Attires that cant be worn twice.

911 JP

Love the sig!
Ive beem thinking lately about the new superstars and 95% of them wear the small tights. That got me thinking, is it now the new generation cant wear shorts because its Cenas gimmick, they cant wear pants because thats matt hardy, and so on. So what im askin is the new generation have the option of wearing something unique or a traditional attire, or can they wear similar attires to the superstars that already wear them, ala cena etc.
I don't see the problem with superstars wearing what they want to the ring. I heard someone say that superstars were responsible for their own attires. If someone wanted to wear cargos while they wrestle, I see no problem. It's not like someone will see black pants and automatically think "Hardys" or "Undertaker."
Yea but thats what im saying, if i saw someone in hardy like pants id think rip off, jack swagger wears angle like gear and now hes ripping off him, curt hawkins red pants i thought resembled hbk.THE MIZ however didnt resemble cena because he wore wrestling gear with it, was unique and worked.
You're probably right about the jean shorts being a Cena trademark, but outside of that I doubt there are any other restrictions. I think much more than types of clothing we see different wrestlers having a particular color scheme to their attire that is part of their visual identity. Kane's red and black is a good example of this. But even back when WCW was all about colors you still had a guy like Psychosis wearing black and white but being no part of the NWO, so I guess it really doesn't matter much.

Yea but thats what im saying, if i saw someone in hardy like pants id think rip off, jack swagger wears angle like gear and now hes ripping off him, curt hawkins red pants i thought resembled hbk.THE MIZ however didnt resemble cena because he wore wrestling gear with it, was unique and worked.

Well, then it's your fault for trying so hard. How many different types of clothing do you think there are? Everything's been worn by somebody at this point, so if you're going to cry "ripoff" every time then prepare to be frustrated. Seems like a waste of energy to me.
No, im saying its good to see differem attires, but the way wwe portrays it to be a rip off. Mike knox, shelton benjamin, vance archer all tried something different and got.. FIRED!! Many threads are saying that the new generation are stuck in the same mold. But how can they change if they cant create a gimmick or new attire without getting fired or ripping the superstar off? I ask yot sir!
None of the men you mention were fired for their attires(Fired is a horrible choice of words too, since that implies it was a harsh decision).

Everything is a ripoff, especially in todays wrestling.
Sin Cara isn't ripping off Rey Mysterio, hes wearing traditional Luchadore gear. but You'd probably call that a rip off.
No i see that the luchadore attire as a traditional attire. Obviously which makes it an exception. And the people that i listed had.. In a way, different attires and gimmicks but they were released because they werent used correctly. Trying something new in wwe today rarely works, only those in the mold get over 95% of the time
I think the main reason why a lot of wrestlers wear short tights is because (no homo) they are in great shape and want to show off more of their muscles than in the past. You don't have that many Earthquakes or Typhoons running around in the WWE.

As far as rip offs, I don't see Jack Swagger as rip off of Angle because of the singlet, he is more of an Angle rip off doing the Ankle Lock just Angle ripped off Shamrock with that. If a guy wears pants to the ring, I don't think Hardy as the Hardy boys always looked like Backyard wrestlers anyway.

It's the wrestlers choice what to wear, some good, some bad. I would love to see John wrestle in more traditional attire and I think it could fit his gimmick.

As for trying something new not getting over, thats dumb, as that is what usually gets guys over. Look what Jericho, Orton, Miz, Cena and Punk did. All of them tried something different to get over. Sure you can find a wrestler from the past to compare to, but they all made it their own without being a rip off. Plus in wrestling, ripping off a guy is great as it should how great the gimmick was and still can be.
No, im saying its good to see differem attires, but the way wwe portrays it to be a rip off. Mike knox, shelton benjamin, vance archer all tried something different and got.. FIRED!! Many threads are saying that the new generation are stuck in the same mold. But how can they change if they cant create a gimmick or new attire without getting fired or ripping the superstar off? I ask yot sir!

Mike Knox, Shelton Benjamin, and Vance Archer didn't get fired because they tried something different...

Personally you don't see much custom attire or creative attire in WWE. Old Miz with the shorts and fedora, Zack Ryder half-half with a bandana are some examples of custom/creative attires. But in WWE there isn't much, they must have some rules that must be followed for attires. Pants, Tights, etc. Sometimes you see jeans or shorts, but not really.
Jean shorts are not Cenas anyway they are Stone Colds. When I think jean shorts I think Stone Cold.
I think the ring attire has something to with the personality or gimmick of the wrestler.
Maybe it's a safety thing that there cant be to much variation in the ring attire. I think the whole skin tight leotard thing comes accross as a little gay sometimes. I cant take guys like Triple H, Randy Orton etc. seriously cause they are trying to be tough and staunch but wearing little undies and nothing else in the ring. It kinda loses its appeal.
There are basically I think only 5 options when it comes to wearing something in the ring.
1. Underwear- Perhaps the most common attire in all of sports entertainment, underwear has been worn by everyone from Hulk Hogan to Chris Jericho to John Cena to HHH and etc. It is often worn by those who wish to emphasize their manliness. What does that mean? Look at Chris Jericho now with the briefs. He looks way bulkier with them than when he wore tights. So if you want to show how manly you are and how powerful you are then you should wear Underwear.

2. Tights- Tights suggest a more agile/ technical style. Most cruiserweights wear tights. Undertaker now wears tights after wearing pants and he has looked even more agile than he used to. Tights are also usually worn by wrestlers whose heel/face turns usually come about psychologically rather than pyshically, eg a change in personality. So if you want to look fast and mobile then wear tights.

3. Pants- Pants is a popular unorthodox clothing piece. Who wears them? Undertaker in his Badass, Big Evil persona, The Hardy's, Dudley Boys, HBK. All wrestlers with larger than life gimmicks, outlandish ones. So pants can make you look really cool since you look different to other wrestlers when wearing them.

4. Shorts- Shorts is similar to pants but a bit lamer since most sportspersons wear shorts.

5. Tarzan style, strapped leotard thing - ala Kurt Angle, Big Show, Andre, etc.
No i see that the luchadore attire as a traditional attire. Obviously which makes it an exception. And the people that i listed had.. In a way, different attires and gimmicks but they were released because they werent used correctly. Trying something new in wwe today rarely works, only those in the mold get over 95% of the time

So it's ok for Sin Cara and Rey Mysterio to wear masks, but if Jack Swagger wears traditional mat wrestling gear like Kurt Angle he's a rip-off? Come on dude. It's not like there are a billion different things to wear. Hulk Hogan, Triple H, Steve Austin and the Rock all wore underwear; Shawn Michaels, Y2J, Christian, and Eddie Guerrero all wore tights. Is it wrong to wear the same shit?
Ok so to set it straight, traditional tights, gear and all is fine, as long as the gimmick doesnt get copied, which swagger has wrestling style wise. I believe the shorts r cenas trademark as stone cold didnt wrestle in them.
So you're saying that only Kurt Angle is allowed to show off his traditional mat wrestling background?
Maybe i worded it poorly, showing his mat background is fine but does he need the ankle lock, does he need to use the angle slam, the stars and stripes, running around the ring with his wing arms similar to the angle jump and spin aeroplane entrance taunt. Almost everything about him screams angle.. Almost.
Because Angle is the only person to ever do those very simple, generic moves?

If you want to bitch about ripoffs, take a second look at things. One of the greatest wrestlers in history is The Nature Boy Ric Flair, who so happened to rip off The Nature Boy Buddy Rogers. Took the name, the finisher, the fame, all of it. And he is in the books as one of the greatest.

The Angle character wasn't broken. Why fix something that's not broken. Since Angle is obviously not coming back, might as well give the gimmick to someone who will be around for a while.

But we're getting off topic. We're supposed to talk about clothes. Which there are only really 5 or 6 styles of clothes to wear, and hundreds of wrestlers that wear them.
True but my point is it now that tigits, long medium and short now the only option because pants and shorts have been trademarked?
Pants and shorts are not trademarked! Those people did not go to the courts and trademark what clothes they wear. It's a signature part of their character, but it would not be illegal if Ted Dibiase showed up on Monday wearing Jorts.
Exactly, a signature asset. Which doesn't necessarily mean other people can't use it.

Triple H and Evolution used to wear suits all the time. Does that make Jericho, Miz, Big Show, and A-Ry a bunch of ripoffs.

Listen man, you tried to come up with a good thread, and I respect you for it. We all win some, we all lose some. This just seems like a last-minute "I think I can" thread. But you're definitely a winner to Charlie Sheen.

The only thing these wrestlers have that REALLY set them apart are their shirts and merchandise. You will never see Cody Rhodes wearing a John Cena t-shirt to the ring (unless it's for the purpose of a feud).
I loved Zak Ryder's attire awhile ago it was unique different then he went to undies etc and he is almost in the background forgotten and sad to say that he might be a release this year unless they push him.....

Dolph had sorta different pants also, small shorts/undies. JTG has his cargo pants with that classic useless gangsta one pant leg up. But in saying that the attire don't make the man, the man makes the man...

At least people like, hhh, miz, orton, etc wearing underwear some what traditional attire, and you have cena with jean pants somewhat disrepecting the business. But in saying that remeber years ago Cena had paracute pants.
I think it doesn't really matter what the wrestlers wear to the ring, anyways wrestling has been there too long for wrestling gear to be unique anymore. By the way Rasha your comment about Psychosis is a little bit off, because yeah he wore black/white ring gear but the NWO colors were only for there t-shirts(Unless your talking when the nwo wolfpack elite was formed) and even then, usually they could wear what they wanted for colors for ring gear.
By the way Rasha your comment about Psychosis is a little bit off, because yeah he wore black/white ring gear but the NWO colors were only for there t-shirts(Unless your talking when the nwo wolfpack elite was formed) and even then, usually they could wear what they wanted for colors for ring gear.

If you're talking about the entire history of the NWO then you're right, but I'm thinking more the early days. There were exceptions in the later years (e.g. Steiner) but I'd say most of the early NWO guys wore black and white or all black. Hogan, Hall, Nash, Syxx, Giant, Savage... don't remember any color in their ring gear until later down the road. The Wolfpack obviously introduced red into the color scheme and then some guys kept that color mixed in when they formed NWO Elite (like you said).
Jean shorts are not Cenas anyway they are Stone Colds. When I think jean shorts I think Stone Cold.

Sorry, but Raven is the man you should think of with the jean/denims shorts. He wore those from the mid 90s onwards in the ring, while Stone Cold wore them when he wasn't actually wrestling. In the ring he wore the most basic attire of all, black plain trunks.

I think the ring attire has something to with the personality or gimmick of the wrestler.

That is correct. Raven's ripped jean shorts, band t-shirt and leather jacket reflected his outcast, grunge persona, Undertakers long coat, black pants and hat reflect his Undead supernatural character, Triple H wears tiny trunks in an attempt to show off his muscles, as did Batista, Hogan in his prime etc.

Kurt Angle wears a singlet, as does Jack Swagger and Shelton Benjamin because they are quick mat wrestlers, who all were amateur wrestlers before turning pro. The singlet is a traditional wrestling attire and suits their character well.

A wrestler's attire is meant to reflect his character. You would not get a biker character coming out in a singlet or with a cape. He would be wearing denim and leather, as Undertaker did when he was the American Bad Ass.

It isn't rocket science. It is like in the movies where an actor is dressed in suitable clothes for his role. That is no different in wrestling.
For a long time I thought Paul Wight AKA The Giant AKA The Big Show was ripping off Andre's look with the one strap singlet when WCW did the whole '' Hey Hogan remember this'' ( Wight tossing a shirt to Hogan) '' I know this shirt I know this shirt this is Andre's shirt brother.'' when he came out with the attire I was like that's just wrong that was Andre's look.
For a long time I thought Paul Wight AKA The Giant AKA The Big Show was ripping off Andre's look with the one strap singlet when WCW did the whole '' Hey Hogan remember this'' ( Wight tossing a shirt to Hogan) '' I know this shirt I know this shirt this is Andre's shirt brother.'' when he came out with the attire I was like that's just wrong that was Andre's look.

Wasn't The Giant supposed to be Andre's child or something like that?

Paul Wight ended up wearing an attire like that in the WWE anyway in later years, as many wrestlers have done in other organisations over the year. Andre's attire was just a basic singlet, so there is no problem with others wearing anything similar.

It is only when a wrestler has a very specific gimmick with unique attire where arguments that it has been stolen are valid.

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