Baby Face Main Eventers?


Championship Contender
Do you feel the current WWE roster is lacking big name main event faces and is full of either main event heels or main event faces who work far better has heels?


Cena (Face)
The Miz (Heel)
CM Punk (Heel..could be face)
Orton (Face but far better as a heel)
Triple H (Reached a legend status now but better as a Heel)
Sheamus (Heel)


Edge (Face but better as a heel)
Alberto Del Rio (Heel)
Dolph (Heel)
Kane (Better as a heel)

and so on..

Who can you see being a big name company carrying face in the future? Cody Rhodes, Sin Cara?
This is something I have actually thought a lot about. The only faces that haven't reached main event status that could actually be considered main eventers are John Morrison, Christian, and Kofi Kingston. Honestly, I don't see any of these guys being a superstar. I could be wrong, but I don't think so.

All of that being said, John Cena and Randy Orton aren't exactly dinosaurs at this point. They are more than capable of carrying the company for another 5-10 years. In that span, I expect that we'll see new faces emerge and captivate the audience or hell, maybe someone we've already seen will make a drastic turnaround, like what The Rock did. Remember when he was a dead fish?

Truth is, we'll never know what lies ahead, but these things have a habit of working out for the best.
I don't think Randy Orton is a natural face..I think he is an amazing heel though.

Do you think this as always been the in too many faces spoil the broth. Is there not enough room for more than one or two big main event faces on a roster at a time. Even during the Attitude Era most of the main eventers were either Heels or better as heels (Triple H, The Undertaker, Kane, Shawn Micheals, Big Show, Vince). Austin, The rock and Foley were the predominant faces. I know things change and most main eventers if not all go through both heel and face periods but as for natural faces who have the potential to be the next Hogan, Stone Cold, Cena? I see lots of potential future main event heels but not faces. I guess as stated anything could happen.. Wade Barrett or The Miz could become huge fan favourites one day..I remember The hate The Rock used to get when he was in The Nation.

I was thinking more about now or in the next couple years though.. I only see Cena as an out an out main event face on the current roster as far as main event "superstars" go.
I think that Kofi could do it if they gave him another push like they did when he had the feud with Orton. I was pleasently surprised with how it turned out but his push really didnt have any legs after that. I think that he needs some work on the mic but i think that he does have the personality to do it. I also think that it would benifit the WWE to bring alittle more diversity to the top performers of the WWE.

I also really like Evan Bourne. Saying that i dont think that he will ever be at the top of the WWE there is just something missing but I love his in ring work though.
Out of all the ones mentioned, I think Christian could become a main eventer. He just needs a push and quit being punished by VKM. He is decent on the mic, good in ring worker and has been around long enough that he could hold a major title and carry it awhile whether heel or face.

MY VOTE is for Captain Charisma
Well Christian is one of the old batch so the boat for him to be the future face of the WWE has long since gone but for short term (next couple years like I said) then yeah maybe. I just don't think he quite has that superstar edge that Edge has (pardon the pun) to be a main eventer for more than short period of time. I would like to see Christian with the World Championship though..he deserves it.

Just my opinion but I really really do not see any drop of main event material in Kofi.. definitely not enough to be a superstar face of the WWE. Cody Rhodes perhaps if anybody right now.
I don't think Randy Orton is a natural face..I think he is an amazing heel though.

It doesn't really matter what we think of his character, he's far and away the number 2 face in the company and changing that benefits nothing, especially with his ego being the way it is. Seriously, when's the last time he lost a match? It sucks with him being a face, imagine how hard it would be for a face to get over with his "I always win" mentality? Keep him face.

Do you think this as always been the in too many faces spoil the broth. Is there not enough room for more than one or two big main event faces on a roster at a time. Even during the Attitude Era most of the main eventers were either Heels or better as heels (Triple H, The Undertaker, Kane, Shawn Micheals, Big Show, Vince). Austin, The rock and Foley were the predominant faces. I know things change and most main eventers if not all go through both heel and face periods but as for natural faces who have the potential to be the next Hogan, Stone Cold, Cena? I see lots of potential future main event heels but not faces. I guess as stated anything could happen.. Wade Barrett or The Miz could become huge fan favourites one day..I remember The hate The Rock used to get when he was in The Nation.

I agree completely, but Hogan, Austin and Rocky were all top faces for a pretty decent amount of time at least. Cena and Orton have been holding it down for about 4 years or so, not exactly grounds for panicking that the next face of the company hasn't been found. When Austin took the reigns, there was no one close to him and The Rock is the only one that got up there. Now we see a similar pattern with Cena and Orton. Their both fairly young guys so the likelihood of them being the top faces for another 5 years is high. More heels will come in as they're way easier to build up so we'll always have fresh feuds. I expect that the next big face isn't on TV at the moment and has really yet to be discovered.

I was thinking more about now or in the next couple years though.. I only see Cena as an out an out main event face on the current roster as far as main event "superstars" go.

Out an out? He just main evented Wrestlemania and he's already been booked to do the same next year. He's easily the top drawing main event star in the company. You'll have to elaborate.
Out an out? He just main evented Wrestlemania and he's already been booked to do the same next year. He's easily the top drawing main event star in the company. You'll have to elaborate.
I meant out and out as in The only 100% baby face main eventer. So not what you thought judgeing by your reply.

I'm really interested in peoples opinions on Kofi Kingston now..I really do not see him as a main eventer at all.. am I missing something? I personally don't see John Morrison as a World Champion main eventer either though so maybe it's just me...
One thing!!

The Miz could be an excepcional face!! I dont know why, but I cant hate the guy, he only earned my respect and i would love to see him as a face!!

In real life, The Miz is very funny and very charismatic (see my sig)!!
I could see him as a top babyface he his something to look out for, he is relatively young and he can talk!! And for sure in the ring he is by far better than Cena right now, he was the one to carry the WrestleMania main event by Drawing on his own against Cena (that is something) and then pinning him in a singles match (which no one have ever done)!!

My pick:
The Miz
I meant out and out as in The only 100% baby face main eventer. So not what you thought judgeing by your reply.

My apologies. I thought you were insinuating that he wasn't a main eventer, which would be ludicrous.

I'm really interested in peoples opinions on Kofi Kingston now..I really do not see him as a main eventer at all.. am I missing something? I personally don't see John Morrison as a World Champion main eventer either though so maybe it's just me...

I think you're justified. I mean, I don't necessarily think that they're Cena like potential stars, or hell, even Orton level. But I wouldn't see any problem with taking a shot with them. Think of the way Jeff Hardy won his titles. Certainly Morrison has enough credibility to go over Miz, as Kofi has enough to go over Edge or Del Rio. Why not give one of them a short run and see if they become major stars? If it fails, oh well. It still adds credibilty to them as mid carders when someone else goes over them.

But I certainly understand the idea that they aren't main eventers. They've done very little to prove otherwise.
Austin wasn't really a true face or heel he was a tweener. Of all the current kids around 30 or under I see The Miz, Morrison(if they throw him a bone again), Kingston (the way Booker is trying to give him cred). Of the Kids down @ FCW one name and that's Seth Rollins (Formerly ROH's Tyler Black) Go and watch his ROH stuff cause he carried that company while they needed to find someone to take his spot when he left for the "E" he's got it and hopefully the rumors of him gonna be on NXT season 6 are true.
I think you're justified. I mean, I don't necessarily think that they're Cena like potential stars, or hell, even Orton level. But I wouldn't see any problem with taking a shot with them. Think of the way Jeff Hardy won his titles. Certainly Morrison has enough credibility to go over Miz, as Kofi has enough to go over Edge or Del Rio. Why not give one of them a short run and see if they become major stars? If it fails, oh well. It still adds credibilty to them as mid carders when someone else goes over them.

But I certainly understand the idea that they aren't main eventers. They've done very little to prove otherwise.

I wouldn't mind giving them a run to see if they have what it takes.. I really do not see anything above top midcarders in either but it can't hurt and Smackdown isn't exactly overflowing with main event title contenders. The only reason I mention Kofi is because a lot of people mention him as a possible future main eventer and I always think I'm missing something when it comes to him. He is entertaining..seems like a really nice guy.. that's it for me. I want to see Del Rio become Champ first just to see how far he can run with it..I like him a lot but I like to see him prove himself a bit more and justify his Royal Rumble win.

I think Cody has potential to be a big face in the WWE and hope he stays with Smackdown after the draft so that he can continue working his way up to the top.
Do you feel the current WWE roster is lacking big name main event faces and is full of either main event heels or main event faces who work far better has heels?

There is a lack of big name faces and most of the faces do work better as heels. It's about context though. When the top heels were faces, who were they feuding with? The opposition is just as important and how well they work with whoever they're feuding with effects our perception. So maybe if they were faces now and had different opposition things would be different. It's all about the booking. There's no telling what will happen until it plays out.

I agree with eragon555 that the Miz has the ability to make a successful face turn. There's no reason to believe it wouldn't work. We haven't seen him really get a shot at being a face at the main event level, and I think he's slowly building enough momentum to get the crowd behind him when he does inevitably turn. I don't think it should be anytime soon and I think he is an excellent heel but if they let things evolve naturally, kind of how they did with Randy recently, it could be a pretty seamless transition.

Is Jericho planning on coming back? If he is, he could easily return as a face.

As for the up and comers... I'm not sure if Kofi will ever truly become a main eventer but he seems to naturally lean towards being a face and he's pretty over as one anyways. Has he ever been a heel? That would be interesting to see. Same with JoMo - works well as a face but I think he also has the potential to be an amazing heel based on his gimmick and persona.
wwe has a heel overload right now (a few of which really suck: miz, barret).
as far as faces go, there are some, quiet a few of which are getting tossed on the backburners even the newer talent.
less drama and promos, more wrestling = more of a balance.
WWE has too many heels right now.For every face that is on TV I can think of 3 heels that are also on TV.I can't really blame them though,in the current PG environment it's very hard to build a pure face that's not 2 dimensional.Most faces in the WWE still do heelish things (Edge destroying Del Rio's Rolls Royce,Orton punting everyone in the head,etc.) The only true main event level babyface is Cena,and look at the amount of backlash against him.

They are definitely lacking a main event level face,but I think Morrison's on the cusp of main event status (if his incident with Trish goes unpunished).He's the only true face that has gotten over on his gimmick and ability alone.He hasn't held a title belt in ages,he didn't have to ride on somebody's coat tails.Hell,he hasn't even had any promo time in at least a year.
I'm not sold on Kofi Kingston.There's just something lacking about him.
Christian's in the main event of Smackdown so he shouldn't be too far away.
Daniel Bryan's wrestling ability is immense,but I don't think he'll make a believable world champion like Benoit was.
I don't see Sin Cara in the main event,just another Mysterio.Mysterio wouldn't have won the world title anyway if it wasn't for Eddie's death.

In the future,Cena will still carry the company.He's only in his early 30s,and so's Orton and Morrison.The Miz could turn face in the near future.He's over with the crowd and he has a catchphrase that the fans love to chant,so he's halfway there.
Lots of posters are putting The Miz as a potential huge face. I find that interesting. I have definitely grown to like him a lot more and I put that down to him improving a lot as of late in many aspects. Do you really think he has what it takes to be a Hogan or a Cena.. more of an Austin perhaps.. but really? really? The Miz a superstar face of the WWE.. no doubt he is now a main eventer and a good WWE yeah I can see it.

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