Backlash 2003 with KB


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Backlash 2003
Date: April 27, 2003
Location: Worcester, Coliseum, Worcester, Massachusetts
Attendance: 10,000
Commentators: Jonathan Coachman, Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, Tazz

Rock vs. Goldberg. That’s really all there is to say about this show. Well not really because I’ll write five or six pages about it but you get what I mean. Goldberg debuted the night after Wrestlemania and I think this is the first big match he’s had. It’s also Rock’s last match for about eleven months as he would go full Hollywood, come back for Mania, and then be gone for seven years. Let’s get to it.

Click on the link below for the full review.

This Was Embarrassing
By comparison though, it was nothing. It certainly wasn't enough to go to three PPV mains at least.

As a fan of Nash, it isn't his reaction which should be of a concern, its that he could barely even walk during the match. I was embarrassed for him. He looked so bad. Idk what they saw to keep pushing him. Flair was perfectly used in the match. The whole time he was putting over the other guys while looking good himself.

Nash throwing y2J into the ref, looked awful. Nash couldn't wrestle at all.

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