Attributes of a World Heavyweight Championship


Do I have everybody's attention now
I'm not here to complain about Swagga having no Swagga, but what I'm going for is that is the world heavywieght championship now the very prestigious version of a mid carder title and the holder is on his way to the top? I mean let's look at Swagger. Granted he is a talented wresler, and I do not notice the lisp either and even if I did it wouldn't make much of a difference IF he cut some good proms. It seems that Swagger has absolutely no promo skills and is getting the Sheamus treatment: "We don't care about you, we just don't want you to be the champion." Now that isn't a good champion in my eyes. In my eyes a good champion is:

Someone who can fight, have a great promo and can adapt to any character change be it him or someone else.

Lets look at the previous world champs:

John Cena: Against Sheamus his promos and the theme of the feud according to hi was of a pride-filled man who learnt a lesson by getting beat by a formidable opponent he never faced before and will never give up! Against Orton it was the unstoppable force meets the immovable object. Against JBL was him being the common man vs. The rich guy (JBL). Now he had different gimmicks but the latter two Orton and Sheamus were in his current gimmick but different themed rivalry.

Triple HHH: When he was a heel he had the idea of him being the champion and him being the guy who is at the top and "The Game." Now he had the rivalry against HBK which was personal DX thing. These two in the same gimmick but the rivalry was differently themed and he adapted. See where I'm going?

The point is, now we have the WHC as a midcarder championship which is not really a bad thing but now who do you think has the gimmick that can adapt to championship promos and themed rivalries that come with them. My pick is between Kofi and Christian because Christian can show he can become a nice guy to someone more intense with his promo with edge last week. And Kofi showed his side in the Orton feud and the promo against Jericho that he can be intense and adapt to a theme. Though my pick is more leaned towards Christian than Kofi because Kofi needs some promo time. What attributes do you want in your WHC champion?
I think it is bad to have the WHC match as a midcard match. The problem is, Swagger didn't win the title in an awesome way so now he looks like a joke to everyone and booking him as the main event isn't generating enough ticket sales. Now if he had a full blown match against Jericho and won, he would get more positive feed as a heel/face whatever and would be worthy as a main event champion. But because Vince had him pull that stupid stunt now our heavyweight champion looks like a complete fool.

Bad move by Vince. Honestly Swagger has the skill that he could've beat Jericho in a fair main event match on Smackdown. If he did that, boom this kid's rep would've gone up!
uhhh...the world title is the world title no matter who holds it right now....Jim Ross said it himself in that you cant predict when someone should hold the title....they put it on him and now were seeing how he does....he is doin a good job as well which means he should be world champ...i dont jus any midcarder winning the world title.....the likes of edge, cena, taker, batista are midcarders? yea thats what i thought....if kane can hold a world title i know at least swagger can.....yea kane was in his prime but cmon how much could he have really done as a champ in the first place? give swagger some time....or either change the channel...and to the last poster......if swagger had beaten jericho he would be set? really? jericho just lost to an NXT rookie....not to mention he lost to JTG a few months back....jericho can lose to anyone and he will still be ahead of 90 percent of the roster
Swagger is good. Very good. But sad thing is, he won the title in a cheap way when there was no need for it. All I'm saying is, he would've been a more legitimate champion and ticket seller if he had a solid match with Jericho and beat him. Because that one incident with Jericho, no matter what he does he's not going to be a ticket seller or a top notch popular heel. As of now, he's the John Cena of heels which is not good.
The World Heavyweight championship is still a mainevent title. Swagger is the champion and did not win the title in a cheap way. I mean look at the people who have won money in the bank and cashed in like swagger did. Cm Punk against Edge after Batista attacked him, CM Punk cashed in on Jeff Hardy after a ladder match against Edge, Edge cashed in against Cena after an elimination chamber and Edge again cashing in on Taker after Mark Henry beat down on him. The World Title is just as big as the WWE championship, but it has become a stepping stone to mainevent status, it has put Punk over as a maineventer and now Swagger. i find the WHC more of an enjoyable title match to watch compared to the wwe championship. Because the match is always different. The title has always had a different match with different opponents going at the title. Examples: Taker vs Rey, Orton vs Swagger, j Hardy VS Edge, Cena vs Jericho and now Swagger vs BIGSHOW. these are matches that have been produced over the years and all are mainevent status.
I know what you mean. Creative should've built him up way before instead of having him job to Santino. And trust me it matters, it'd give him a look and some creditability.

Another thing that'd help IMO is cutting down his promos. This past weeks ring promo was way too long and you can tell the fans were frustrated and were booing because he was just babbling on and that's not how heat is really created.
The old saying in wrestling used to always be, "Anybody can beat anybody at any given time". Was not James "Buster" Douglas the Undisputed Heavyweight Champion of the World when he KO'd Mike Tyson? The new champion may not have appeared to be the best in the world, but he did beat the man so as long as he had those belts he was the man (To be the man, you've got to beat the man - and he did).

Did it weaken or lessen the prestige of the World Heavyweight Championship? No!

The World Heavyweight Championship means just THAT - it means you are the Heavyweight Champion of the World! It means, while you hold the gold, you are the best in the world. The guy holding the belt may not actually be the best, but on one given night he beat the best and as long as he holds that belt he has the gold to back up his claim that he is now the best (until he is dethroned).
A world Champion has to be able to pull of a promo.It dosen't have to best excellent but it does help.A champion must be able to have great matchs and work with everybody well.Just because Swagger went form mid card to Main Event dosen't make the World Heavyweight Championship a mid card title.Swagger has another PPV defense Sunday so lets see if he is a true world champoin.

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