Atlanta Region, Fifth Round: (1) Shawn Michaels vs. (6) Brock Lesnar

Who Wins This Match

  • Shawn Michaels

  • Brock Lesnar

Results are only viewable after voting.


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
The following contest is a fifth round match in the Wrestlezone Tournament.

This match takes place in the Georgia Dome in Atlanta, Georgia.


#1 Shawn Michaels



#6 Brock Lesnar


This contest is one fall with a 60 minute time limit. The match will take place in a 16 x 16 ring with no ramp leading to it. Any traditional managers for either competitor will be allowed at ringside.

As for voting, vote for who you think would win this match based on the criteria you choose. Some suggestions would be (not limited to): in ring ability, overall skill, their level of influence at the highest point in their career, ability to connect with the crowd, experience in major matches or simply personal preference etc.

The most votes in the voting period wins and in the case of a tie, the most written votes wins. There is one written vote per user, meaning if a poster make ten posts saying Bret should win that will count as a single vote. In the event of a second tie, both men are ELIMINATED, no questions asked. Only winners advance.

The final three rounds are a one night tournament. Any damage sustained in these matches carries over to the next round.

Voting will open in 48 hours and will be open for five days and all posts must be non-spam. You may use the 48 hours to present your cases as to why either competitor should/should not win.​
This one easily goes to Shawn Michaels. Why? Because he's better in every way. Hell, he's even better in a 60 minute match than Brock Lesnar, which apparently is some great feat.

Shawn's a better worker, he's been in more big match situations, he's a Hall of Famer, and he deserves the win.
Shawn Michaels without a doubt. Shawn Michaels is a better superstar then Lesnar ever was. Michaels has been said to no how to break every hold. Lesnar does not have these accolades. Michaels I feel has proven his amazing endurance and strenght and has shown he has the abiltity to truly last a 60 min match. I personally do not feel that Lesnar could keep up with Michaels for a long period of time and ultimately Lesnar would fail. Lesnar is a great superstar for sure but he is clearly not good enough to take down Michaels.
I'm on a bit of a crusade to eliminate all of the previous winners, so I'm voting for Brock. I'll understand everyone's reasoning for voting for Shawn. He's a Hall Of Fame caliber performer, all time great, and all that jazz. But when I envision these 2 meeting up, I can't picture Shawn coming out with the win in any stage of his career.

I'll be voting for Brock in this one.
A match I always wanted to see. I think what comes into play here is Shawn's record against big men here. Put aside the two loses to Taker and by god its amazing!
I am a little tied because at the peak of Brock's career every legend was push-fodder for this guy but I think Shawn's sheer aptitude in big matches and his crowd-appeal edges him in.

I'm voting for Brock not only because he is a personal favorite of mine, but also because I cant stand HBK. I dont understand why everyone thinks he's so great I mean yea he's been in some good matches but 9/10 times his opponents could have put on those matches with a broomstick. My vote goes to Lesnar
JR: "OH MY GOD! King- I think he just broke him in half! It looks like Michaels was just in a car crash!"

Thats what JR would say in this match. HBK, definately fast & has beaten some larger guys. His speed will be a huge help. Yet how many of those guys were as fast or strong as Brock? One he gets ahold of HBK its just a matter of time. Shawn is in the HOF, first grand slam champ....etc. He is the show-stopper & a fantastic performer- but has he ever withstood a beating that Brock will be very capable of delivering? Shawn is tough, but i dont see him beating Lesnar. SCM is deadly & can be hit out of nowhere, but the only flaw- you have to be on your feet to deliver the kick. Given the brutal nature of Lesnar, HBK wont be on his feet for most of the match.

Bearhug with ****** strength that beat Hogan? -check.
Brock-Lock against a smaller guy (destroying the leg\knee)? -check.
Enough power to throw around Big Show like a child? -check.
F-5 that leaves people lying on the mat as if in a car crash? -check.

Unfortunately, Shawns chances are slim in this one. Brock is unlike any opponent HBK has faced. Lesnar wins & fucks up Shawn in the process.
HBK is the greatest big match loser this side of The Rock. He lost twice to Taker, routinely lost to Orton, and to HHH. I don't care that HBK is a HOF. I don't see any evidence that Brock is unable to have a very long match. Lesnar wins with a F5 in 20 minutes.
To be honest, Shawn shouldn't have even progressed against Benoit, progressing against Brock is purely voting blindly without thinking things through. Yes, it can be said the same for Brock against André, but fact is, yes, HBK is a Hall of Famer, so what? Hell so is Hulk Hogan and Brock made him look like chicken feed. Fact is that Brock is one of those that Shawn would not able to defeat one-on-one, hell, look at the fact that his stronger best friend and fellow DX member, Triple H, was against Brock and you voted the Next Big Thing over The Game, and Triple H has more than likely chances of defeating Brock where HBK is a jobber to the upper levels, he would lose to Brock simply because Brock has the speed and power that HBK cannot cope with. Sure this would be one great match, but can you honestly tell me that Sweet Chin Music is going to keep Brock down?

A classic encounter, but it's Brock's to lose, think about this one carefully and not blindly.
Shawn Michaels might be one of the greatest of all-time, but imaging this match in my mind just screams Brock Lesnar, I can see Brock losing due to a swift Sweet Chin Music out of nowhere, but it's Brock Lesnar.

Brock gets my vote.
In kayfabe? Brock Lesnar wins. He's big and dominant (he also has Heyman), and in his prime, he would have taken it to Michaels. But I've never been one to vote in kayfabe.

Shawn Michaels is just better. The guy put on so many classic matches throughout his lengthy career. From the days of the Rockers to his grand finale with The Undertaker at WrestleMania 26. He has had an incredible amount of influence on the business, particularly when it comes to current wrestlers. Many will tell you that it was Shawn who they idolised growing up. I wonder how many wrestlers in the next ten years will talk about "Lesnar's incredible influence"? Michaels may be one of the greatest in-ring performers ever. Lesnar, not so much. He is also an underrated talker, just so natural on the mic.

So that's matches, influence, in-ring ability, talking. Anything I missed? Oh, he could also play a heel or a face to perfection. Can't forget that.
I think I may back Lesnar here if only because I am sick of smarky wet dream Michaels being walked to the finals of this tournament almost each and every year. Michaels is a better pro wrestler than Brock, had a better career, was more consistent. You could argue that Lesnar's tenture in WWE - what was it, 3 years? - was better than ANY 3-year stretch Michaels ever had.

So is Shawn better than Lesnar? Sure he is. So convince me not to vote for Lesnar simply out of being sick of Shawn being the consensus #1 seed...
Brock Lesnar will win this one when he tosses Michaels around like a ragdoll. Shawn has had enough trouble defeating the powerful Undertaker, and Brock Lesnar is even more powerful than Taker and also more technically proficient. That enough convinces me that Shawn won't be able to handle Lesnar.

Shawn has accomplished a lot more than Brock, but who's to say the Lesnar wouldn't be well on his way to being a legend if he stuck around? Lesnar goes over here.
Brock Lesnar has gotta get the vote here the man is simply an animal, he's proved he can have quality matches with the best in the business, and come out on top.

Around 12 mins Shawn goes for SCM, Brock ducks, F-5!! 1-2-3.

Vote Lesnar!
How can you not vote for Shawn here? I understand Lesnar's run was one of the most impressive ever while it lasted, but cmon, look at Shawn's career.

Yeah, Lesnar's tough and all, and has proven he can go, but in an important match like this Shawn takes the cake, and it might not be as close as you think.

Vote Shawn Michaels
Michaels is one of the best of all time, and has proven that time and again against opponents of all sizes, but I really do think if Brock Lesnar had remained in the WWE we would be talking about him as perhaps the best ever.

Not only does he have the size and strengh advatage over almost any other wrestler in the business, but he has the conditioning and speed to cope with smaller, more agile opponents like Shawn Michaels. Plus, Lesnar's amateur background gives him yet another edge over almost anyone he could possibly face. He is basically a bigger, stronger version of Kurt Angle, who took Michaels to the limit on every occasion.

Shawn has an increidbly high pain threshold and is always likely to hit a SCM out of nowhere, but with an angry Lesnar at his peak I cannot see how he would be even able to stand, let alone hit his finishing move. Lesnar beat anyone he came up against, he crushed Hogan, he beat Angle, he took the title from The Rock and the only reason he didnt beat Triple H was that The Game made sure he was never on the same brand as Lesnar.

HBK is world class, and I can understand why anyone would choose to vote for him in this match, he always has a chance. BUT, to me, Lesnar is the better athlete and although Shawn has some advantages over Brock, Lesnar would throw him around like a rag doll, beat his ass and then put him away with the F5.

Lesnar for the win
Tough, but I'm going to suggest that Lesnar will win. Brock, in his prime, defeated anyone and everyone. Shawn is at the right weight for Lesnar to fling him around the ring, and simply dominate. Lesnar very rarely lost in one-on-one situations, and it wasn't often clean. Shawn on the other hand, has lost clean to a lot of guys, and while his career was more successful over the 20+ years he was in the industry, he never had a dominant period like Lesnar did in 2002-2004. Lesanar has a better track record and for my money could and would beat Shawn Michaels in a one-on-one match.
I think I may back Lesnar here if only because I am sick of smarky wet dream Michaels being walked to the finals of this tournament almost each and every year. Michaels is a better pro wrestler than Brock, had a better career, was more consistent. You could argue that Lesnar's tenture in WWE - what was it, 3 years? - was better than ANY 3-year stretch Michaels ever had.

So is Shawn better than Lesnar? Sure he is. So convince me not to vote for Lesnar simply out of being sick of Shawn being the consensus #1 seed...

I think you basically summed it up above.

I know that we always praise "old school" because if you take great feats of current guys, you could always find a legend who's done the same thing for a longer period of time during their heyday. But can you blame us? It's one thing to have a solid three-years as a pro-wrestler. But the reason why guys like Ric Flair go over guys like Randy Orton is because Flair had the ability to stay on that level and continue to win those high-profile matches, year after year. That's no fluke... it's something to be taken very seriously and that's what makes guys like Flair and HBK absolute GODS in this industry.

Guys like Brock Lesnar come and go. They make their dark stamp on the pro-wrestling industry and are never forgotten. But anyone could walk into pro-wrestling, go on a winning streak, and then fade away into obscurity. Only the greatest professional wrestlers of all time can keep that momentum and continue to do things that we never thought possible over an extended period of time. That's why Randy Couture never gets overlooked, no matter how old he gets. He always finds a way to get over the young studs of the industry and continue to win championships. Shawn Michaels is one of those chosen few that can put on fantastic matches, win them, draw mind-blowing numbers, and out-wrestle every guy he gets in the ring with, year over year. THAT is what should sway out votes here.

HBK can, should, and will win here. Although we might get sick of him always getting "walked" into the finals of this tournament each year, we can't deny complete and utter truth... he is the fucking man no matter how much you hate it.
Let me preface this by saying that Shawn Michaels is easily one of my three favorite wrestlers of all time. I have shamelessly poured my heart out rooting for HBK for years. He's always the underdog, the good guy who is facing a mountainous obstacle... that's easy to get behind. And how can you not love someone who "may" have inspired this:

However, Brock Lesnar is a monster. Brock Lesnar, in the wrestling ring, was some sick combination of Terminator and Rambo. He rip your limbs off, beat you with them, curb stomp your carcass for good measure, and then dine on your innards. The things that Brock could do to someone would make guy in SAW look like Ghandi. The moment that Brock seizes Michaels with his gargantuan hands, the match is over. Speed and finesse are great tools for HBK, but Brock Lesnar is faster, quicker, and more agile. He's an athlete the likes that we had never seen before and will never see again in the WWE. He was a specimen, the perfect specimen.

Pure strength, technicality, and speed win this match for Brock. I don't need to mention that a sudden Superkick may not even cause this monster to falter or that Shawn Michaels chronic back issues will be compounded after three minutes of being whipped around the ring like a toy, topped off by an F5. This thing is over and done with before it starts. Brock Lesnar.
Guys like Brock Lesnar come and go. They make their dark stamp on the pro-wrestling industry and are never forgotten. But anyone could walk into pro-wrestling, go on a winning streak, and then fade away into obscurity. Only the greatest professional wrestlers of all time can keep that momentum and continue to do things that we never thought possible over an extended period of time. That's why Randy Couture never gets overlooked, no matter how old he gets. He always finds a way to get over the young studs of the industry and continue to win championships.

D-Man, I understand the point that you're making. You're giving Michaels the win based on the merit of his accomplishments over two decades in the biz'. That's not something I can argue with if that's how you choose to vote. Shawn Michaels had more longevity and long-term success than Lesnar did in this industry. Brock was also undoubtedly more dominant in his time than HBK has ever been.

The reason I single you out, however, is in bold. Randy Coture is an awesome parallel for Shawn Michaels. Their careers have followed very similar paths. I also know that using MMA as an argument here holds very little water, but I can't help it.


The ESPN guys sum this one up nicely and do a magnificent job telling us what Jim Ross will sound like in this match.
Shawn Michaels is know for losing big matches. The Undertaker 2 years in a row at Wrestlemainia, Randy Orton constantly, Triple H.

Then you have a freak of nature like Brock Lesnar. How many people can you say beat Kurt Angle, The Rock, The Undertaker(Even in his playground Hell In A Cell), and Hulk Hogan, All the wins legit, no cheating to win.

HBK is one of the greatest superstars in history, put on historic matches, but he constantly lost them. Put anyone in Brocks path and he will DESTROY THEM.

The reason I single you out, however, is in bold. Randy Coture is an awesome parallel for Shawn Michaels. Their careers have followed very similar paths. I also know that using MMA as an argument here holds very little water, but I can't help it.


The ESPN guys sum this one up nicely and do a magnificent job telling us what Jim Ross will sound like in this match.

My eyes are in pain from rolling them so much. It's ironic how that fight actually took place but I knew that if someone actually dug it up and tried to use it against me here it would be a perfect recipe for desperation in getting Brock over in this thread. You've proven my point to perfection. And you're right, that MMA fight means dick in this thread.

Hopefully, everyone else could read between the lines on my previous statement and not view this stupid video literally. It has nothing to do with my point and is nothing more than a shade of irony.
My eyes are in pain from rolling them so much. It's ironic how that fight actually took place but I knew that if someone actually dug it up and tried to use it against me here it would be a perfect recipe for desperation in getting Brock over in this thread. You've proven my point to perfection. And you're right, that MMA fight means dick in this thread.

Hopefully, everyone else could read between the lines on my previous statement and not view this stupid video literally. It has nothing to do with my point and is nothing more than a shade of irony.

Quality over quantity?

I have to commend you on such a thoughtful rebuttal. Your insight is so... deep. I'm in awe. :worship:

The part of my post that you chose to respond to was in jest. Obviously I wasn't recommending that anyone give Brock Lesnar their vote based on his obliteration of Shawn Michaels doppleganger at UFC 91. It's also true that I conceded your arguments about accolades and accomplishments in the sport. I can't dispute those. Matt Hardy has had a great career. He's won a lot of championships and made a lot of money. However, flash in the pan Bobby Lashley rips him in half 10 times out of 10.

What you can't dispute, D-Man, is that Shawn Michaels is a notorious big-match loser. Outside of his WM24 win over Old Man River and his one-month title run in 2002, tell me where he's stepped up and delivered. Show me any stretch of his career where he dominated wrestlers the caliber of The Rock, The Undertaker, Hulk Hogan, John Cena, or Kurt Angle. You can't do that. The number of wrestlers who have gone on runs like Brock Lesnar did for three years can be counted on one hand: Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, Andre the Giant, and The Undertaker. It can be argued that his was more impressive than all of those.

Shawn Michaels is a consummate professional. He has been an outstanding ambassador for the WWE and is a legend in the industry. His name will be revered in 10 years like Steve Austin and Bret Hart are by us. None of this changes the absolute fact that Brock Lesnar would win this match, and win this match easily.
There seems to be a consensus in this thread of using HBK's second run as his prime period, while performance wise this is possibly the case - kayfabe? No way!

HBK's prime was the years running up to losing the WWF title to SCSA at WMXIV. During this time he was defeating monsters and powerhouses like Diesel, Vader, the Undertaker, Davey Boy Smith and Sid. Getting thrown around like a rag doll and still coming out on top was his forté.

If you do want to talk about Lesnar's prime, then you have to look at people he has loses to - Big Show, Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero and Goldberg. Past his prime HBK has beaten Big Show, Kurt Angle, was screwed out of beating Benoit (and winning the WWe title) by Trips, I'm not aware of any encounters but I don't think Michaels beating Eddie is a stretch, neither likewise would Goldberg who didn't exactly have a sparkling record against kliq members. A past his prime HBK has even cleanly pinned Super Cena.

In their primes this match can go either way but for me two Royal Rumbles, an Elimination Chamber and umpteen wins over guys he has no chance against will have me voting for a bloodied HBK with the shock Sweet Chin Music after slipping out of the F5.
The only clean losses Lesnar has to my knowledge are to Angle at Summerslam and Goldberg at WM. He beat Angle at WM, something HBK couldn't do. You mention Goldberg against The Kliq. He beat Hall to get to Hogan and the title. He took the title from HHH, got his ankle broken, and still beat him to keep the title. Why shouldn't we consider 2002-2010 to be HBK's prime?

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