AVGN fans?


City Dweller, Successful Fella
Are there any here on Wrestlezone? or am I all by myself? btw if there are fans of AVGN's, I must say that the Irate Gamer is a fail knock off who should just admit he's ripping James off.
The Irate Gamer is a complete moron, and terrible. He does no research, and his SMB2 review was embarrassing. Totally the opposite of AVGN who is great. Most of the time.
Huge AVGN fan, I've seen almost every review if not all of them. My favorite is probably the NES Accessories and the Power Glove reviews.
I am indeed an AVGN fan. However, once he started making his videos once a month, I became an even bigger TGWTG fan. More specifically: Nostalgia Critic, Cinema Snob, LordKaT, Benzaie, Spoony, and Angry Joe.

But yes, I am a *somewhat* big AVGN fan.

The Irate Gamer is just a ripoff.
James is obviously talented and passionate. He's at his best when he lays off the shit/diarehea references as much as possible. Except for the Jaguar, that thing was asking for it.

Honestly, I like his Monster Madness and Board James stuff a bit better. His recent Castlevania marathon was really fucking good.

I can dig Nostalgia Critic, but in small doses. I tend to watch Zero Punctuation more than anything else.

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