Author Spotlight: Cormac McCarthy

Cormac McCarthy is a novelist and playwright, mostly writing in the thriller genre, though with different settings, such as Western, post-apocalytic, etc. For those who don't know, the film No Country For Old Men (which I personally think is superb) is based on the book by McCarthy, and the upcomong film 'The Road' is also based on a McCarthy book.

Having read a few of McCarthy's books, there is one that I would recommend highly to anyone interested in reading: The Road.

I have read it at least three times now, and it just seems to get more poignant and beautiful each time, especially the ending. It remains the only book to have made me cry. There were many things that struck me about the book, like its very raw sense of urgency in everything the Man says, and his willingness to do all he can for his son. What also struck me about it was the amount of emotion McCarthy manages to get into the soeech of the characters, when most of the time it's only one or two word speech. It's emtionally heartbreaking, gripping, tender, terrifying. In short, brilliant.

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