Attention All Wrestling Fans

Kanye South

This will not be the greatest thread you have ever read, but I hope it wakes you up.

People are shitting all over WWE and TNA. A year ago, the WWE was "too stale". Now they're making too many "changes" with the new PPVs. Vince absolutely cannot win with you people. I see no reason why you should continue to watch the product if you're so dissatisfied with it. If you can turn your television on, you can obviously turn it off. Nobody is holding a gun to your head, forcing you to watch the WWE. People bitch about how TNA always relies on old stars and can't make new ones, but yet, when they start pushing Hernandez, AJ Styles, and Matt Morgan, these superstars (the same ones that everyone was foaming at the mouth for) are suddenly "not ready". Give me a fucking break. If you don't like wrestling, then don't watch it. Simple as that. It's like eating dog shit when you have a juicy piece of steak right next to you, and then complaining that the dog shit leaves stains on your teeth. Well, you fucking dumbshit, don't eat the dog shit! The same rule applies to those who bitch about PPVs, lack of "new stars", and "stale storylines" in wrestling. Nobody said you have to do it. Go do something else. Play football, eat some chicken. Go jack off to animal porn, I don't give a fuck. But just don't come on here and bitch like a little punk for no reason about how you hate the WWE, TNA, or ROH.

I hope you realize that you are being an annoying cunt sandwich everytime you complain with no reason, relentlessly about WWE, TNA, ROH, and its owners decisions. I can take dislike for the product, just not unreasonable hate for it, backed up with no info or intelligence other than angry smilie faces.
Hit the nail on the fucking head brother. I couldn't have said it better myself. It gets aggravating as hell when people bitch and whine about everything. I'm pretty satisfied with the WWE/TNA product with the exception of the odd choices for RAW guest hosts. The bitches really just need to unplug their TV and stare at the wall.

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