Austin Aries Is Better Than CM Punk


Lord And Master
Staff member


You'd probably think I'm nuts. But I'm not going to just say it without giving any reasons. Lets start with what we can see. Austin Aries is a noted body builder. However, that's not a really known fact about Punk. In terms of their looks, Austin has a small body but has a heavyweight build. Punk on the other hand is slender. It may not mean much, but Punk's build has caused problems in the past. At one point an unknowing guard would not let the WWE Champion into the locker room area not believing he was one of the wrestlers. On the other hand, Austin Aries appeared on a show during his first run as ROH Champion where a guard had escort him out to make sure he wouldn't hurt a pair of fans. He did anyway.

Onto their in-ring personas. Punk is cynical and sarcastic. Most of his promo's work on berating and belittling people. Or by breaking the 4th wall via his shoots. Austin on the other is, well also sarcastic and cynical. The difference lies in that touts on his natural athletic ability and cockiness. When Punk plays a heel, he has to belittle them whether its about being treated without respect or saying he's better due to his beliefs as a Straight-Edge person. Austin just antagonizes however he can.

Backstage, Punk lingered in turmoil for a few years. People say it's because WWE did not know how to use him, but lets be honest. That basically fits anyone debuting after the death of WCW. Austin on the other hand, rose to the top of TNA in one year. It wasn't by shoot promo's or expressing his unhappiness. He simply went out, performed and impressed. I get that WWE and TNA are totally different on this regard, but it's still something worth comparing. Punk is known to hold a grudge. He hates TNA for circumstances that were outside their control, built his current stature by calling out WWE's current issues on TV. Austin on the other hand isn't much to talk about in the backstage department. He never had to rely on teetering on the 4th wall or berating TNA to get to his spot or such.

I'm not trying to say Austin should be seen on a higher standard than Punk. Punk did come first and did everything first. But from this side of the looking glass, I see and believe Austin is superior to Punk. He's faster, stronger, dresses better, has a better build and in my eyes, is superior on the mic. Austin may be on a smaller plateau in TNA, but I still see him as a better all around package. He may not have wrestled the likes of John Cena, Triple H or Randy Orton in spectacular matches, but we've seen him deliver with people near such levels in Jeff Hardy and Samoa Joe (I name him due to Punk's seeming infatuation with him).

Agree or disagree?
I agree.

I hate when I read/hear that TNA are trying to make AA their CM Punk. Sure Punk was first and all that but I just don't see it. Aries is a lot better in the ring than Punk, and his matches with Hardy were also better than Punk vs Hardy. Aries' promos are kinda like Punk's as you pointed out but I don't see him trying to be Punk. Aries can get heat without needing to break the 4th wall. He can also play the crowd a lot better than Punk can too. Sure, Punk gets huge pops/boos because he is something different in the WWE. It still doesn't make Aries a poor mans Punk. If anything I'd put Aries ahead of Punk as Aries moved up the card faster than anyone in TNA. His character isn't about preaching "respect" over and over again. It is about going out there and showing the wrestling world that he is truly 'The Greatest Man To Have Ever Lived'.
I would agree as well. Don't get me wrong they're both great but Austin Aries seem to do it better.

Both guys promo skills are great no denying that but Aries has a flair that makes whatever he's got great. (Punk can do this as well, just not as good) Case in point both mens fueds with Jeff Hardy. Great fueds and some great matches. However Punk's fued was over straight-edge vs free choice, Aries' fued was over respect. However I was more invested in Aries' promos because he just sold it better, don't get me wrong Punk sold his as well, it's just he couldn't have had that fued with anyone else who hadn't had issues e.g. He couldn't have had that same fued with John Cena. (as Cena hasn't had those sorts of problems) Aries could have had his fued with anyone,Roode, Storm, Sting etc.

Yes one could argue that Punk had a respect fued with Cena, but that fued lasted months, Aries fued lasted two and I was still more invested in that one. Aries did it better in a shorter amount of time.

Also if we were to take both guys and put them in a company and they had to work their way from the ground up, both guys would get to the top no doubt, but Aries would probably get their first because he just does it more naturally I feel and that counts for something.
I'm not sure Austin Aries laying on a desk and asking Brooke Hogan from which angle she likes to take it up the muff is exactly "touting his own athletic ability". What's more, Punk sort of broke the fourth wall once and has apparently not lived it down. His 'shoot', if you listen to it carefully, didn't really tread outside of kayfabe at all.

Anybody that wants to sing Austin Aries' praises is alright in my book, though I can't agree that Aries' feud with Jeff Hardy was better. The right man won Punk's feud at least.
That was a good breakdown Killjoy, and this is one of the more fun comparisons in the business to make.

Let's try and categorize things a bit...

In Ring skill:

The psychology edge goes to Punk. Perhaps the thing that has improved most about Aries over the last three years or so is his ring psychology. His psychology during his second ROH title run and stretching into his current TNA run is ever strengthening and is far beyond his psychology in his first ROH title run; however, perhaps the thing that has always come most naturally to Punk as a wrestler is psychology, he is simply in a league shared by very few in the history of the business in that regard. Watching his ROH trilogy with Joe displays it perfectly, and some of his battles with Cena and Bryan over the last couple years are more fabulous examples.

As far as selling, the edge again belongs to Punk. Aries sells well in general, but can sometimes be a victim of his own willingness to take extreme bumps. To take some of the bumps he takes and continue to compete at a high level sometimes hurts suspended reality due to the fact that at times I think Aries may have legitimately near killed himself(the bump off the top buckle down into the guardrail against Bully at Sacrifice being a good example). Punk sells accumulated damage more consistently through a match then anyone in wrestling right now, and isn't as wreckless with his body as Aries.

Aries does make up alot of the slack though in other areas. Austin is far more fluid in his movements and he has a more diverse and aesthetically pleasing moveset. He is also more quick, explosive, and athletic than Punk and also has the repertoire of a true high-flyer, while Punk does not. He is also more intense in the ring.

Purely based on in-ring talent, they are very hard to seperate with each man's strengths being clear, but there superiority versus one another coming down more to style preference. Each is on the short list of best in the industry.

As far as mic skills:

Punk definitely has the higher upside when performing at the top of his game with the stick. When at his best Punk is as good as most anyone who's done it, and delivered one of the most memorable promo moments in history, with many more incredible displays of mic work prior, and especially in the year and a half since. But as stated Punk also relies heavily on pushing Kayfabe and fourth wall boundaries, something many others in the business are not permitted to do so blatantly by their promoters. He also has a tendency to fumble around with his words when he really gets going, and while occasionally he displays extremely sharp wit, at other times those witty retorts seem to elude him to a degree. Aries is also improving greatly on the mic in his latest TNA run, and lately displays a consistency that sometimes Punk does not. Aries is also very good at being not only the sacastic jerk, but also the cocky asshole and the intense maniac, and can flow through these different facets of his personality smoothly while never straying from character. Punk does have the slight edge here due to a career full of classic promo moments, but Aries is steadily catching up in overall ability to sell himself, a match, or a fued with his mic work.

Look would be the next criteria:

This one is tougher to evaluate. Aries has a very clear physique edge. The man is in phenomenal physical condition, and is impossibly muscled for a man with his frame. That is however necesary for him to keep himself believable inlight of his most major drawback as a professional wrestler- height. Right or wrong, some people are still going to have a hard time taking a 5'8'' wrestler seriously, so Aries has to supplement that by transforming himself into a physical bad ass, since he can't add inches in height in th gym. Punk on the other hand is not physically imposing in the slightest, but has a look that is very unique none-the-less. Punk's very recognizable tattoo's and iconic straight edge wrist-tape give him a look that is very distinctive, and being a half foot taller than Aries doesn't hurt in this comparison. Aries has the more believable look as an athletic competitior, but Punk's look probably stands out more.

Some other points:

Both men convey emotion very well in a non-verbal sense. When Aries wants to display anger, it is very evident, and he comes across quite scary. Punk conveys feelings of frustration and nervousness quite clearly through facial expression.

Both men come off very charismatic and magnetic, and easily manipulate a crowd managing to get over in a multitude of ways, even possesing that "Flair-like" ability to even draw heat and boos from a crowd of their own fans who admire and appreciate their work.

I also don't think its fair to use the quickness with which Aries rose through TNA's ranks as means to claim any advantage, seeing as how this was his third seperate stint with the company, and the first two could be classified as somewhat of failures, while Punk conversely got signed to WWE and steadily rose through the ranks, never taking a step back, and held multiple world titles along the way.

In conclusion... I realize I've written a book that I don't expect anyone will fully read only to come to a consensus that these two compare perhaps more favorably than any other two superstars who havr reached the top of mountain in recent memory, but neither truly stands out above the other. Hell, I myself can't even declare a favorite amongst the two and could waver on any given day. It really is a fascinating exercise of evaluation.
I don't watch TNA, but I know that even AC Slater from Saved By The Bell is a better wrestler than CM Punk will ever be.

I mean seriously, people complain about John Cena and his "5 Moves Of Doom" but at least Cena knows 5 moves, CM Punk does the GTS, the running Bulldog, the Anaconda Vice and various variations of kicks to the head.
Onto their in-ring personas. Punk is cynical and sarcastic. Most of his promo's work on berating and belittling people. Or by breaking the 4th wall via his shoots. Austin on the other is, well also sarcastic and cynical. The difference lies in that touts on his natural athletic ability and cockiness. When Punk plays a heel, he has to belittle them whether its about being treated without respect or saying he's better due to his beliefs as a Straight-Edge person. Austin just antagonizes however he can.

Backstage, Punk lingered in turmoil for a few years. People say it's because WWE did not know how to use him, but lets be honest. That basically fits anyone debuting after the death of WCW. Austin on the other hand, rose to the top of TNA in one year. It wasn't by shoot promo's or expressing his unhappiness. He simply went out, performed and impressed. I get that WWE and TNA are totally different on this regard, but it's still something worth comparing. Punk is known to hold a grudge. He hates TNA for circumstances that were outside their control, built his current stature by calling out WWE's current issues on TV. Austin on the other hand isn't much to talk about in the backstage department. He never had to rely on teetering on the 4th wall or berating TNA to get to his spot or such.

This promo leading to Aries vs. Hardy would suggest that Aries actually has teetered on the 4th wall.

Overall though I agree with you. I do think Aries is better. I'm more interested in watching him wrestle and hearing him speak than I am Punk.
Punk's the only wrestler to ever get a decent singles feud out of Jeff Hardy. Punk has been able to transform himself to the point some of the smarks boo him. Aries plays in front of middle school marks and he still doesn't do what is necessary to get enough heat. Everyone loved announcer sport coat Punk but now they think he is pedestrian on the mic. Punk got a job with Vince, Aries got a job with Dixie.

And most importantly imagine buying Aries beating Cena for the title. You can't, not in WWE or TNA. Beating Bully Ray and Bobby Roode convincingly is a far cry from beating Cena.

In the end, both guys are way overrated by the IWC but Aries is not in Punk's league.
You'd probably think I'm nuts. But I'm not going to just say it without giving any reasons. Lets start with what we can see. Austin Aries is a noted body builder. However, that's not a really known fact about Punk. In terms of their looks, Austin has a small body but has a heavyweight build. Punk on the other hand is slender. It may not mean much, but Punk's build has caused problems in the past. At one point an unknowing guard would not let the WWE Champion into the locker room area not believing he was one of the wrestlers. On the other hand, Austin Aries appeared on a show during his first run as ROH Champion where a guard had escort him out to make sure he wouldn't hurt a pair of fans. He did anyway.

I wouldn't suggest for a second that I think you're nuts, but I do think you are wrong in this instance. I guess I pretty much have to concede that Austin Aries has a better physique than CM Punk, but in response to that, I say, so what? Physique is such a small percentage of the overall picture in terms of success in profess all wrestling, and getting over with the fans. If it were more significant, Rob Terry would be TNA Heavyweight Champion, and Samoa Joe would be unemployed or at least, out of the professional wrestling business. Aries may have a better physique than Punk, but that's pretty much irrelevant.

Onto their in-ring personas. Punk is cynical and sarcastic. Most of his promo's work on berating and belittling people. Or by breaking the 4th wall via his shoots. Austin on the other is, well also sarcastic and cynical. The difference lies in that touts on his natural athletic ability and cockiness. When Punk plays a heel, he has to belittle them whether its about being treated without respect or saying he's better due to his beliefs as a Straight-Edge person. Austin just antagonizes however he can.

CM Punk's current character is cynical and sarcastic, but he has displayed in the past that his character can function effectively from a number of perspectives. And he has displayed such diversity of character and in mic skills on the grandest stage of them all, whereas Aries has displayed a reasonably similar sarcastic cocky guy in the Impact Zone, full of the smarkiest fans in the world. When Aries tried to show a little more diversity in terms of going face, it didn't seem to be as well received by the fans, and he's right back to being the cocky arrogant heel again. Didn't Aries spend a little time in the WWE? How did that work out for him? Not to turn this into a WWE versus TNA thing, but Punk has proven his diverse abilities on the biggest stage of professional wrestling, whereas Aries has shown a more limited repertoire on a smaller stage. Advantage, Punk.

Backstage, Punk lingered in turmoil for a few years. People say it's because WWE did not know how to use him, but lets be honest. That basically fits anyone debuting after the death of WCW. Austin on the other hand, rose to the top of TNA in one year. It wasn't by shoot promo's or expressing his unhappiness. He simply went out, performed and impressed. I get that WWE and TNA are totally different on this regard, but it's still something worth comparing. Punk is known to hold a grudge. He hates TNA for circumstances that were outside their control, built his current stature by calling out WWE's current issues on TV. Austin on the other hand isn't much to talk about in the backstage department. He never had to rely on teetering on the 4th wall or berating TNA to get to his spot or such.

Rising to the top of TNA, though, is nowhere near the accomplishment of doing so in WWE. It took Punk longer because he had far more opposition to his ascension, both from a physical and a political standpoint. Aries has risen to near the top of an organization that is only marginally better than an Indy promotion. And he has yet to display longevity even here. Punk has done so in the big leagues, and he has stayed there, and there doesn't seem to be anything to suggest that this is about to change.

And it is incorrect to suggest that Punk's flirtations with the 4th wall are the only reason for his success. Lots of guys do this, and it just so happens that Punk does it better than lots of other guys. And he does it better than Aries too. But he does far more than simply toe the line between reality and kayfabe, and it is shortsighted to suggest otherwise.

I'm not trying to say Austin should be seen on a higher standard than Punk. Punk did come first and did everything first. But from this side of the looking glass, I see and believe Austin is superior to Punk. He's faster, stronger, dresses better, has a better build and in my eyes, is superior on the mic. Austin may be on a smaller plateau in TNA, but I still see him as a better all around package. He may not have wrestled the likes of John Cena, Triple H or Randy Orton in spectacular matches, but we've seen him deliver with people near such levels in Jeff Hardy and Samoa Joe (I name him due to Punk's seeming infatuation with him).

A totally biased perspective from an admitted TNA mark. That's not a bad thing, but it is a fact. But you need to look beyond your TNA blinders and look at the facts.

Faster? Says who? Stronger? Debatable. Dresses better? Who cares. Their characters are different and obviously dress differently. A better build? I'll give you this one, but it's irrelevant anyway.

Sure, Aries has beaten the likes of Jeff Hardy and Samoa Joe, but what were you saying earlier about the significance of physiques? If Aries is to be given the nod because he has a better body, it shouldn't be that big of a deal that he is able to beat an undersized Hardy or an oversized (and I do mean oversized) Joe. You cannot have it both ways.

Simple fact of the matter is, Austin Aries is a really good performer who has done well in TNA. He's got a good look, is competent in the ring, and handles the mic well, there's no doubt about it. But he's simply nowhere close to even being in Punk's league, and that is indisputable. Now if he were to come to WWE, assert himself physically and verbally, going over bigger and more established names and thereby forcing his way into the main event in the process, then maybe there's something to discuss. But as long as he remains in the upper mid card in the second place organization in the much smaller venue, there's really not much to discuss.

What were you saying earlier about curb stomping?
I'm on the fence.

Austin Aries is clearly much more muscularly defined, but the fact he had to bulk-up instead of gaining a contract with one of the top two based off his talents alone gives Punk a slight advantage don't you think? Aries needed the "look" of a "Superstar" to bring him to that next level, whereas all CM Punk needed was a microphone and a wrestling ring. Aries put on a lot of muscle in a very short space of time mind you, cause if you revert to Punk versus Aries for the ROH World Championship both men are of equal definition, it was only in like late 2009 - 2010 Aries started getting ripped.

I'm a fan of both men, they both have their plus sides and I wouldn't negate the talents of either. But in-terms of whose better, I think they both have their pluses but one achieved success far quicker than the other.
It's impossible to call I think. Aries clearly has a better physique, but this isn't a bodybuilding competition. You have guys like Goldberg, Scott Steiner (in his prime) and The Rock - impressive physique and great talent. You have guys like Samoa Joe or Mick Foley (again, in his prime) - great talent without the physique. People like Rob Terry or Lex Luger - 95% physique, next to no talent. You have people in the middle, who vary a little, part physique, part talent. DDP, Steve Austin...

Austin and Punk are utterly different in this regard. Clothes too is a difficult one to demonstrate... Clothes maketh the man, but these men are, at the end of the day, actors. Dude Love dressed differently to Cactus Jack, 'King' Booker was a vastly different look to Booker's old Harlem Heat days. Clothes are just props...

5 moves of doom seems to be the fault of the WWE itself, not the wrestlers concerned... Punk (yes, AND Cena...) know more than those moves, but WWE likes to keep things simple, and marketable, if Punk was still in TNA he'd be using dozens of moves. If Aries was on the WWE roster he'd be using 5 moves of doom too.

I think EVERYONE in the industry nowadays has at least leant on, or knocked on the fourth wall. I think Punk does it well though.

In all, I don't think they are similar enough to compare fairly.
Aries is a superior wrestler in the ring but that's about it.

Aries never really had a great gimmick he wasn't a great face. Aries is no consistent on the mic. I always return to some of his awkward promos, his horrible promo at slammiversary this summer. It's not good enough if you want to be the face of a company.

CM Punk has been a great heel at times and ok face (summer 2011).

CM punk is one of the most talented speakers in the history of wrestling. He can take a lame premise and turn it into a cool promo.
Anyone who does not acknowledge the similarities between these two is really stretching it in an attempt to like one and dislike the other.

I think Killjoy did a pretty good job with his breakdown. I don't necessarily agree with all of it, but still a good job.

I think the CM Punk was well over before he "broke the fourth wall" and acting like he is running around breaking it all the time as his only gimmick seems a little off base considering he has gone face for a VERY long time during this record-setting WWE Championship run. I also think his feud with Jeff Hardy was simply great and helped solidify him as a serious Main Eventer and push him toward future top-two billing in the industry status.

Overall though ... I do love Austin Aries. And any given week you can catch me on either side of this argument. One thing that is for sure ... this whole Brooke Hogan storyline sucks ass and is below what Austin Aries should be doing (because he probably should still be TNA World Champion).

I personally prefer Aries slightly in the ring, but prefer CM Punk on the mic. I also actually LOVE Aries as a face. And we all know that it is rare for any Internet wrestling fan to enjoy the work a face is doing.

When it gets down to it ... these guys are both going to be at the top or near the top of their respective companies for a long, long time. And YES ... they are very similar. At the end of the day though, as GSB said a few posts ago ... I just cannot imagine Aries in a feud with Cena and it being at all believable. Of course, he is super talented and would likely prove me wrong, but right now I don't really see it. Punk makes it believable and has provided the drama a few times.

Right now ... Punk is just on a higher level than A-Double.

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