
The Brain

King Of The Ring
Yep, I’m old but I bet most of you here have played Atari at some point in your lives. You may have stumbled across it in your parent’s attic but most of you have probably at least played a little. The difference with me is there was a time when Atari was the only gaming system I had, and I loved it. Of course I loved it. We didn’t know any better. The graphics are downright primitive compared not only to today’s games but even games of 20 years ago. It didn’t matter. Atari was fun. I’m not going to try to convince you that Atari games were better than any other games on any other systems. It was just a simpler kind of fun.

Atari was about as basic as it got. As a seven year old that was lowest on the totem pole to an older cousin and brother it gave me a chance to be competitive. Not only did I get to be competitive but I actually got to play. Typically an Atari game didn’t last long. No matter how good you were most Atari games simply did not end. The levels just got faster and faster until it was nearly impossible to complete the next one. This might sound awful but it didn’t make the games any less fun. It just meant I didn’t have to wait forever to get a turn. We would play Atari for hours and were able to play a couple dozen different games on any given night. We would have several people gathered around the tv just to watch one kid play as we took turns passing the controller around.

I think most are at least familiar with the more famous games like Pac Man, Space Invaders, and Frogger. I also loved playing Q Bert, Maze Craze, Outlaw, MeagaMania, Video Pinball, and of course Kaboom along with many others. Sports games such as Home Run, Ice Hockey, Boxing, Basketball, and Bowling look completely ridiculous by today’s standards but kids of that era had just as much fun playing them as kids today do playing their life like games.

Does anyone else have fond memories of Atari? What were some of your favorite games? For those that may not have seen some of these games here are a few clips to take you back in time. For some it will be nostalgic. For others it will be laughable. Trust me though, it was fun.






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