Austin/HHH or HHH/HBK which feud was better?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
I did a thread a while back which got mixed reviews so this time i want to know which feud did you enjoy more lets look at these 2 legenary feuds


these guys have feuded most of 1999 the end of 2000 and begining of 2001,
they have had legendary matches at No mercy 1999, Suvivor series 2000, both were envolved in the 1st and last ever 6 man HITC, HHH was the guy who planned to have Austin run over back in 1999, they feud over the WWF title countless times and were involved in the first ever 3 stages of hell match.


these 2 made DX together , they had the best match of 2002 at Summerslam 2002, they feuded in a 3 stages of hell match, Last man standing match, the best Triple Threat match at WM20, the first Elimation Chamber and fought in a 40min Hell in the Cell.

so looking back at their matches and build up to each match which feud did you prefer.

for me it was Austin vs HHH because the feud never got boring for me it kept me interested all the way through and when they were in other feuds with people they always found away to screw each other out of the WWF title
I think that the Austin/ HHH feud was better. Austin was a very popular man in 1999 and to think that HHH was the guy who had put him out of action for a year made him look like a devious bastard. The build up to their final match was one of the finest build ups that you would ever see. Both guys screwed each other out of title shots and then signed a no compete clause which HHH took great advantage of by not signing his name in full and beating the living shit out of Austin. Austin retaliated by stunning the Million Dollar Princess to which HHH responded by pedigreeing JR. The match that they had at No Way Out is possibly HHH's best match ever and Austin's second best match ever and it had an ending that made both people look strong.

The thing that clinches the feud between HHH and Austin in my eyes is that it was the right feud at the right time. The WWF tried to experiment with Rkishi as Austin's attacker but even then it felt as if HHH had done it. HBK vs HHH especially their feud in 2004 felt forced and it felt like they were hogging the limelight. They almost made Benoit look like an afterthought in their feud which was a wrong thing to do as it certainly was Benoit's time then. Also they did not need to feud over the title so often as the feud had enough heat even without the title and there were certainly other deserving contenders out there. If you look back you will find that Austin and HHH never had title matches against each other in 2000 and they allowed other talented performers like Rock and Angle to run with the ball. The same thing should have been done in the HBK/ HHH feud. What also impressed me was the fact that they had their feud ending match at No Way Out at the middle of the card and allowed the title match to go on last. HBK and HHH literally hogged the spotlight from Benoit at Bad Blood 2004 by mking their match go on last. Even the video package of that PPV showed HBK and HHH so much that you had to be a diehard fan to know that the champion was actually going to have a match on the PPV.

Also the matches between HHH and Austin were better. Their match at No Mercy 1999 is an underrated and intense match and their match at No Way Out 2000 is one of the best matches of all time. HBK/ HHH had a great match at SummerSlam but I was not impressed by the quality of some of the other matches they had like the Last Man Standing Match at Royal Rumble or the HIAC match at Bad Blood. It seemed that WWE overbooked their matches a lot of the time.

Austin vs HHH it is.
Probably hhh and shawn. These two are best friends in and outside the ring. The two dx guys. And correct me if im wrong but im pretty sure that elimination chamber match was shawns last world title and his only world heavyweight/wcw championship.

Def HHH VS HBK. While Austin VS HHH was amazing, HHH and HBK had so much chemistry together. Best friends turned bitter enemies. It was just huge.
Over all HHH/HBK has the more matches, more quality matches.
HHH/Austin aside from their No Way Out match only really had No Mercy 1999 & Survivor Series 2000 and the first was over shadowed by the Tag Ladder match, and the second with the ******ed ending, so most only ever recall their sole classic (NWO01).

HHH/HBK was over used greatly around the late 2003-04 period, their 2002 feud was awesome but WWE hit a stumble and had to recall them in late 2003-2004 to feud and truly abused the feud (IMO) even having a couple of matches end in draws, but what matches didn't end in draws ended with HHH winning which took away from the matches, 2002 was more even, 2-1 but 2004, it seemed to be HBK jobbing to HHH.
Really? I mean really?

Now I don't want to come off as I am bashing the OP because I am not. I really like questions like this BUT my REALLY is for the people that think HBK/HHH held any kind of candle to Austin/HHH.

Simple: Which fued helped finalize the destruction of the other companies?
Which one happened when wrestlings ratings started a downward spiral?

Austin was the companies top face by far and HHH became the companies top heel by far.

HBK at the time no where NEAR top face and HHH was still a beast.

Hands down Austin and Trips was the better fued. It was iconic. Why do you think at WM Austin and Rock had a pause face to face and Austin and HHH had the samething either that night or Raw the next night. Because they were LEGENDARY FUEDS. HBK and HHH's fued was NOT legendary. They will NOT be remembered for that fued but remembered because they were friends in DX.

Close the thread now, the debate was just ended by me. HAHAHA
^^^^^ Spoke too soon.

If we are talking about the Triple H/HBK fued from '02 during their first run then I'd have to give the nodd to TripleH/HBK. It just seemed more believeable the way it played out with Triple H saying that HBK's return was due to his unwilling to accept that he was no longer relevant, and that Trips had surpassed him. Then it got played out and they went their separate ways till '04 and the wold story took a shit.

HHH/Austin was good but even from the start there was that feeling that Trips was behind it. Then they tried to push Rikishi as being behind it and that went pretty much nowhere. And like you said Triple H was the top heel at the time. That being said it would only make sence that Hunter would be behind it. Hell he was directly involved in the set-up to the actual rundown. So right from the beginning it should have been a no brainer who was responsible. And personally I never thought their series of matches were that great. They were good and they had great chemistry but it just never felt right to me.
For me, it has to be Triple H VS Shawn Michaels. This feud always had that epic feel, and the matches between these two were always very good or great. Their Summerslam 2002 Street Fight was epic, and their other matches didn't disappoint at all. Their Three Stages Of Hell match from Armageddon 2002 and the Hell In A Cell match from Bad Blood 2004 were some of the most brutal and viscous contests I've ever seen. The Last Man Standing match from the Royal Rumble 2004 was also superb. The matches between these two could always hit the four or five star range, and I think this is something to admire. This was a personal feud that saw two former best friends turn against each other. HHH felt like Shawn stole the spotlight from him, and he was upset that he never managed to emerge from Shawn's shadow. Everything was perfect storyline wise, because HHH and HBK are two of the biggest legends in WWF/WWE history, and this feud was something you could not have scripted any better.

I didn't have a problem with Austin/HHH, but I never thought this feud reached that high/epic level. I've was never too crazy about the No DQ match from Survivor Series '00, and I never have that amazed feeling, when I go back and watch all of the material from this feud. I liked the Three Stages Of Hell match from No Way Out '01, and the encounter between these two at the 2002 Royal Rumble was fun to watch, but HBK VS HHH always managed to give me goosebumps. I can't say the same about Austin/HHH.
HHH/HBK was overrated beyond belief. Other than Summerslam, their matches were long snoozefests. Their feud should have ended in 2003 but they had to drag it out another year.

HHH/Austin was amazing. HHH was back to being an evil heel and I could feel their hatred for each other moreso than the other feud. NWO 2001 was on par with Summerslam 2002 as well.
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