Awesome Kong, The Savior Of The Divas Division?

Evenflow DDT

Pre-Show Stalwart
I think not! Lets face it, Kong is a terrific talent and I really did enjoy her work in TNA. But does anyone REALLY think this one signing is going to revamp a division that no one cares about to begin with?

Every so often WWE suckers all the marks who love Women's wrestling by focusing on someone like Beth of Natalya but after a couple of weeks it goes back to Eve or Laycool.

Even if Kong comes in and gets the title you know its going to end horribly and then everyone is gonna bitch about how the WWE is booking her (Daniel Bryan), especially when she drops the belt to someone like Eve or Kelly Kelly.

The WWE doesn't respect womens wrestling and why should they? It isn't a draw. Never has been and never will be. The only people making money off of the divas are the vendors selling hot dogs and beer in whatever arena that is running the show. Do people buy ppvs for the likes of Cena, Taker, HHH and Edge or do they buy them to watch Michelle McCool and Melina? Even in the days of Trish and Lita it meant nothing. Sure they main evented an episode of Raw but so did Eugene.

We all know she won't stay undefeated forever. I suspend PLENTY of disbelief when watching wrestling but its going to be hard to watch Kelly Kelly pin Kong. It would be like watching Koko B. Ware beat Andre in 1987. Now Beth is bigger and stronger than all of the other divas and could hold her own against Kong but that's about it and how long can that go on for? Unless Vince gives half of the divas their walking papers and hires the likes of Tara, Daffney, and Hamada I don't see the point of even bringing Kong in. Having her destroy the current divas over and over again is going to get really old really fast.
Looking at how they've used Gail Kim, and Mickie James at the end of her time there...nobody on that side of booking can save the diva division. It will be nice to see her deck a few divas now and then, though.
Got to say I fully agree with you divas wrestling is not a draw, and it would take more than just signing Awesome Kong to change the situation, it would require a concerted effort on the WWE to make it draw. However I cant see them investing money and time into improving something that does not interest much of the wwe universe.
Awesome Kong could be for the kids. It could get them into watching the divas. Now of course her name would be different but i wonder if wwe will go with a sort of ape reference as well. I dont think she will save the Divas but could be a big game changer.
Look, she was the "unstoppable force" in the TNA Knockouts division but let's face it, all she is to the WWE is a big behemoth Diva. She will get an "Kelly Kelly-like push". She will rack up wins over the current champs & the other divas, get close to winning the title then get shot back down to the bottom of the barrel. WWE is not going to use her right, WWE doesn't care much about their Divas division in the first place.
Well, women wrestling isn't a draw because of the booking. Has very little to do with the divas themselves. If used correctly, ALMOST any wrestler can be a draw. You simply have to give fans a reason to care. Nothing more, nothing less.

If you base this solely on wrestling, then it's tough with WWE's current roster of females. However, that doesn't have to be the draw. For example....

Kong could come in and destroy some of the lower females. Then, give her a challenge that she overcomes. After that, have some females join up to take her out. At a big PPV event, have it a four on one match. She can take them all on and throw them all over and deliver some great moves and really pound the shit out of them.

With that, you can have her billed as a monster. Have her win the match in dominating fashion. The final challenger could be someone like Natalya or Beth challenge her. Kong can beat the hell out of them. Beat them easily. Shockingly easy. Then, have the person question themselves and feel that it might just be time to call it quits. However....

They come back, with vignettes and everything. Working out. Hyping up the return. Kong doesn't seem impressed. However, Natalya for example, begins beating people quickly to prove themselves. Kong doesn't feel she's worthy. So, Natalya comes out and actually takes out Kong not in a match. Kong shows weakness for the first time and now we have a match that matters.

Will it headline WrestleMania? No. But, it's a fun little feud that matters.

Plenty can be done. Just has to be booked like they don't have vaginas.
As long as the people in charge of the WWE Divas do their thinking "below the waistline", the ladies will never get any respect. I disagree, however, with the statements that the women didn't draw - WWE felt Trish Stratus was a draw, considering how much she was being paid (Trish made around $700K a year - more than a lot of the guys were getting - plus she got a % of her merchandising).

I can tell you right now that Kong will not be used right, as she does not fit "The Diva Profile". My personal theory is that she'll be used as Vickie Guerrero's bodyguard. My friend thinks WWE will do something really stupid with her, like make her the Bella Twins' sister.
To be honest, I think you're right on the nose when you say that Kong's arrival will not "save" the Diva's division. If you want to know how little the WWE thinks of the Divas right now, just consider Raw a week or two ago when Michael Cole got up on his announce table during a Diva's Championship match and began to draw the crowd's attention. It's as if the WWE is saying "yes, we know you don't care about the Divas and neither do we so why don't we just have this jerk-off get up and demand your attention to illustrate this fact."

I do, however, think that this is a good move for The Awesome Kong. The WWE Diva's division needs a bit more variety in look, style, and personality. The Awesome Kong is actually something fresh on all three fronts. The Awesome Kong may not be a swimsuit model, but thanks to that she is able to distinguish herself from the other Divas and that'll be of big importance when it comes to her dominance in that division (or lack thereof depending on how she's booked.)

I will say this, though, the WWE has pulled a bait and switch on us before, promising someone that will allow a bit of variety to the division and then firing them at the last minute. While I don't think this will happen with Kong, I wouldn't put it past the WWE to do this.
Women's wrestling is NEVER going to be a major deal in the United States. NEVER. It NEVER has been and it NEVER will be. Even in Japan, where women's wrestling has been strong for a very long time, there's been a significant decline in its popularity. We can make all the suggestions we like, we can blame the Divas, we can blame WWE Creative, we can blame Vince McMahon but it ultimately lies with the fans. Sorry Calderownz, I'm with you a lot of the time, but you can't just make anybody a draw. We've seen examples time and time again in WWE, TNA, WCW and anywhere else in which certain acts are shove down the throats of fans but are just not able to become legit draws no matter how much a company might want them to. Creating stars is not an exact science whether it be with men or women.

The Divas Division is never going to be the centerpiece of WWE and it'd be laughable to think that it ever could be. I do think it's gotten better over the course of the past year as the WWE has made an effort, at least to some degree, to make the Divas relevant. For instance, Divas usually actually have matches now rather than 30 second filler matches. Some Divas are actually given storylines and promo time. These are things that the Divas didn't have at this time last year.

As for Awesome Kong, she can definitely make things more interesting because she doesn't fit the usual mold of a female wrestler under the WWE or TNA formula. She's nearly 6 feet tall, she's black and weighs nearly 300 pounds. She doesn't look like a pole dancer or a fitness model or anything and it makes her unique. But there is no "savior" of the Divas Division because the Divas will always be good for whatever the WWE wants to use them for. The Divas will always be filler for the most part and that's fine. I just think that the filler should be as good as they can make it.
I sincerely hope so because i'm still a fan of the diva division.

But i see her being used as a joke because look at the superstars that are alike to her.. Mark Henry has only been jobbing, or doing pointless stuff. Khali has become a joke, hell even Natalya had the strap taken off her for no reason. And at house shows 90% of the time the divas have had to dance off before the match...

I can see Kong having to dance before a match...

Its a disgrace! :disappointed: :disappointed:
I'm not going to lie, but I use the Diva segments as bathroom/snack break time. I just don't care about them, I can't care about them. It's a division that can't be saved. Not one person can save a division. That's why it's a DIVISION. Everybody involved has to make it worthwhile.

What they need to do with Kong is make her compete with men for the IC/US title. She can easily compete with them, and break the recovering gender barrier that has barely been dented by Chyna and Beth.
I think Kong could be used in a good way. I would book it, something like this...

At Next years WM she should challenge Undertaker's streak.

Just Kidding.

My Real Plan:

She debuts @ or right after WM and tears Trish apart, she should be Laycool or Vickie's bodyguard. She tears through the divas division, helps Laycool regain the Divas Championship. Then Kong can turn on Laycool and she can have the strap. She destroys everyone in her path. This sets up a HUGE match between her and Beth Phoenix, that she eventually wins. This can be at Survivor Series or Royal Rumble.

Then I think for Next Years Mania, you have Chyna return for one last match (assuming shes still in wrestling shape) and have Kong vs the Ninth Wonder of the World. Maybe have Kong talk about how shes going to enter the Rumble and win, then out comes CHyna, the original Female RR participant and eliminates her, then eliminates herself and beats Kong Down. Setting up WM match.

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