Aww just get over it, you'll be ok.


Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!
A true insight into the life of Lee.

Depression is a serious medical condition that involves the body, mood, and thoughts. It affects the way a person eats and sleeps, the way one feels about oneself, and the way one thinks about things. A depressive disorder is not the same as a passing blue mood. It is not a sign of personal weakness or a condition that can be willed or wished away. People with a depressive illness cannot merely "pull themselves together" and get better. Without treatment, symptoms can last for weeks, months, or years.

I have had depression for a few years now, it's a thing that effects me in all walks of life. I rarely sleep, I eat about once a day and have lost two jobs as a result of this.

I have had medication, counselling and nothing has got better, it swithes on and off, it's not a thing I can just pick up or cheer up. It's not something to laugh about, it's not something to make fun of, it's quite a serious illness.

So I ask you ladies and gentlemen of WZ....why the fuck do you think it's funny to mock someone when they're down?
It's not funny in the slightest. I to was Diagnosed with Depression when i was younger and it was bad. If I came on the internet and had people say things that I've seen said on here I honestly don't know what would have happened to me

I think people do it on the Internet because they will never see these people in real like and if something happens to them they won't care. It's sad really that people resort to this. Just because you have never or will never meet them does not give people the right to do this sort of thing and it bugs the sit out of me whenever i see it on here.
I have never found it to be a good thing to kick someone when they are done. When people get down, it should be down to the people around them to give them a hand up. I'm soory to hear about your condition Lee. Obviously you have seen someone about it and that is the first step. A ggod friend of mine had depression about a year ago and with a lot of help, he managed to get a little better.

He used to cut himself and blame himself for continually blamed himself for the problems that affected his life. His parents used to argue constantly and he blamed himself for the breakdown of their marriage. As a group, we huddled round him and attempted to show him that things will get better. Since then, he has managed to stop cutting himself, things have gotten better at home and he has a new job as a junior architect.

What I am trying to say is that even though things seem bleak Lee, it will get better. Try and focus on the positives in your life, however small. I would also urge you to talk about anything that is bothering you. If there is no one around, go to a church or a refuge. At the end of the day there is always someone who will try to help you. Even here, if you need to talk abnout hings, don't be afraid to. The only way out of depression is to accept your problem, evaluate what you can do and know that you are bigger than them.
Only time I mock somebody is when they know it's in a joking matter, and it's not over anything big. If I knew somebody was suffering from this I would never think to mock or make fun of them. I know depression is serious, and would never joke with somebody with it. I know people with it, and I have helped them to the best of my ability. I really do feel for everybody with it, and if I really knew them I would do everything I can to try to pull them out of their depression.

On the other hand if they have had it for a while, and never went looking for help, and just let it sit, then I have no sympathy for them. If your feeling depressed all the time, not sleeping or eating or any of the other symptoms they should go to a doctor and seek help. If they haven't done anything for it then it's their fault. I feel sorry for people who have it, and cannot stop it or control it, but people who have had it for a while, and haven't done anything to stop it I do not feel bad for.
On the other hand if they have had it for a while, and never went looking for help, and just let it sit, then I have no sympathy for them. If your feeling depressed all the time, not sleeping or eating or any of the other symptoms they should go to a doctor and seek help. If they haven't done anything for it then it's their fault. I feel sorry for people who have it, and cannot stop it or control it, but people who have had it for a while, and haven't done anything to stop it I do not feel bad for.
Not having sympathy for them and kicking them when they're down are 2 different things. If people don't have any sympathy they should just ignore the person if they don't want to help. If people make them feel worse that just makes them Scum who honestly need to be kicked in the nuts. I'm not saying you do this Fizzy I'm just talking in general.

People should never make fun of/insult someone with Depression. If it's bad enough you may not see that person again.
Because when I think of depression, I think of two things:

1) Teenagers that sit in their room all day, listening to My Chemical Romance, saying how people don't understand. They'll often diagnose themselves with depression, when in fact they're just whiny bitches for the sake of it.

2) Tony Soprano lying in bed all day, popping pills and making no effort to cheer himself up. Good TV show though.
Not having sympathy for them and kicking them when they're down are 2 different things. If people don't have any sympathy they should just ignore the person if they don't want to help. If people make them feel worse that just makes them Scum who honestly need to be kicked in the nuts. I'm not saying you do this Fizzy I'm just talking in general.

People should never make fun of/insult someone with Depression. If it's bad enough you may not see that person again.

I never do that to people. I never make fun of anybody with it even if they don't get help. I tend to try to get them help, but never would I insult them. I know your not talking about me, just wanted to clear that up. I would never insult a person on the brink, or with depression.
Because when I think of depression, I think of two things:

1) Teenagers that sit in their room all day, listening to My Chemical Romance, saying how people don't understand. They'll often diagnose themselves with depression, when in fact they're just whiny bitches for the sake of it.

2) Tony Soprano lying in bed all day, popping pills and making no effort to cheer himself up. Good TV show though.


If you have problem then and don't want people to make fun of you or anything than you prolly shouldn't be posting that shit on a fucking wrestling forum, you should prolly keep either to your self or talk to your family, if there is someone the forum you want to discuss it with then use the danm PM system, for fuck sake that's one of the many things it's there for, I sick and tired of coming onto a forum where we are suppose to all be having a good time and shit and find it flooded with threads about how some one is all depressed and how their life sucks and shit, for fuck sake STFU and stop dragging everyone else good time down with you
If you have problem then and don't want people to make fun of you or anything than you prolly shouldn't be posting that shit on a fucking wrestling forum, you should prolly keep either to your self or talk to your family, if there is someone the forum you want to discuss it with then use the danm PM system, for fuck sake that's one of the many things it's there for.
I agree with this part 100% However if someone decides to open up on a wrestling forum then people should not make fun of them for it. Maybe there family & friends refuse to listen. Also keeping things to yourself is what one of the causes of depression.

I sick and tired of coming onto a forum where we are suppose to all be having a good time and shit and find it flooded with threads about how some one is all depressed and how their life sucks and shit, for fuck sake STFU and stop dragging everyone else good time down with you
If people are doing it ona constant basis that's what the ignore function is for. If it bothers people put whoever is doing it on your ignore list and skip over it, thus making your good time untouched. As someone who has used the ignore function I can tell you it works like a charm.
I agree with this part 100% However if someone decides to open up on a wrestling forum then people should not make fun of them for it. Maybe there family & friends refuse to listen. Also keeping things to yourself is what one of the causes of depression.

SO first you claim to agree with me 100% then go on to disagree with me on the thing you just said you agreed with me 100% on:headscratch:

Granted you can't really replace your family, but if your friends refuse to listen then they prolly aren't very good friends now are they

If people are doing it ona constant basis that's what the ignore function is for. If it bothers people put whoever is doing it on your ignore list and skip over it, thus making your good time untouched. As someone who has used the ignore function I can tell you it works like a charm.

Explain to me how the ignore function makes an entire fucking thread not show up on my screen when I click the new posts button
As far as I'm concerned Justin. you are the type of person that Lee was addressing in his original post. Instead of keeping your thoughts to yourself on the matter, you had to throw in your 2 cents and make people afraid to discuss their problems in fear of being ridiculed. You encourage people to keep things like this off the forum, but what if people are crying out for help huh?

The more people keep this to themselves, the more it burns within you and the worse it gets. No one is forcing you to read this thread and even more so, people are not forcing you to post in it. In future, if it bothers you so much, don't bother taking part in it. I personally like to help people who are a little down on their luck or whatever. It's what being a human is all about in my opinion, helping your fellows.
As far as I'm concerned Justin. you are the type of person that Lee was addressing in his original post. Instead of keeping your thoughts to yourself on the matter, you had to throw in your 2 cents and make people afraid to discuss their problems in fear of being ridiculed. You encourage people to keep things like this off the forum, but what if people are crying out for help huh?

The more people keep this to themselves, the more it burns within you and the worse it gets. No one is forcing you to read this thread and even more so, people are not forcing you to post in it. In future, if it bothers you so much, don't bother taking part in it. I personally like to help people who are a little down on their luck or whatever. It's what being a human is all about in my opinion, helping your fellows.

If people are crying out for help than PM someone who fucking cares, I said this in my post, perhaps you should fucking read it, the forum is called WrestleZone, not fucking TherapyZone, if you need someone yo talk to than talk to your friends send PMs to the members you know are more than likely to not give you shit, you post crap in the barroom and more than likely people are going to give you shit for it, cause that's the type of atmosphere that the barroom has, the fact of the matter is, as Sam said most people diagnose themselves instead of talking to a fucking doctor and taking care of the problem properly, instead their solution is to jump on a motherfucking forum and spill their guts out to the world, when the fact of the matter is, that whether or not anyone else will actually admit it, most people don't really give a fuck, and don't come on here looking to threads full of posts from some punk who's dog just ran away or GF just broke up with them claiming that they are suffering from depression, when they aren't clinically depressed, Depression runs in my family, my sister suffers from it, you know what she did, went to the Dr. and after trying out several differant medications she found the one that works and fixed the problem, instead of whinnying on a wrestling forum about how her fucking life sucks
If people are crying out for help than PM someone who fucking cares, I said this in my post, perhaps you should fucking read it, the forum is called WrestleZone, not fucking TherapyZone, if you need someone yo talk to than talk to your friends send PMs to the members you know are more than likely to not give you shit, you post crap in the barroom and more than likely people are going to give you shit for it, cause that's the type of atmosphere that the barroom has, the fact of the matter is, as Sam said most people diagnose themselves instead of talking to a fucking doctor and taking care of the problem properly, instead their solution is to jump on a motherfucking forum and spill their guts out to the world, when the fact of the matter is, that whether or not anyone else will actually admit it, most people don't really give a fuck, and don't come on here looking to threads full of posts from some punk who's dog just ran away or GF just broke up with them claiming that they are suffering from depression, when they aren't clinically depressed, Depression runs in my family, my sister suffers from it, you know what she did, went to the Dr. and after trying out several differant medications she found the one that works and fixed the problem, instead of whinnying on a wrestling forum about how her fucking life sucks

That all very well but it's clear that Lee has already went to a doctor since he is on mediaction. People can do whatever they feel most comfortable with. If thats coming on to a wrestling forum, then that's fine. Remembet that it is not only a wrestling forum, hence all the other sections. WZ is a general discussion forum and that covers everything from wrestling to dogs running away to depression. No one else felt the need to post a derogatory post here. Why must you?
That all very well but it's clear that Lee has already went to a doctor since he is on mediaction. People can do whatever they feel most comfortable with. If thats coming on to a wrestling forum, then that's fine. Remembet that it is not only a wrestling forum, hence all the other sections. WZ is a general discussion forum and that covers everything from wrestling to dogs running away to depression. No one else felt the need to post a derogatory post here. Why must you?

Because I have the right to speak my fucking mind?, also I'm not afraid to post it, I assure you that their are other people who feel the same way I do, but for fear of either getting infracted, banned, or being viewed as an asshole don't post what they are really thinking
So what you are saying is that you will gladly speak your mind even though it could cause mental harm to another person?

If your answer to that is "Yes", then you seriously need to re-evaluate things in your life because something has gone wrong. Why would you find it right to actually cause harm to another person?
L O fucking L. Anyone else remember someone being..not everyone because HE was depressed? I guess it's just better to act out depression, rather than talk about what's upsetting you. Makes you a much more fun person to be around...

If somethings bothering you, and you feel able to talk about it here, what's the problem? You don't have to reply to that thread. It's not like their are whole forums based on "I'm upset, give me advice". Sometimes just venting helps a lot. Regarding the actual thread question, I think people make jokes when they're uncomfortable and not sure what else to say. It's just stupid though.
So what you are saying is that you will gladly speak your mind even though it could cause mental harm to another person?

If your answer to that is "Yes", then you seriously need to re-evaluate things in your life because something has gone wrong. Why would you find it right to actually cause harm to another person?

Where the fuck did I say that?, seriously quote the part in which I say that

you are now putting words into my mouth, and making it sound as if all I do on here is go out of my way looking for people who are posting about how depressed they are and try to verbally abuse them, for fuck sake I give everyone on this forum shit, if the staff thinks I'm taking shit too far beleive me they let me know, and if something someone on the internet says to you cause you "mental harm", if your mental state is that fragile than you should prolly not be online in the first place

Also Lee asked a question, I answered it, so far you are the only one that seems to be taking issue with my POV
Seriously Justin, just stop being a fucking jerk. You're complaining about the forum being littered with threads about personal problems? What, you mean the 0.01% of threads that are made about personal problems? Those ones? If you don't like it, guess what dude, DON'T FUCKING OPEN IT. No one is forcing you. You know how sick and tired I get of seeing the same exact threads in the wrestling section every week?

I think it's CLEARLY obvious that this forum is about more then just wrestling. What the fuck do you think all of the other sections are for? This forum is open to discuss ANYTHING AT ALL, and yes, sometimes that includes shit going on in a person's life.

Seriously, why do you feel the need to ridicule these people? What have they done to you? Nothing, at all. You don't like their complaining? Too god damn bad, I don't like half of the shit that's posted on this forum, yet I'm perfectly capable of enjoying WZ.

So by your logic, should we go and make fun of Ty because his grandfather has passed away? It's an important and tragic event in his life, and he wants a way to cope with it, and writing about it is one of the best ways to do that.

Seriously man, just stop. No one here appreciates you sitting on your high and mighty chair acting like we're all a bunch of whiny fucking emos who can't cope with our problems. Life is hard, and one of the ways to deal with it is to talk to your peers. If you don't like it, THAT'S TOO FUCKING BAD.
Because I have the right to speak my fucking mind?, also I'm not afraid to post it, I assure you that their are other people who feel the same way I do, but for fear of either getting infracted, banned, or being viewed as an asshole don't post what they are really thinking

Right there.

My conclusions of what you are saying here is that you are going to speak your mind regarless of the consequences. Lee said:

So I ask you ladies and gentlemen of WZ....why the fuck do you think it's funny to mock someone when they're down?

You may not find it funny but there is no need for you to post here. You have clearly decided that you are going to speak out against people who are in need and create threads saying so.
Everyone is being a tad hypocritical here. Allow the NorCal to be the voice of reason, as per usual.

Justin. Dude you acted like a dick for well over a year, pretty obviously becuase YOU were depressed. Whats worse, talking about whats bothering you, or just lashing out like a prick everyday?

Everyone else. Justin has just as much right to post negative thoughts as you do positive thoughts. There are no rules saying EVERY post needs to be positive. If you dont want someone to tell you your being a whiny little bitch, well, then dont open yourself to such criticisms. Justin can say what he wants. You dont like it, put him on ignore.

On depresssion. I feel a TON of people overdramatize themselves being "sad". Life sucks, get a fucking helmet. At the same time, I know its a very real thing. I would be more than willing to bet there are a lot more undiagnosed real cases, than there is diagnosed real cases. Someone who is depressed most likely wont be seeking help. Why? One of the main symptoms of depression is indifference, apathy. You just dont give a shit. about anything, good bad, otherwise. so a person who was REALLY depressed, you would likely never know, becuase they wouldnt care to speak on it. Just my thoughts on it.
Everyone is being a tad hypocritical here. Allow the NorCal to be the voice of reason, as per usual.

Justin. Dude you acted like a dick for well over a year, pretty obviously becuase YOU were depressed. Whats worse, talking about whats bothering you, or just lashing out like a prick everyday?

Everyone else. Justin has just as much right to post negative thoughts as you do positive thoughts. There are no rules saying EVERY post needs to be positive. If you dont want someone to tell you your being a whiny little bitch, well, then dont open yourself to such criticisms. Justin can say what he wants. You dont like it, put him on ignore.

On depresssion. I feel a TON of people overdramatize themselves being "sad". Life sucks, get a fucking helmet. At the same time, I know its a very real thing. I would be more than willing to bet there are a lot more undiagnosed real cases, than there is diagnosed real cases. Someone who is depressed most likely wont be seeking help. Why? One of the main symptoms of depression is indifference, apathy. You just dont give a shit. about anything, good bad, otherwise. so a person who was REALLY depressed, you would likely never know, becuase they wouldnt care to speak on it. Just my thoughts on it.

I am not saying that he does not have the right to say it. All I am pointing out is that people who are in these situations respond much better to postive feeling and nicities than criticism and negativity. Of course Justin has every right to say what he feels like but I would expect that people would realise that something like this is very delicate and needs to treated in the correct manner. Negativity, as I stated previously, will help no one. All I would say is that it would have taken less effort on Justin's part to not post, than it did to post something negative.
Depression runs in my family, my sister suffers from it, you know what she did, went to the Dr. and after trying out several differant medications she found the one that works and fixed the problem, instead of whinnying on a wrestling forum about how her fucking life sucks

lets see...

I have had medication, counselling and nothing has got better, it swithes on and off, it's not a thing I can just pick up or cheer up. It's not something to laugh about, it's not something to make fun of, it's quite a serious illness.

On depresssion. I feel a TON of people overdramatize themselves being "sad". Life sucks, get a fucking helmet. At the same time, I know its a very real thing. I would be more than willing to bet there are a lot more undiagnosed real cases, than there is diagnosed real cases. Someone who is depressed most likely wont be seeking help. Why? One of the main symptoms of depression is indifference, apathy. You just dont give a shit. about anything, good bad, otherwise. so a person who was REALLY depressed, you would likely never know, becuase they wouldnt care to speak on it. Just my thoughts on it.

Yeah my therapist said that was the case, he said the majority of people who go to the doctor with depression either want a few months off work or were forced to go by a family member. I was indifferent with it for a few years and my mother made me go as she was pretty worried.

And this is not me moaning about my life or whatever it's mainly just for me to see why people view depression differently to other illnesses.

Just keep on topic and not have a go at Justin for expressing his views, though I do feel Sam hit the nail on the head with his original post, too many people pretend they have depression just because they're sad. Depression is deeper than feeling sad.
I think releasing something like this on a forum could be very relieving stress wise, especially when you don't feel comfortable bringing it up somewhere else. It can be a valuable sounding board. Where Justin has a legitimate point is when people make it into an issue of using it as anything but that. It's one thing to bring it up, get things off of your chest and vent a little, but I can't blame somebody for not wanting to read depressing post after depressing post, with it coming off as more of a plea for attention, whether of not that was the intention.

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