25 minute match with Chavo sadly winning back the ECW title and Kane yet again being given a short title reign.

No way will it be option number two. The 25 minute matches will be allocated to Cena & Undertaker matches. If in fact they do go that long. WWE would never let Kane go that length of time because he really just isn't good enough. And Chavo just isn't that popular.
I've never liked Chavo , he's never been a big enough competitor to compete at ECW Title Level.

I think a lot of people have missed an important point. This feud is apart of the bigger Edge/Taker feud. And as such , it needs to run for the very least up until Backlash - so I'm not surprised that they've booked this as a PPV match. No doubt we'll see Taker vs Chavo and Edge vs Kane at some point before Backlash.

As for the match. Most likely be pretty poor. Probably no more than 10 minutes , with Kane going over him. The I hope Kane Vs Shelton Benjamin as the next feud , that could be quite entertaining.
What is with the tendancy of people predicting 30 minute matches??? does anyone realize that maybe ten or so of those happen per year?? and THIS wil be one of them?? Um, no.

Anyway, on the inverse I dont know why the heck people think this will be another squash. this will be a general ECW title match, prolly about 10-12 minutes, nothing great, but not terrible. Kane will retain, probably amidst interferences, and whatnot. Kanes pyro is gonna be loud as fuck live :(
I think this is going to be a short filler match, probably less than 5 minutes. I definitely think Kane will win after a chokeslam or Kane winning by DQ after chavo had enough & hits Kane with a steel chair or the Edgeheads get involve & attack Kane. I don't think this match will be the end of the Kane-Chavo feud & probably at Judment Day we'll see the end of this feud, probably in a gimmick match like an Inferno match
I think this is going to be a short filler match, probably less than 5 minutes. I definitely think Kane will win after a chokeslam or Kane winning by DQ after chavo had enough & hits Kane with a steel chair or the Edgeheads get involve & attack Kane. I don't think this match will be the end of the Kane-Chavo feud & probably at Judment Day we'll see the end of this feud, probably in a gimmick match like an Inferno match

C.M. I hope you're wrong. No way W.W.E. is stupid enough to push these two into a 3 month (P.P.V.) feud, thats just horrible. And if Kane squashes Chavo two straight, it'll be mighty hard to explain him getting yet another rematch, even if Chavo & the Edgeheads do a post-match beatdown.

I think W.W.E. needs to wrap up its losses and move Kane on, otherwise they'll never get him back to where they want him to be as a Main Event player.
This match is crap. Kane "I keep getting screwed" VS Chavo "if it wasnt for EDDIE who would care". I mean make this one quick Kane Chokeslams chavo game over. Move Kane on to a legit fued with Shelton,Kofi,Matt,Snitsky, or even Tommy get Kane in a good fued that has some meaning. Move Chavo into some kind of quest to bring back the cruiserweight title on ECW ending with a series of three way matches with him Jimmy Wang Yang and Helms when he comes back just to bring that belt back with some credibilty.
The primary reason they will keep this thing going is to have the Brothers of Destruction vs. Edge, Chavo and Edgeheads for a little longer. Yeah it is a kinda crappy match, Kane will win, Chavo doesn't stand a chance, but wait, did you just say that Kave vs. Snitsky would be a better fued, talk about some of the worst matches in wrestling history! With the lack of talent to face Kane on ECW, they have to draw this out a little longer or else he will run through the whole roster in like 3 months! Kane will win, but wouldn't be surprised to see one more rematch at the PPV, either that or somebody gets drafted to ECW to fued with Kane, and no it wont be Snitsky, well it better not be at least.
In my opinion, I think this needs to be more than a one on one matchup. I mean they should make it a fatal four way which would be way more entertaining than a squash match. I think it would be Kane (C) vs. Chavo Guerrero vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Elijah Burke or someone else with credibility for the title. I would love to see Dreamer back in the main event, but the most part, I am glad a belt is back on Kane.

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