

Dark Match Winner
Welcome to the First ever edition of Friday Night AWE! A 3 hour special!

And were live from the Toyota center!

The show starts off with Our Announcers Mike Ashford and Lucas Hurst who tell us that their will be a huge tournament to crown the new AWE champion!
Tonight is the First Round!

Match 1
First round match
Colin Reed vs. Jack Nash(son of Kevin Nash)
Reed charges at Nash at the bell and goes for a cross body. Nash catches him and power slams him to the ground. Nash picks up Reed and Jackknife Powerbomb. 123

Match 2
First round match
Venom vs. Randall Newberry
Venom and Newberry lock up and exchange holds, venom head scissors take down and follows up with a standing moon sault, but misses. Newberry dropkicks venom and puts him in a headlock. take over. Venom breaks free, turns around and gets super kicked in the face.123

after the match venom says he was screwed and wants the match restarted. GM Luke Carter comes out and says that he wont restart the match, but next week he will have a rematch with Randall Newberry

match 3
First round match
Adam Fatal vs. Wyatt "Bravehart" Baker
Fatal with the early advantage. Fatal slaps baker around a bit. drop toe hold by Baker. Fatal goes head first into the bottom turnbuckle. baker goes for a bravebomb(F-U) but Adam Fatal counters and hits the Fatal Attraction(Canadian Destroyer)123

Match 4
First round match
Anarchy(w/ Ms. Eve)vs. Brian Buxton
Buxton and Anarchy lock up. Anarchy throws Buxton to the ground. Buxton with a low drop kick to the knee. Buxton and Anarchy exchange holds in some great chain wrestling. Buxton nails a huge DDT out of nowhere. Ms. Eve distracts the Ref and Anarchy low blows Buxton. Anarchy hits the Riot(Razors Edge)123

Commercial: The Worlds Best Wrestling Forum Awaits you. Wrestlezone Forums! Where the big boys come to play!

Match 5
Eclipse Vs. Blake Delancey
Blake Delaney lock up and exchange some slobber knocking punches. Delancey lays out Eclipse with a clothesline. Delancey Goes to the top rope, but botches a leg drop and hits eclipse in the forehead with his heel which bust eclips open. Delancey takes advantage and proceeds to stomp the living daylights out of eclipse. Delancey goes for a randy orton like punt, but eclipse grabs his foot, and locks in his sharpshooter, the Solar Eclipse. Delancey Taps

Match 6
Tommy Prospect vs. Hardcore Hector
Hector comes out with a cart of weapons. The ref tells him that he cant use them or he'll be DQ'd. Prospect on the offense with brutal elbows, punches, and kicks. Prospect throws Hector out of the ring. Hector comes back in with a stop sign from his cart and slams it over Tommy's head

Match 7
Kade O'Brian vs. Orlando Iris
Iris charges at O'Brian, and is Closelined into next week. 123

Match 8
Luke Carter Jr.(w/ GM Luke Carter Sr) vs. "Violent" Vince Van Zandt
Carter jumps Vince at the bell and takes and early andvantage. irish whip into the corner, Carter goes for the 10 puncehs, but is powerbombed to the canvas. Vince picks up Carter and powerslams him back down. Vince hits a leg drop then picks up carter. Carters on Vince's shoulders and samoan drop. Vince signals for a chokeslam and nails Carter. 1,2,3. Vince wins!

After the match, Luke Carter Sr. tells the ref to restart the match. Carter says if he doesn't, he's fired. The ref restarts the match, but vince is still celebrating and doesnt know the match was restarted untill the bell. Carter Jr. rolls up Vince and grabs the tights for the Win!

Mike Ashford and Lucas Hurst rap up the show with the highlights, And Give Us the Card for the Semi Finals of the AWE championship Tournament

Jak Nash Vs. Randall Newberry
Adam Fatal Vs. Anarchy
Eclipse Vs. Tommy Prospect
Kade O'Brian Vs. Luke Carter Jr.

Don't forget to tune in to FRIDAY NIGHT AWE Next Friday to see what happens next!

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