Attention to all Scags


Unregistered User
Scags, which is short for scalawag, but is also it's own word. Ain't vocabulary neat?

Anyway, this goes out to the Gelgarins and IC25s, the Xfears and the Tastys. The Docs and The Crocks and those whom suck mod cock, put down your N64 controller and/or take your hand out of your pants and pay attention.

A few months ago we had our first democratic inductee to the WrestleZone Hall of Fame. There were three nominees that you could vote for, and the highest vote getter would get inducted. The nominees were HBK, Bret Hart, and Terry Funk.

It came down to one vote, and Shawn Michaels edged out The Funkster. Now I voted for HBK, and I stand by my vote, but that doesn't change the fact that a handful of people were pissed the fuck off. I specifically remember both IC25 and Gelgarin being upset by this, and I think Tastycles was as well.

The six names I mentioned at the beginning of the post are all extremely well respected, intelligent, knowledgeable posters, and only one took the time to vote. Exactly ZERO of them took the time to use their knowledge to convince other people to vote for their pick.

Instead of having Gelgarin and IC25 leading the charge for Terry Funk, we had the hapless Eboney pushing the legend. Instead of having Xfear flex his knowledge and making flawless arguments for The Hitman, Myriad had to carry the Hart Mantle.

So if you were upset that the first democratic inductee to the hall of fame was Shawn Michaels instead of Bret Hart or Terry Funk, that's fine, but you have nobody to blame but yourself.

Let's not let that happen again.

This time we have three certifiable legends in the running, and they're all from different eras. Are you an attitude era fanboy of The Rock? Do you like the grittyness of Harley Race and the wild west world of the NWA? Or are you a romantic that looks back at the times of Bruno Sammartino when good guys were good guys both inside and outside of the ring, when they were heroes to millions?

Or are you a free thinker that knows exactly who deserves the 7th spot in the WrestleZone Hall of Fame? Regardless of which type of person you are, go vote! And if you're passionate about seeing your pick make it into the Hall, leave a little message in regards to WHY he belongs in the Hall of Fame. You never know, you might end up in a stimulating debate with an unlikely opponent.
I definitely didn't care about this outcome or even know the vote was happening, but I appreciate that my name sells.
I voted for Race because he's in SNS' avatar. How many votes will that argument earn?

Also, where's RVD in that poll? Was he a close fourth place?
So if you were upset that the first democratic inductee to the hall of fame was Shawn Michaels instead of Bret Hart or Terry Funk, that's fine, but you have nobody to blame but yourself.

What about the person that is supposed to facilitate interest in that section in the first place?

I voted for Race because he's in SNS' avatar. How many votes will that argument earn?

At least one so far :thumbsup:
If only you modded something anyone cared about. If only.

I'm trying to garner interest though. Say, a smart guy like yourself should weigh in on the matter!

I voted for Race because he's in SNS' avatar. How many votes will that argument earn?

Also, where's RVD in that poll? Was he a close fourth place?

See, I was gonna vote for Sammartino because he's the only one without an avatar, making him the hip choice.

RVD was a very close fourth. Like, RIGHT UP THERE.

What about the person that is supposed to facilitate interest in that section in the first place?

What about him?

this has not went the way J Glass had planned

It's gone alright, the poll has been up for a few hours and it already has seven votes.

Oh dear...poor JGlass.

Go vote. Make a post too.
Dude I have enough shit going on in my life right now, I don't have the time to argue about a meaningless fucking fantasy hall of fame on a wrestling forum. Are you seriously begrudging me for this JGlass? Seriously now? Get out of here with that nonsense man. I have enough bullshit going on in my life without having to worry about whether or not Terry Funk is in our imaginary, meaningless hall of fame that means nothing at all. Pardon me, I have shit like bills, job, school, family, life and a cauldron full of personal problems to deal with, I don't have time to write a pointless fucking two page essay about why Terry Funk is the greatest wrestler to ever live (not that I wouldn't make that argument, I would, I fucking love the Funkster), and I'm actually kind of insulted that you took the time to make this thread to begrudge some of us for not participating.

This seems like a pretty downright rude and obnoxious thread.
Oh come on X, it was all doused in a thick and delicious coat of facetiousness, which taste eerily similar to BBQ sauce.

Do I really seem like the type of guy to get up in arms over someone not posting in a thread? No, I merely meant to rally the troops and attract people to the thread in dramatic fashion. I would like to see lots of votes and arguments in the Hall of Fame, but in no way do I demand your participation.

As usual, The Californians get me.
I genuinely didn't know the first round was on, though on closer inspection it would appear that it coincided with the time that I wasn't here. I like the hall of fame idea, an I probably will post, but none of the names are in my favourites. Not a criticism, just the way it is, so I probably won't be too into it. I'll make an effort though.

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