B.G. James To WWE?

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
- BG James has been telling people backstage recently that if he could get out of his TNA deal and had an offer from WWE, he would jump in a heart beat.

I doubt WWE would even want him back. Is there even a Road Dogg fan base anymore? He was fired over 5 year's ago. He should be thankfull he's still got a job with TNA. Does B.G. James draw for the company? No. Is he the future of the company? No. He passed his prime year's ago. He need's to realise that the only thing he has going for him is charisma. Maybe when he retire's from in ring competition he could be an announcer or manager. At least he has something going for him unlike the wooden Kip James. Both need to be thankfull for there position's in TNA because I cant think of another promotion that would take them. Hopefully they will both be wrestling in town hall's this time next year.
Totally agree there, there's teh DX fanboy's would want a DX reunion but that's not going to happen. Billy Gunn sucked real badly, as for the Road Dogg, tehy definately don't need him. And with this attitude in TNA I can't see it helping him out at all.
BG is still living in the past he just cant seem to get out of his Road Dog charecter there is only 1 prroblem, nobody really gives a crap about Road Dog. He is a washed up junkie who really has no wrestling talent. Dog needs to go away and never come back unless its an announcer
BG James has one thing for him and its his awesome Mic skills but hsi best days were in the attitud era when he and stiff aka Kip were the New Age Outlaws...But they couldnt be good team forever as we saw they were evetuallty replaced by the Dudleys, Hardys , and E&C...if i was TNA managemnet i be like look you have two options either be a manger/announcer or leave and for Kip just let him go...
B.G. James ? Who is he ? Hes not a huge draw to anything anymore, Why does it matter if he goes to WWE, i dont see a major rise in ratings and him being the #1 seller of merchandising and maineventing WM 23, Who does he think he is ? Kurt Angle ?
Well, maybe it would be best if TNA fired their color commentator and hired BG to do it? The WWE won't want him and he can't wrestle anymore.
Are you kidding in 99-till the end of the New age Outlaws i was watching RAw just for BG.James and Kip James they were funny as heel to gether they definetly could have bigger but they didnt want to bust their asses to wrestle better.
First off, they burned some major bridges with the WWE, why would Vinny Mac want them back? Second, even if by some off chance it did happen, I'd consider them, especially BG, to be nothing but ungrateful traitors much like Monty Brown. They would be disloyal SOBs just like him.
Wasnt it reported that WWE sent out feelers to get them back but are unable to, due to their contract with TNA?
I'm pretty sure that is WWE wanted them (BG and Kip) back they would be back already. They would only be useful to WWE in DX terms so now would bave been a good spot with HHH being out. If it hasnt happened, odds are it won't happen. As much money as they might make in WWE I'm sure they make a decent amount in TNA and enjoy the freedom and time off.

BG by himself could become a decent manager.
Wasnt it reported that WWE sent out feelers to get them back but are unable to, due to their contract with TNA?

Yeah they did! Last year some time, when DX reformed. But once they found out that Billy Gunn/Kip James said some bad stuff about Vince & HHH, they stopped. In fact it was Vince & HHH's idea to contact them, and then someone told them about what they said, so.... Gunn said he would punch HHH in the face if he ever saw him or something.
The WWE would only buy James if it was just to spite TNA. I think that they will probably go ahead and buy him if the oppurtunity arose, but then again, the WWE holds their grudges and so I think the kind of stuff he said about them could keep him from coming. This is pathetic if the guy supposedly hates the WWE and then is begging to go to them, or so I am told. I don't think TNA would really want him if he has an attitude like this, and I don't think the WWE will welcome him back with open arms either.
Good TNA don't need him.It would be awsome if he went back to WWE.
First off, they burned some major bridges with the WWE, why would Vinny Mac want them back? Second, even if by some off chance it did happen, I'd consider them, especially BG, to be nothing but ungrateful traitors much like Monty Brown. They would be disloyal SOBs just like him.

So I guess you would say Kurt Angle, Christian Cage, Rhino, Team 3D etc... are all disloyal ungrateful traitors since they went from WWE to TNA ? I don't think so man... Monty Brown is not a traitor. He didn't get a title shot as he was promised when Christian came to TNA and took the spotlight. Then he couldn't come to terms on a deal with TNA, and WWE offered him a good one. So he switched companies. Happened all the time when the WWE did not rule the wrestling world... Don't see what the problem is.

As for BG, who really cares ? I don't really enjoy watching him on TNA programming anymore, I guess the VKM vs. VKM thing was "ok"... But come on now it's just a bunch of bull... The gimmick is far in the past, time to stop or start something like managing or commentating to use the only talent he has, which is mic work. As for Kip James... What a joke.

The New Age Outlaws were good, since they added something new to the WWF. They were real badasses, something which didn't exist aside from Stone Cold... Their match with Mick Foley and Terry Funk at Wrestlemania was entertaining. They were good in DX. Now they're not.

Anyways Kip sucks, so if TNA was to disband the tag team, it would be the end of Kip James. And maybe some refreshening for BG James. WWE won't take them back that's for sure. But in the wrestling world, never say never.
First off, they burned some major bridges with the WWE, why would Vinny Mac want them back? Second, even if by some off chance it did happen, I'd consider them, especially BG, to be nothing but ungrateful traitors much like Monty Brown. They would be disloyal SOBs just like him.

thats why i always hated Monty Brown i knew that he was a snake you cant trust a snake. In several interviews (in 05) Monty Brown said that he would never work for WWE because they wouldnt be able to unleash his full potential and later in one interview said that HHH and the WWE and kiss his ass
Even if James has a chance to return to WWE, I hope he doesn't. He should be wise enough to realize he'd only be used and abused to only be released soon after.
Man im gonna say this once...

BG James and Kip James would be amazing back in WWE. DX would rule Monday Night RAW! Imagine them coming back at Wrestlemania to help HBK win the title. Personally I feel they should give the Tag Titles to a heel group, and have DX win it. But to be fair, I think WWE would take them back. It would pretty much spell the end of TNA.


But to be fair, I think WWE would take them back. It would pretty much spell the end of TNA.


yea as if either of them is what makes tna so well known.If they were to leave i don't think anybody would even notice.I haven't seen either of them in a match in i dont know how long.

back on topic...

I dont care what james does. I ve lost a little bit of respect for the both of them with the way the 2 faced tna and wwe in all the interviews.One sec its rag on wwe then next i d go back ..etc..
Man im gonna say this once...

BG James and Kip James would be amazing back in WWE. DX would rule Monday Night RAW! Imagine them coming back at Wrestlemania to help HBK win the title. Personally I feel they should give the Tag Titles to a heel group, and have DX win it. But to be fair, I think WWE would take them back. It would pretty much spell the end of TNA.


Are you kidding me dude?! VKM is not TNA. TNA is a great promotion who needs new writers and to get rid of these WWE hasbeens. Releasing those girls would not spell the end of TNA, it would help TNA get past this phase in their development. I can't believe you actually think that these clowns made TNA. This is why TNA is not taken seriously anymore. People think that these WWE wrestlers made or is making TNA. Samoa Joe, Chris Daniels, AJ, Sonjay Dutt, and all the orginial wrestlers that was there from the beginning made TNA and they are the only reason why they are still in business. Trust, if they got rid of the former WWE superstars, including VKM girl group, they would still be a great company and that's when they would real competition for WWE. TNA stands for Total Nonstop Action not Total Nonstop Assholes!

What I find funny is that him and Kip talked so much shit about Vince and Trips, I mean they went as far as actually following them to their shows to get back them. They said so much stuff and now, they both want to come back. These girls are so fake it's ridiculous. They talk about how Trips betrayed them. What the infamous curtain call. What happened when Trips did that, did they look out and keep him from doing that? No, they watched him fall into that 5 year trap while they got really pushes. only for years later Trips flies right by them, and do the same thing they did to him to them. What would you do if your friend saw someone trying to kill you and he didn't tell you but now the same thing is happening to him and he wants you to tell him or help him, would you help him?
Exactly. Let them be used! Let them bring ratings back to the WWE as they re-join DX and reform the New Age Outlaws and rule the Tag Team Division. They're not bringing much ratings to TNA, so let WWE buy them out!
Exactly. Let them be used! Let them bring ratings back to the WWE as they re-join DX and reform the New Age Outlaws and rule the Tag Team Division. They're not bringing much ratings to TNA, so let WWE buy them out!

I would love to see the New Age Outlaws back on Raw, imagine Cena and HBK standing in the ring with the tag titles and calling out any team that thinks they can beat them for the titles and then..."Oh you Didn't Know..." the NAOs music hits and the crowd goes crazy, and then Cena and HBK get beat and lose the tag titles, then when Triple H comes back they start a DX/NAO feud, I think the NAOs should be brought back but they should be brought back as heels
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