Austin v Punk

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Nexus leader CM Punk and WWE Hall of Famer "Stone Cold" Steve Austin had a strong exchange of words on Twitter on Wednesday, with Punk challenging Austin to a fight.

It all started when Paul Heyman's site Heyman Hustle site posted a fantasy matchup between Austin and Punk as part of their promotion of the WWE All Stars video game.

In a followup to the story, Punk tweeted the following:

"I like how THQ acts like they don't know what would happen if @steveaustinBSR and I were to lock horns. Everybody knows. SXE > Beer."

Punk followed up with: GTS > stunner.

Within 3 minutes, Punk's tweet earned over a hundred re-tweets. It was trending throughout North America within two hours. It trended globally this morning.

Austin replied to punk - and says he's got a can a whoop ass with Punk's name on it:

@CMPunk alright just crossed the line...i'll be seeing your ass in Atlanta.

@CMPunk Alright son...I'm about to get off this treadmill and RUN to Atlanta..bringing some extra cans of Whoop Ass!!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

@CMPunk What are you doing son, asking for advice/lessons etc.? I'll give your pierced lipped ass a couple lessons when I see you. Out.

Do you think this could possibly lead to something?
Is it suspicious they would do this so close to Wrestlemania?
Who would win?

Side note I just remembered. On the 900th Raw C.M. made it look like Austin was making the save and played the Stone Cold music. They might have planted seeds for this...
I hate Twitter. Every little thing has to become some kind of news story. It's just two guys talking shit back and forth for fun. It means nothing and is no different than if you and a friend sent some trash talking texts to each other.
I'm not sure it would lead to something too major, maybe Austin coming out during the Orton vs Punk match, but they're probably just all talk.
yeah like Brain said this is nothing more then fun shit talking between 2 men who im sure respect eachother and have no actual real life "beef" i wouldnt expect anything to happen from this especially at mania
I wouldn't be surprised if Austin comes back for a match, thought retiring @ WrestleMania 19 was awesome, I could see him returning for a match at WrestleMania 28 (same deal with Rock) maybe legends vs superstars type of matches. I could be wrong who knows but I find it strange Austin/Punk trading tweets and on the British promo for wwe all stars game one of the matches IS Punk/Austin (coincidence probably) but it's a match I wouldn't mind seeing.
It's rather obvious it's two friends just having some fun. I doubt it would lead to any sort of wrestling angle though. It could you never know, but I wouldn't hold my breath. I know Steve is doing another movie soon so he'd be to busy to come back to the WWE after WM.
this is to funny, there just hyping up the video game wwe allstars.. but they should have a ppv called wwe allstars and have the old generation wrestlers fight todays generation guys..

Austin vs punk, rock vs cena, orton vs warrior, and so on it would be hype
I know from following both guys on twitter that punk and SCSA, have talked back and forth through twitter before and it was friendly even going as fat as SCSA inviting Punk out for a beer. So i think this is just these two guys either doing something for the WWE which i think at most would MAYBE be a backstage segment. Or like an above poster said just these to jokingly talking crap to hype WWE allstars.

(If anyone would like I could try to dig up the old tweets i didnt now because it was quite a long time ago and both punk and Austin tweet alot)
The one thing they always say in wrestling; NEVER SAY NEVER.

Could this lead to something in the future? possibly, i would say it is more likely that they are just messing around. But i think a match/fued with stone cold and cm punk would be great.

It would be the true PG vs ATTITUDE ERA match, and it would help elivate cm punk even more into the main event status then he already is.

I think CM Punk would end up winning this one, Probably not doing it cleanly and recieving a stunner and beer can bath.

Side note: why the hell cant everyone have a little fun and not act like a know it all asshole, start being more of a fan and less of the normal douchey wrestling know it all that could easily be a creative writer for the wwe any day.

As ron simmons would say: DAMN!!
Who cares if they're friends in real life. They could be doing this solely for a kayfabe feud.

As for Mania, I doubt they'll be having much to do with eachother, seeing as a lot of people who watch WWE don't have twitter, so they'll have no idea where this is coming from.

Maybe on Raw, they could spark something then, but definately not at WreslteMania.

Austin looks more like he is doing this just for having fun. Surely he has met Punk several times backstage whenever he appeared at Raw and they should be having decent terms in reality. I don't expect to see Austin back in the ring competing in a match - he gave as much indication towards that as possible at Mania 25 when the HoF were announced.

If Twitter wars led to a Mania match, then we would have had Hogan vs Bret Hart, wouldn't we? I wouldn't mind that because Hogan deserves to tap out to the sharpshooter some 100 times. I think Austin vs Punk will remain like a dream match which people talk about for a month and then forget, like Taker vs Lesnar at Mania, then Taker vs Sting, so on and so forth. Yeah they have been talking about Rock vs cena for a long time and that one looks like the only one which is feasible this Summerslam since Rock will get physical with cena in most probability at Mania to take revenge for the AA.
i think it is to just hype the game. now fans are interested in how this fued would play out, so they are more inclined to buy the game.

is there a chance that something is in the works? yes, but it will probably just be austin stunning punk and pouring beer on him. austin probably cant go in the ring anymore with his back and all, but this would be a dream fued (and this is coming from someone who doesnt even like scsa). straight edge vs beer drinker? yes and yes.
I doubt it, though it'd be an interesting angle to have straight edge vs hardcore drinker. I'd love to see it, probably would've been a dream match (10 years ago?) but at this point it's doubtful even if it did happen it'd be worth seeing.

Does anyone actually believe Austin can go through a whole match anymore? I mean we obviously don't know, but there's a reason he retired. CM would have to carry it, it'd be interesting...I don't see it being a good match/likely to happen though.
For one I think it was only a little smack talking about WWE AllStars between two guys who have mutual respect for each other. I also think they are making fun of the feud between the Rock and Cena indirectly. CM Punk v SCSA doesn't really interest me that much, but im just one person.
I cant believe i didnt realise this before but this would be an awesome match up. Punks Straight Edge Lifestyle character Vs Beer-Drinking, Stunner-Giving S.O.B. Stone Cold. It would lead to more better moments between the two.
Obvious promo for the game and to spark some interest in WM. They might meet up backstage at WM and Punk may even get a Stunner but don't expect a full on program and match.
i really dont understand why some of the talents of this generation think that they are better than the one before..Like i understand having pride for your locker room but come on now. You got CM Punk calling out Stone Cold, Randy Orton saying that John Cena is better than The Rock (even going as far as saying Cena doesnt have his material written and Rock does) how ignorant can you be? Hel even Beth Phoenix was even commenting on the Austin/Punk situation in Punks favor..GIVE ME A BREAK
i really dont understand why some of the talents of this generation think that they are better than the one before..Like i understand having pride for your locker room but come on now. You got CM Punk calling out Stone Cold, Randy Orton saying that John Cena is better than The Rock (even going as far as saying Cena doesnt have his material written and Rock does) how ignorant can you be? Hel even Beth Phoenix was even commenting on the Austin/Punk situation in Punks favor..GIVE ME A BREAK

You do realize that WWE uses Twitter for kayfabe/character wars, and that these are NOT their real sentiments, right? Twitter is used for hype and to build up to things. Maybe Orton does think Cena bests the Rock, but that's either his honest opinion, or him building up to Cena/Rock in the future. The current generation has shown countless times that they have nothing but respect for the generations past(Michelle McCool may not, but that's another story). It's all just for hype and good fun. Please tell me you get that. :icon_neutral:

Now onto this, I could see Stone Cold coming back. He's in better shape than he was when he was wrestling. However, I'll believe it when I see it. Besides, I heard that he had three movies coming out. So, only time will tell.
I hate Twitter, same as Brain. However, as much as I would love to, I can't exactly deny its importance. It's an important means of communication here in the U.S., and all over the world. And to be quite honest, I think the role of Twitter, in professional wrestling, is actually growing.

Do I think this will turn into an actual feud? My gut tells me no. Then again, who knows? With things like Twitter gaining momentum, who is to say it couldn't happen? Would Steve Austin taking a larger role in professional wrestling surprise me?

No, it wouldn't shock me at all. He's my favorite wrestler of all time, but his movie career is shit. I doubt filmmakers and studio execs are banging down his door right now. He's been in nine movies, and only three of those have seen a wide release, the rest going straight to DVD. Also, he wasn't exactly the star of the movies that did a lot of business. Overall, his Hollywood success is minimal, at best.

With that being said, I can definitely see him taking some sort of on-air role with the WWE, more so than being the host of Tough Enough, at some point in time. But another match? I suppose it's possible, but not likely. His body has taken quite the beating over the years, and I don't think he's in the kind of shape to have a great match with someone like Punk. Outside of a street fight with Vince McMahon, I don't see Austin climbing back into the ring.

Overall, I don't see this "feud" turning into much of anything, but I sure as hell wouldn't be surprised if it did.
These two are just having fun, Austin said he doesn't miss wrestling all that much, but that WWE is home to him, so along with his neck, which was killing him when he retired, I don't see a match happening. Austin's a joker backstage despite his on camera loner/tough guy persona, and we all know Punk can and loves to talk. Its all for fun (unlike Shawn Merriman, that probably was legit). I'm pretty sure the young generation respects the vets before them, but I'm sure they also want to be better (can they be better? Ugh...IDK), their still competitive people after all
i just think its a bit of banter and fool about on twitter in the hope of the two getting some hype with wrestlemania being a few days away and the hope of them becoming trending topics.

all we have with this one is our imagination.
this feud would be tv gold for the WWE if put in the hands of the right writers.
straightedge vs Austins beer fueled antics would be one of the greatest storylines in recent years.
Wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to be nothing, but it would be cool if they had some kind of interaction at Wrestlemania on Sunday. Maybe they do a bit where Austin is being interviewed backstage and Punk interrupts and starts talking shit and they kinda have a little stare-down or something. And then later on maybe Punk comes out during the Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole match to try to cause trouble or maybe take a shot at Austin and hopefully gets a Stunner for his efforts.

If Punk ever does gets Stunned by Austin, he has to give him the Beer bath. I mean who wouldn't get a kick out of the heel who also is Straight-Edge getting beer poured all over him. That's pro wrestling gold right there.

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