Axe Division - Charles "Chucky" Lee Ray vs Leatherface

Chucky vs Leatherface

  • Chucky

  • Leatherface

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After easily dispatching Norman Bates and Hannibal Lecter, respectively, Chucky and Leatherface meet in the finals of the Axe Division. On one hand, you have a serial killer who was once a human and is now a doll. Charles "Chucky" Lee Ray is as sadistic and intelligently evil as any killer in history, with the possible exception of Freddy Kreuger. Chucky kills for pure enjoyment, and knows what he is doing the entire time. Leatherface is a monster - the brain of a child in the body of an ogre. If he ever met Chucky, it's hard to think he wouldn't just pick him up and try to play with him.

So who's the better slasher? The evil doll or the iconic witless cannibal?
You've gotta love Chucky. Killing everything he can get his creepy little doll-hands on and making bad jokes afterwards. And don't forget that trademark laughter...Brad Dourif is the freakin' man.

As much as I like Leatherface, his legacy was tainted with bad sequels and remakes. Sure, a ******ed guy in a mask made of human skin who kills people with chainsaws is frightening enough, but he's not even the mastermind behind his "deeds"...

So Chucky wins this one for me.
As much as I like Leatherface, his legacy was tainted with bad sequels and remakes. Sure, a ******ed guy in a mask made of human skin who kills people with chainsaws is frightening enough, but he's not even the mastermind behind his "deeds"...

So Chucky wins this one for me.

Bride of Chucky. Seed of Chucky. Bad sequels, party of two, your table is right this way if you'll follow me...

At least Leatherface: TCM 3 had Ving Rhames and some badass scenes. And at least TCM2 kept with the psycho family theme. The remakes weren't terrible - they weren't Tobe Hooper quality and they relied too much on shock gore, but they weren't terrible.
I'm going with the doll from hell. Leatherface is a standard crazy dude. Yes he had a sweet weapon, and that sound when he bashes the guy's skull in is freaking sick, but not a lot really stands out for him other than his mask.

Then you have Chucky. This guy, along with Freddy, are very scary to me, in that they inhabit things that seem so innocent. Chucky is a toy. How scary would it be to have your toy try to kill you (Note: I loved Small Soldiers)? Its an ingenious concept to put an evil spirit inside of a doll. I'll take Chucky here, in that he's by far more inconspicuous.
Bride of Chucky. Seed of Chucky. Bad sequels, party of two, your table is right this way if you'll follow me...

Well, at least there were at least two relatively good sequels before those. Which is less than I can say for TCSM and every sequel it ever had. They make the Sleepaway Camp sequels look positively fantastic. So relatively good sequels in my opinion beat bad sequels. I'm just sayin'...
Ok, terrific, because Chucky IS, after all, loosely based on that Satanic serial killer who did ACTUALLY transfer his soul into a doll's body.

Wait, you mean that never actually happened?

I digress. I like Leatherface in part because of the realism behind it. Leatherface is loosely based off of Ed Gein, who used to cannibalize, sexually assault, and skin his victims. Leatherface as a character is perfectly plausible. Being afraid of "My Buddy" after seeing Child's Play is like being scared to eat Jello after watching "The Blob." Totally silly and non-sensical. But people who don't go in the ocean after watching Jaws make a little more sense, as do I, who avoids deep rural Texas at all costs...
I gotta agree with IC25. Leatherface wins this purely on realism. Leatherface may not be as smart as Chucky. The thing is, Chucky is just a fucking doll. I dont think you will ever in real life find a fucking doll going around killing anyone. Leatherface is pure badass. He comes at you with a chainsaw and doesnt let up. Chucky just stabs you. How the hell can you not run away from a doll? That makes you a pussy. The Chucky movies were good. But Leatherface and the Texas Chainsaw Massacres are better. Partly because of badass and the other half because of realism.

Leatherface, hopefully for the win.
Though we don't agree on American Psycho this time around, I have to agree with The Texas Chainsaw Massacres' Leatherface. Can I get a rise of hands, who is scared of small southern towns? Alright, put your hands down. Who is afraid of dolls? I see a couple hands up. Who thinks that getting caught in a town, where they have pieces of animals, covered in flies for sale, no working telephone, and a sherriff who looks like hes make you eat your own feces, after running into him, or who things getting caught in a Toys R' Us is scarier? I give you your answer. Leatherface scares you two the bones. He is a mindless killer with a chainsaw. He is a top four killer, and I will look for him in the final four.
Jeez, I really like both of these killers. Chucky is the heartless doll that will laugh while he's killing you. He enjoys the killings and is very creative and mixes it up, killing with different weapons and means(yoyo anyone). Leatherface may usually only use his trusty chainsaw as he's weapon of choice, it's still a pretty deadly choice. Chucky couldn't even pick up a chainsaw. As scary and creepy as hell a walking doll with a knife would be a would rather run into that instead of a huge, grotesque being holding a chainsaw like leatherface. For the sheer brutality I vote Leatherface(and I actually liked the new TCM with Jessica Biel).
The only chainsaw massicare that I enjoyed was the begining, Whereas I loved all of the Chucky movies.

But with that said Chucky is creepy, Creative, Funny, Crazy, And a laugh that sound's like nail's on a chalk board, And watching this as a kid gave me many sleepless nights.
Not one person here can argue that Leatherface was not an iconic character in the world of horror. Not one. Come on people. A mentally ******ed, cannibalistic, chainsaw-using murderer who wore his victims' skin on his face? Compared to a doll that cut a few people up and made a few wise cracks. Not even close. Just because something is unique in a sense, does not make it good.

Both of these character's movies had absolutely terrible sequels, and in the case of Child's Play, never had a good movie to begin with. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre terrorised people for years, and even created a fear amongst people that 'the events were real'. And who was the face that everyone remembered from the movie? I'll give you a hint...he had a 'leather' face.

Leatherface outmatches Chucky in every facet of their similiarities imaginable. Really should be no contest here. Chucky was any run-of-the-mill horror character in a doll's body. Leatherface was insane and brutal, and most likely was the precedent for many horror characters to come. Based on influence on others alone, Leatherface wins. Based on name-recognisation alone, Leatherface wins. Based on their murders in the movies and their brutality (which we all look at in horrors), Leatherface wins. No questions asked.
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